Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Life-care moment has only one question in senior concern in retrospect?

To all sited forensic'd  captains in senior care industry upcoming retirement generation demands to be enlightened within corporate and political insider truths.

We must relate the morality for which we have opted in writings to the mental health and hygiene goals which have been long acclaimed.

Life-care proposes that Mental Hygiene is a reality, not a metaphor, that people indeed can be happier, healthier, kinder, and more secure in the Integrity of their being by a few intentionally preventive measures that Life-care movement grass root effort securing senior solvency have listed for inspection.

State officials need to start recognizing the persecuted senior in need and begin helping them.

Situation may not be analogous, but perhaps it is in some respects comparable to national problem abroad?So now we must question within whom are responsible for Illness only partially conquered - Crime Miserably Controlled and collective depredations abundant that compass moral responsibility faintness?
Power flaunting holding no remorse is state  plague that wastes, pollutes, defiles, steals, hoards, exhaust and destroys.
J. Irwin Miller, a distinguished layman and industrialist once answered journalist attacks by readers digest launched at the world council of churches by simply asking them than Whose Job is it to cause Society to Repent if not the Churches? 


Illinois senior citizens have served their country and paid their dues to expect right of safe retirement environments, under God, that place fiduciary integrity first over criminal minded bottom lines.

What needs to be made perfectly clear to all public compensates: You work for us - not us for you.

Change all prescriptions fallen out of taxpayer grace no longer forgivable or open to further debate. 

Story line based upon Life-care movement updated status and related stories of yesteryear.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.” 
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
SENIORS do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares. 
We thank author Karl Menninger M.D and providing Library for sharing his accrued wisdoms that enable another to successfully navigate through uncharted seas by design that intentionally place senior solvency in Hell’s two tier biased kitchen of injustice.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for: in god, under God - securing family values that can be passed on.

Senior Bluebird trapped in mans unethical Dung Heap.

