Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Do John Q. Public general voters need to start paying exceptional attention here before responsibly balloting in 2018?

How much after-tax profit the business keeps for every dollar.
2017's GOP tax reform story is predicted within what can only reveal to the future how once again a Pete R' Pete clone while imperious toward January 20, 2001 – January 20, 2009's  failures at best only passed along another round in sameness that produced substantially even greater taxpayer burdens where former's and corporations alike as thirsty mules drawn to water were unable to resist an open season too system Sin and exploit in no consequence. 

corporate malfeasance—bribery, tax evasion, price-fixing, defrauding of government or consumers

The ethical code is violated whenever you pick another person’s pocket or steal his purse, and the violation is compounded when you do it legally, that is, when you allow government to do your thieving for you. But only a people with larceny in their souls will write a form of theft into their statutes. Some cynic has suggested that robbery is the first laborsaving device. He’s at least half right. And if people do covet their neighbor’s property they will surely find legal ways to get their hands on it, and conscience will bend around to approve.

Now we know that this world of ours is not run along the lines of something-for- nothing; there is always a quid pro quo. If government gives you something-for-nothing or something-for-less, it is obvious that this same government is forcing some of your fellow citizens to take nothing-for-something, or less-for-something. Your gain is another’s loss; you are living at the expense of someone else. Other people are being victimized for an assumed benefit you enjoy. 
This is unfair; it is immoral.

Only a people of  larceny in their souls will write a form of theft into their statutes.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Our future well-being is dependent upon more than politics being the only game in town.

The fulfillment makes the meaning of the prophecy clear and unambiguous.
Where forensics compass general taxpayers civic duty to be asleep behind the wheel over what bad karma's can impact all immediate future and generational misfortunes under the sinners sun

Politico Socrates Lawyers are busy advancing unsound corporate bill's that contain unconscious rights language'd in that enable the establishments of unwritten contractual codes not of God under the Law allows can legally maintain better buddy systems that secure least amounts of John Q. Public's resistance under God.

Restoration of Israel and Judah

Against fashionable opinions: under god can still sustain  extraordinarily productive results where strong ethical while integral generalship(s) properly applied God's word. 

In order for america to unseat it's formations of unsound hybrid pseudo-communities, temporary formations of even greater community in such settings must be established by which for purposes of truth reflect all collaborative decisions made maintained consciousness in Word that honored under God. 

Indeed where history redundantly reveals that we know how to do this very well when properly motivated, even the most die hard pseudo secularist can no longer deny nor discount that as a birth right nation we can no longer hide under excuse up to as slow learner? 

God doesn't give free license to commit these sins.
Realities Paradox is well understood within enemy camps concerning what keeps unorthodox doors opened. 

Counted upon sloth will always rely on this high price tag; The alternative not to meet demands in life - on life’s terms - means as generation we end up losing more than the roots of righteousness under god.

The consequence is to become forced to live under an inherent Mental Illness, slated by unsavory man, as its iniquities continue too negatively impact not only that immediate generation but all future generations to come. 

What damages society at large the most are those coddled politico conducts that send out direct messages of Nihilism to our future that equate values are simply no longer of importance while  ethics no longer float our nations best interest boats. 
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” 
but he who can resist his temptations.”
What distinguishes ordinary sin from blatant Evil can be best discerned where the unduly cast are redundantly required to bounty hunt truth in justices name before the law can have said all was correctly while properly applied under God. 
lopsidedness maintains no sense 
of vital balance nor security. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Only you can prevent Domestic Corporate Criminals from becoming great once again.

The word of the lord came to me: Son of man speak to your countrymen and say to them: Offenses and sins weigh us down, and we are wasting away because of them. 
Turn! Turn! Turn! From your evil ways! 
Jung is accredited within translations for the masses; his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with publications presented at just the right when community dissatisfaction's are at whit’s end.
Many principled facts of public interest are waiting to be revealed while more are being discovered on daily bases where reality remains: Those findings are of little interest to the legal establishments.
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once said: it is revolting to have no better reason for Rule in Law than it was so laid down IN THE TIME OF HENRY IV, and even more revolting if the grounds upon which were laid down has vanished long since and the Rule simply persists from Blind Imitation of the Past!
No sense of vital balance has "Kicked their Can's down unsavory Roads" - Long Enough! 
Once J. Edgar Hoover asked, what has happened to civic pride, the righteous indignation of otherwise respectable citizens that turn their backs on helpless victims of civil crimes?
lopsidedness maintains no sense 
of vital balance nor security. 
Know the signs: the criminally minded also become elected/re-elected as well who clearly understand or understood perfectly what they were about to do or were doing is or was improper to that position sought or held and the legalities involved if and when eventually caught are subject to due punishment(s) that include Criminal and permanent fiduciary expulsions 
just like everyone else.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Good, The Bad, and the In-Between.

Jude 1:3 (NLT)
It is a true saying that we are what we think.

We are what we think most about.
So, in essence, the good, the bad and everything in between that we think or don't think about tells much about who we are.

When we think simplistically about everything, we set ourselves up to expect Simple Solutions, Obvious Answer's, and clear results in complex situations.

We need to come to terms with the reality that many situations - involve gambles.

We need to learn to live with the "In- betweenness" of uncertainty.

In a tolerance for uncertainty, as pointed out in The Road Less Traveled, is crucial in the process of questioning out assumptions. And in A Bed by the Window, a detective runs off half-cocked - and astray - with stereotypical thinking as a rush to judgement in large part because the detective is unwilling to wait through a period of uncertainty.

