Thursday, November 30, 2017

Abundances in political party roles having abandoned their first fiduciary responsibility as failures in nation equal the differences that remain that bedevil integral business, personal, and family lives across this land.

Thus, there are no true political (patriotic) parties left under God honored america - only factions that sold out to support one noble families avarice or the greed of another.

Had these separate organizational bodies been willing to proceed with God's consultation:they may have discovered the lost art of distinct educational "Technology" rids groups of their strife and the unnecessary inner organizational conflicts that always follow.  

It's not painless learning, but it is effective. 

What the apostle Paul meant by "Mystical Body" when he said:
Now their are diversities of gifts , but the same spirit.......
For to one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom; to another the  word of knowledge by the same Spirit; to another faith by the same spirit; to another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of the tongues ..... As the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, ,being many, are one body..... the body is not one member but many. 

If the foot shall say, Because I am the hand, I am not the body; is it therefore not of the Body? 
And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not part of the body; is it therefore not of the body? 
If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? 
If the whole were hearing , where were the smelling? 
But now hath God set the members of every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. 
And if they were all one member, where were the BODY?
And the eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of thee; nor again the dead to the feet, I have no need of you.....
But God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honor to that part which is Lacked:That there should be no "Schism" in the body; but that the members should have the same care One for Another. 
And whether One Member Suffer; All the Members Suffer with It; or one member be honored, all the members rejoice with it. 

Monday, November 27, 2017

The purpose of growth was for man to become more conscious, and, in turn evolve, life - points directly to God.

There is an important word in theology for this endeavor: Kenosis, which is the process of the self emptying itself or self. 

The essence of the message of the great spiritual masters throughout human history; We need to pare away our egos, the paradox the "Whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it." paraphrased: "Whoever is willing to lose his ego will find his soul."

We need to pare away our ego's.

The image used in Christianity for the goal of the Kenotic  process is that of the empty vessel. We need to retain enough of our ego - the governing part or our personality - to be a functioning container. Otherwise we would have no identity at all. 

So we have returned once again to this crucial matter of emptiness. 
It will be remembered that Christ spoke of it as the Key to the unlearning and the relearning that we must go through all of our lives if we are to grow and to become as healed and fully human as possible. 

It will also be remembered that Jesus spoke of how much this unlearning feels like dying.

Now is the time to describe all the stages of growth that routinely occur when groups deliberately attempt to form themselves into communities. 
Through mortise we practice kenosis.

While some have overdone it, nonetheless they were on to something, the fact that not only individuals but also groups need to go through a kenotic process of self-emptying in order to become and stay healthy. 

Divine Spiritual warriors note back to us the crucial stage of the community-building process we have labeled "emptiness".

Now it is time to describe all the stages of growth that routinely occur when groups deliberately attempt to form themselves into community. 

Pseudo-community's anthem.

In order to avoid the pain of unlearning and change, when groups assemble to form community, they first pretend that they already are a community. 

The basic pretense is that all members are the same, a pretense that is sustained by the practice of an "Unwritten" set of Rules that everyone knows: Good Manners. 

In this stage, members are exquisitely polite to each other in order to avoid any disagreement in their desire to Deny their individual differences.

But in reality is that people, with their unique Souls as well as egos, are all different, which is why this pretense of Pseudocommunity  defines sameness is what are truly destined to continually reside in  failure with dire consequence's attached up to forever more. 

Organized greed 'CHAOS'

Politico's do not like to be easily healed or fixed, so in a short time they start trying to heal the self-appointed followed by attempting to convert the self-appointed healers to convert the self- appointed converters.

The Wow here = over glorified Chaos that is Noisy, Argumentative, and Unproductive or its simple English: No one listens to anyone else. 

There are only three ways out of chaos. One is to revert to an even more profound pseudocommunity. Another is to organize away chaos by creating departmentalized committees and subcommittees: but such organization is never in and of self "Community". 

The third and most proven way is "into and through emptiness."

When a sufficient number of members of either political group begin to hear God sent ordained community , what then begins to happen is a very painful, gradual process of (Boys Clubs) emptying themselves of the barriers to communication. 

The most common barriers include expectations, preconceptions, prejudices, rigidity of ideology or theology, and the needs to heal, convert, fix, of solve. 

As groups enter this crucial stage of Emptiness-
The most critical stage of it's leaning;
it looks very much like an organism
that has totally lost its way. 