Only a few pages remain in which to spell out current state in affairs.
We must relate the morality for which we have opted in writings to the mental health and hygiene goals which have been long acclaimed.
Over forty years ago Dr. Menninger wrote a modest description of the scope of medical psychology entitled The Human Mind. It dealt with the diagnosis and treatment of Mental Illness.
Present book referenced: Whatever became of Sin, now drawing to its conclusion, could be viewed as modest testament of Mental Hygiene.
Book proposes that Mental Hygiene is a reality, not a metaphor, that people indeed can be happier, healthier, kinder, and more secure in the Integrity of their being by a few intentionally preventive measures that Life-care movement grass root effort securing senior solvency have listed for inspection.
Destructiveness can be lessened, painful coping efforts can be assisted, anxieties attenuated, not by mere reassurance or comforting words or minimization or distraction, but by a deliberate Renunciation of Apathy and a Courageous Facing of the Responsibility of EVIL.
Followers must surely know by now that we would not claim your attention for these many pages of commiseration of our common discomforts and misfortunes only to propose the amendment or our vocabulary by the one word Sin. What then is the Message?
The message is Simple. It is that concern in the touchstone. Caring, relinquishing the sin of Indifference.
This recognizes acedia as the Great Sin; the Heart of all Sin.
Some call it selfishness, some call it alienation, some call it schizophrenia, some call it egocentricity, and some call it Separation. 
“Have the men of our time lost a feeling of the meaning of Sin?” asked Paul Tillich.
Do they realize that Sin does not mean an “IMMORAL ACT” that ‘Sin’ should never be used in the “PLURAL”, and that nor our Sins, but rather ‘OUR SIN’ is the Great, all-pervading Problem of our life?
To be in the state of Sin is to be in the state of separation under God.
Separation, he continued, “May be from one’s Fellowmen, from ones True Self and /or his God.
(Tillich used “Ground of being”; readers can choose their own word.)
Separation is another word not only for Sin, but for Mental Illness, FOR CRIME, FOR NONFUNCTIONING, FOR AGGRESSION, FOR ALIENATION, for death.
Some prefer one or the other, but all these words describe the same thing.
I am now influenced in all my thinking, of course, by unsound dynamics unduly cast upon self by another that have situational escalated into proverbial laymen’s life’s work in which are needed passed on.
Daily I must endure from professional others; disturbed emotional states, personality disorganization, and inextricable difficulties as direct result in bad judgment, never ending unpleasantness, or series of injuries that in many ways reflect Biblical story of ‘JOB’ and the miracle of God’s love for one of integrity.
Incubuses can be lifted, not pooh-poohed, or exorcised or swept under the Rug or Concealed – but EXAMINED, RECOGNIZED, ACKNOWLEDGED, AND THEN CORRECTED in an intelligent adequate way.
From this one will become a transformed Person. He or She will have “RECOVERED.”
State needs to start recognizing the persecuted senior in need and begin helping them.
Situation may not be analogous, but perhaps it is in some respects comparable to national problem abroad?
So now we must question within whom are responsible for Illness only partially conquered - Crime Miserably Controlled and collective depredations abundant that compass moral responsibility faintness?
Power flaunting holding no remorse is of plague proportion that wastes, pollutes, defiles, steals, hoards, exhaust and destroys.
Journalism pauses occasionally to gaze in alarm and apprehensiveness; they acknowledge general parol's of theoretical ill repute, but no corrective Peccavi or Mea Culpa escape their lips.
Some ascribe current grieves to the human condition, to repetitious, irremediable loss.
Centuries ago states of mental anguish were ascribed to Demonic and their victims were regarded as wicked creatures.
With the comings of scientific insights the contributions of social toxins that lead to constitutional disorders became recognized and later the effects of social pressures and personal experiences became even more important but what was considered demon possession were not.
So this now brings us to fact that if science can build Bombs that can blow this planet out of our solar system - 10 times over - then indeed they possess enough skill to replace old notions and ethically reconsider ideas of sin and give it an appropriate place in their work.
We know something about the effects of sorrows and disappointments and defective genes and disturbed body chemistry and derangements of fantasy from poor person standpoints but literally know nothing about the assumed highly educated one in status as mutant ninja turtle that many times compass having been made asses out of you and me and society.
As scientific field white collar forensics is the new frontier that ensures positive evolution.
Fact: bad character is currently on a rampage and its wake generally leaves subtle habitual errors, sloth, meanness, and disguised aggression with elaborate rationalizations, system is not prepared to deal with.
Attitude reflects: no need to neither apologize for ruthlessness nor be ashamed of being human like everybody else.
Additionally it states through unspoken word; this is the way we are so learn to accept it, let there be no reproach - repentance nor responsibility cast upon for mortal sins committed against as fundamental Caine who responded to God when asked where is Abel? “AM I MY BOTHERS KEEPER”?
Do these imprecations bring back peace, beauty, health and happiness destroyed?
Are such people to become our paragons of mental health as moral leaders?
“Suppose,” asks Toynbee, that within this generation ablest minds and most perceptive spirits were to come to the conclusion that the most urgent business of mankind’s agenda was to close the morality Gap. Well just suppose it, shut your eyes and wish fervently, PRAY FOR IT!
Though it is important for leaders to strive toward healing the sick, comfort the anguished, feed the starving, terminate waste - our brains are substantially larger than other creatures for a reason being ability to multi task resources that close morality gaps.
Helping is fine, but never enough when extreme issues between right and wrong continually resurface.
The time has come for leadership to take stance once again under God and end concealments of Evil under various euphemistic disguises and deist from it.
We hold abundance of false politicians while moral leaderships languish relying on salvation from the President, leading political figures and statesmen.
Toynbee’s Prescription is, in principle, already their program that should have been adhered to all along.
The role of the Clergy
Under god is a sprit that must be worked for and maintained in order to receive its plenty.
The devil on the other hand always provides what is not deserved so he can take it back and then some.
Clergies responsibility if we are to retain status as leader of free worlds is to reassert authority in Moral fields which they have let slip from their hands.
What are needed are rebirths of special prerogatives to restudy and update sin that identify Evil.
Once theorized; ordained speakers in faith should be ready to retrospectively hit the floor running offering real time perspectives that effectively warn us about it, and spur measures for combatting and rectifying it. 
Morality under god forensics: to have been disenfranchised through science while forsaken’d by man’s entitlement laws - Not a Pretty Picture; so unless we are ready to put up a white flag to the world - We Best Get to it and stop skirting family values those Nine Men in Washington are always talking about.
We laymen have a fiduciary responsibility to support the clergy: priesthood comes in many forms through demonstrates that build believers into affirmative doers. 
The Civil Rights struggle in our country certainly had its Brave Clergymen Spokesmen, and leaders – perhaps more often in action than in preaching – but they were pitifully a minority of own profession.
Indeed problem still remains consisting of weekend arm chair faith followers that profess to Micah what are acceptable parables worthy to receive offerings or donations. 
J. Irwin Miller, a distinguished layman and industrialist once answered journalist attacks by readers digest launched at the world council of churches by simply asking them than Whose Job is it to cause Society to Repent if not the Churches? 
Professor Hobart Mowrer once said; so long as a person lives under the shadow of real, unacknowledged, and un-expiated guilt they will continue to hate themselves and suffer the inevitable consequences of self-hatred. But the moment one begins to accept their guilt and sinfulness, the possibility of Radical reformation opens up; and ……. a Newer Freedom of Self Respect and Peace.
Mower is neither a psychiatrist nor a minister, but an experienced psychologist. 
Referenced book: Whatever Became of Sin? 
What distinguishes ordinary sin from blatant Evil can be found within one being unduly cast into where never belonged in the first place requiring endless bounty hunts before the law can be said to have correctly applied. 
Illinois senior citizens have served their country and paid their dues to expect right of safe retirement environments, under God, that place fiduciary integrity first over criminal minded bottom lines.
What needs to be made perfectly clear to all public compensates: You work for us - not us for you.
Change all prescriptions fallen out of taxpayer grace no longer forgivable or open to further debate. 
Story line based upon Life-care movement updated status and related stories of yesteryear.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.” 
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares. 
We thank author Karl Menninger M.D and providing Library for sharing his accrued wisdoms that enable another to successfully navigate through uncharted seas by design that intentionally place senior solvency in Hell’s two tier biased kitchen of injustice.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for: in god, under God - securing family values that can be passed on.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Feed titlist pigs or bust out to Canada?