Indeed, the feeling is like dying. 
This is the time of Kenosis. 

When community under God hangs in their together - 
as, amazingly, occurs almost all the time with proper leadership. 

This work of Kenosis or dying will succeed,
and from it renewal will emerge. 

 Share Reference: M.Scott Peck M.D. - The Road Less Traveled and Beyond. 

Friday, November 24, 2017

In essentials is unity, In nonessential is political avarice and in all things charity toward fellow man is the goal.

Unity is all about oneness with God and one another. 

Oneness with another is a lot different than simply knowing another.

Oneness is a participation in the core of another's being. 

Peter explains oneness with God as participation in the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4)

Paul calls this mysterious oneness "Christ in You, the Hope of Glory" (Colossians 1:27) 
The life of God is riding in us, coursing through out bodies. 

Beyond calculating God lives in us. 

And our own human nature is caught up in the dance of the divine nature. 

We are one with others not because we get along or share the same nationality or socioeconomic status - 

Our unity doesn't depend on the quality of our lives. 

WE are One because we belong to and are one with Christ. 

He has reconciled himself, and not just us alone but the whole world (2 Corinthians 5:18-19)!

As one we are to live the radical unity-reality Jesus inaugurated. 

In a World Defined by Conflict, believers are to be recognized by a Love that Unifies. 

We are to display the unity of the Triune God - because we are a part of it. 

God has left us free to resist this reality. 

We can hold prejudices and grudges, we can be racist and sexist and 'Break' unity at every turn. 

But when we Do, we absolutely quench the Spirit and "Disfigure" the face of Christ to the World. 

The Gospel is that we are One In Christ, and when born again we share in God's DNA of Love. 

So what do we say about current and historical divisions and splits within nation. 

How are we to think about all who have suffered needlessly for politics? 

First, their is no way of getting around the 'Grief' under God has brought before God within heresies and all manners of political intrigue where known better had no excuse yet continued in its own pseudo, self-absorbed - stupid selfishness (anyway) in no regard. 

God reconciled the world to himself. And the multiethnic, socially diverse community of Faith names Jesus as Lord is miracle. 

So lets Heed the Holy Spirit's Call to Live as Children of God under God: as Brothers and Sisters of Jesus, and as Family
 of our Father who is in Heaven. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

legalized politician 'propaganda' lying only serves those political parties organizational mission over God's America.


Secular Humanism is like a house built on sand. 
When the going get's rough - when business is bad or strife is abroad- secular humanistic attitudes may easily be blown away. 

For example, the media have been recognized to be a particularly secular realm to keep the people informed on what is important to america however, many know all too well of the many instances were reporters easily and quickly threw their humanism out the window in eagerness for a better rating. 

The problem with secular humanism was and will always be that it says nothing about why human beings are precious, nor why they should be treated accordingly. 

Consequently, secular humanism, being unrooted in any kind of theology, is often fair-weather phenomenon. 
This is why John Q. Public America must define to pseudo secularists that civil behavior is never a simple "ethical" in submission to a higher power. 



Descartes is most famous for his statement

Simple English: among humans - given the reality that while few people think in depth, many think very little and some simply fail to think at all. 


"Pseudo secularist ignorance demonstrates 
Many reasons for America to grow in consciousness.

"Nothing 'Assumed' ever will remove all mystery."

Monday, November 20, 2017

God's wrath commands prophetic Daniels to rise spiritual warriors by honor of thy Word in Christ's name - Amen.


Faith believes that the radical healing influence of 'Grace' is manifested to us not only through such wildly improbable circumstances but also through revelation. 

Whenever something happens that is beyond coincidence, the chances are great the the hand of God is at work. 

But does God actually ever directly speak to us or reveal Himself to us? The Answer is "Yes" - indeed he does. 

The most common way is through Her "still, small, voice" as creator of the universe took the time out to go running with Son's of Daniel profits as he empowers them to defend as spiritual warrior for the well being of his flock. 

There most useful dramatic parallel to God are their integral abilities in Daniel that coincide with himself.  

Daniel was far more courageous than most, faithful, and noble, he,too,was clearly and intellectual. 
As an interpreter of dreams he become something of a psychiatrist, and later, as a prophet, something like a theologian. 
His key of David solution stood on and in this simple English: he steeped outside of himself in a myriad of little ways to make that character believable as example of God's nurturance was graced into success to get through Revelation.