Do bills up for state criminal reform retrospectively only serve to spare select children so they can narcissistically rod more seniors out of their assets as form of subsidy?
Imagine the scenario of unholy alliances formed between guardian companies and unethical law groups.
Their mission statement is Tactical and consists of Greed, treachery, and impossible challenges mapped out to separate seniors from their means.
Office staffs are voted on/off with consistency of emotional unstable wind storms.
So, Life-cares question in concern now asks; is this not the scene of a survivor set series?
No, this is what an unethical consortium run office looks like holding neither rhyme nor reason within objective except must be completed - UN relinquished - at all costs preserving peer group imagery. 
These types of companies generally hold exceptionally high turnover rates in employment.
Recruiters intentionally hire certain under-qualified candidates in many respects under positions of departmental heads offering above average salaries as active reserves that can be blamed under guise of Idiot status when organization is caught in unethical or immoral acts such as obstruction while fiduciary withholding undue funds.
Scenario can only Forensically compass existence of a fantasy criminal minded island: so if one values self- respect as virtue worth preserving while confronted with your co-workers are going to vote/kick you off their island anyway, why not just defend your integrity as one under God in whiteness within what appears to be too good from the start often turns out to be no good in the end and save yourself? 
Hint: Devils advocates only succeed when naive people enable them in which they rarely cannibalize selves. So journal well, keep separate file of events, and indisputable truths in integrity will do the rest.
Clue: before saying yes research all no’s that can only bear shadow upon you.
Company advertised web sites are testimonies that reveal many levels of professional expertise or ineptness within current claims.
If listed testimonies are as old as mosses that may have existed at one time one has valid reason to be in further concerned.
Doubts most accurate answers providing sound resolution can be easily found through research of court house record histories.
If observant enough while capable of reading between all suggestive lines; one may not only run into but discover many an answer that remains troublesome concerning mission statements, professional consistency, overall undisclosed company character and perhaps why before accepting position or signing over another into their custody should be additionally measured  twice several times over before  cutting once. 
Life-care movement as public service will provide founders 18th judicial case #2015 p 888 as court house reference in which all seniors can Judge for selves within what courses of actions best suite dynamics in retrospect to preservation of the family unit and personal well-being over time. 

Though under god may not still reside in god concerning many aspects in new age morality alas dynamics are of no matter to those who remain strong if faith.
God or perceived higher power “Omni “presence remains true to form while favoring the persistent underdog in accordance to his or hers will for another, humanity, or continual evolution.  
Ordained Spiritual advisers are a readily available physical source in presence that can guide one out from under engineered deserts into fruits of promised lands and beyond.
Man law likes to keep people stuck within as slaves; so if you find yourself at best only continually spinning your wheels, a well groomed spiritual advisory is what you need - highly Life-care movement recommended. 
You do not have to become a golfer in order to secure justice under god in his name.
Recognize early on every attorney is not suitable for every dynamic when criminal thinking comes into play within practice. 
Never wait for an attorney to recover much needed case information nor subsequently provide to the court when needed, you will find yourself disappointed more than satisfied majority of the time. 
Does it pass the smell test? 
Does an Attorney or law group that insists in staying in a case when it appears fiduciary holds mixed conflict of interest in allegiance should such conduct be further discussed within states ethics commission? 
Consensus among those who have served generally conclude: Attorney’s or law groups who find themselves in trouble want to dissect the rules of professional responsibility both before and after they engage in behavior at issue.
But when one practices the Law the right way, they should rarely have to refer to the rules.
You can ask yourself only one question, “Does this pass the Smell Test”?
If it holds even the slightest odors, even if it can be viewed technically acceptable under the rules, irregardless you shouldn’t do it! 
Rules are absolute minimum levels of acceptable professionalism and competence. 
What must never be forgotten within oaths or licenses granted to practice Law such subsequently is a Privilege that is to be used wisely nor taken for granted.
When attorneys are given this privilege they took an oath to uphold the Law and follow the rules of community covenants and jurisdictions as ambassador/officer of the court.
Attorneys represent living, breathing, and symbols of justice to the people around them.
When Lawyers demonstrate minimal levels of acceptable behavior; they not only compromise public trust but blacken eyes of professions integrity as well. 
Bar association has the ability to change people’s perception about lawyers - due to a few bad apples.
Dissidents holding no business licensed send out messages through acts that reflect industry as whole is mainly comprised of ones who don’t want to work for a living in which license guarantees extraction from consumers high hourly exotic rates.

If Bar desires to change public’s image concerning what memberships is really all about; perhaps if they reached out to community organizations providing demonstrates of internal affair self-policing’s - people may begin viewing profession once again differently than having dealt with no better than caliper of an unethical used car salesmen. 

Profession was created to serve the people and their needs not the other way around solely as profitable venture benefiting license holder. 
The fundamentals behind license are to contribute toward not take away providing meaning to banks, hospitals, churches, or community projects.
Every attorney has an obligation within license privilege to volunteer routine legal services and make them available benefiting community on an ongoing basis not under guise of cold calling. 
Serving others fills retainer holes that one might not even know they have.
Unless criminality is what floats one boat within excitement of boasting rights at golf courses; perhaps the integral through volunteering at these organizations can discover how important they are and in the end you may get more than you ever gave that places you way out in front of constituent abilities and more meaningful lasting career to be proud of. Anybody can violate while few are true stewards. 
Book referenced within integral topical realities:
The New Lawyers Handbook – 101 things they don’t teach you in Law School by Karen Thalacker.

In the sprite of knute Rockney; law group founders and partners evidenced holding troubled administrative waters are urged to go back to fundamentals recommending book required as mandatory reading in retrospect to voluntary inner office rehabilitation program back into community under God. 
What distinguishes ordinary sin from blatant Evil can be found within one being unduly cast into where one did not belong in Living trust in the first place that must endlessly face (when I thought I was out they pull me back in) Freedom bounty hunts before the law can be said to have correctly applied. 
Illinois senior citizens have served their country and paid their dues to expect right of safe retirement environments, under God, that place fiduciary integrity first over criminal minded bottom lines.
What needs to be made perfectly clear to all public compensates: You work for us - not us for you.
Change all prescriptions fallen out of taxpayers grace that must no longer be forgivable. 
Story line based upon Life-care movement updated status and related stories of yesteryear in real time perspective and forensics compassing though having gone full circle some are not done extracting.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.” 
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares. 
We thank author Karen Thalacker and providing Library for sharing her accrued wisdom's that enable another to successfully navigate through uncharted seas by design that intentionally place senior solvency in Hell’s two tier biased kitchen of injustice.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for: in god, under God - securing family values that can be passed on.