Have you worshiped the Antichrist?
The Antichrist is the master in phenomenon of fashionable depressions exalted in many beginning  to ask, "well, why go anyplace? Why should I exert myself? Why should I risk changing beliefs, Why shouldn't I just give up and kill myself? Why bother? Whats the point of it all?

What these fashionable's decry are the only things of importance are emotional insights that require no intellectual attained insight.

One aspect of thinking patters that stand out most because of its prevalence among considered none criminal segments of the population is an attitude of ownership, or what can be referred to as a sense of entitlement.

Inherent in this attitude is a cockiness that borders on Blatant Narcissism.

Those with extreme sense of entitlement are able to justify violating other people or their property without regard to their rights.

They discount their own failures to put in the efforts required to improve lives.
Some will choose to steal, manipulate, and otherwise take from others because of their belief that the world owes them.

They fail to see their own negligence in considering alternative ways of thinking and living.
This thinking is problematic when people become willing to violate others by discrimination, exploitation, and oppression denying the same rights, opportunities , and access to valued resources.

The Antichrist indeed has a significant common denominator in which all can be measured by its inherent tendency toward failures to think well or at all.

Spirit of God Against the Enemy 1
In Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus said:

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me.

Get away with me and recover your life.
I'll show you how to take a real rest.

Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.

I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.

Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly. (The Message)

The desire for a different sort of life doesn't appear out of thin air.

The longing for something more, no matter how weak or crackling with heat, is evidence that God is already at work in your life.
You would not want more of God if the Holy Spirit wasn't first seeking you.

It is the Trinity's action within that fans the small flame of desire motivating us to "Keep Company" with Jesus. In fact, the very desire or desperation you feel can be God's way of readying you to walk and work with Jesus. Take Heart, transformation happens as you keep company with Jesus.

Shares: The Road Less Traveled / Spiritual Disciplines Handbook. 

Monday, February 12, 2018

Has desperate politico party times historically relied on Infrastructure when needed under guise to bail out it's bond Junk statuses? Let Illinois be nations measure under federal Law what should be currently allowed and repercussions toward general taxpayers deemed recouped.

If one reason is to find meaning, what meaning are you seeking?

As Nation we need to become more conscious to become Good and Save Ourselves from Evil.

The more we become conscious, the more we will grow in Power and Competence.

Granted that the whole thrust of evolution is in the direction of consciousness, the valid question under God here is Where are you Evolving Toward and why do you derivation Con-Sire, which literally means "To Know With?"

What a strange derivation to know with, 

Thursday, February 8, 2018

God claims Earth and everything in it. God claims World and all who live on it. (Psalm 24:1-2 The Message)

One of the most cynical espoused assumptions an administrator could make would be to believe that residents placed in a nursing home are senile and can never think.

As a result, such dismiss subtle leads, overlook significant clues, and neglect important aspects of experiences in connecting with others during investigation.

In this generic stereotype about people those blinders become apparent where profiteer attitudes partake in disgraceful care levels reflective of mere dumping ground for what are considered already the living dead.

We indeed go down blind alleys when we rely strictly on assumptions, labels, stereotypes and think about people in a simplistic way.

Labeling of people and things always has hidden liabilities.

For one, it diminishes and depletes their depth.

Many assumptions we draw from labeling keep life at the level of superficiality.

We neglect to question our conclusions. So labeling has its purposes - Limited purposes.
When it is productive, it serves to help us make quick, sometimes lifesaving decisions.

We need to use labels to size up some things. There are times when we must make temporary decisions until we have more information or experience about a situation or person.

But for the most part, we tend to label for the wrong reasons. When we use labeling to make assumptions against others - or to make excuses for ourselves - we infer broader qualities about a person or situation without the information necessary to support our conclusions.

Sometimes, the consequences can be destructive not only to others but to ourselves.

Along with the beliefs most people have that they naturally know how to think well is the underlying, correlating assumption that thinking doesn't require much effort or time.

While we are fortunate to live in a society that allows us to use our time efficiently in every day living, we have unfortunately come to expect results to be as quick as service at a fast-food restaurant.

We are encouraged to use our time efficiently, but we seldom take the time to think efficiently.

Confronted with real-life problems, we imagine they can all be dealt with as quickly and easily as a thirty-minute television sitcom would portray them to be.

As a result, many people show little interest in contemplation. The effort involved in truly thinking often takes a back seat, and they end up going in circles rather than dealing with life's various dilemmas efficiently.

In this simplistic approach, we often overlook various aspects of our lives that are Desperate for Attention until they Become Full-Blown Crises. Or we dismiss new ideas the could further our growth simply because they Do Not Fit within the General Framework or our Preconceived Notions and self-concepts.

The world is a competitive place.

We compete over resources, opportunities, education, jobs, relationships, and the basic necessities of life.

In the process it becomes patently obvious that life in this world can be a 'Cutthroat business that Inflicts an Incredible amount of pain.

Daily we rub shoulder with the "walking wounded."
Sometimes these wounds come from others; sometimes they are self-inflicted; sometimes they come from Abusive and Competitive Systems.

No matter how these Injuries Occur, Suffering People need to Meet the Compassion of Jesus.

Jesus showed compassion to Outcasts, Prostitutes, IRS agents, Crowds, Beggars, Women, Foreigners, Societal outcasts, as well as those with communicable diseases.

He saw the People that Others Overlooked.
And He Was Quick to Feel for Them rather than Label them as lazy, promiscuous, self-destructive or "A Piece of Work."

When neglectful leaders passed judgement on women they didn't know, Jesus said to them do you see this women? (Luke 7:44)

They saw only appearances. They didn't feel for the women because they did not see her.

Jesus really sees the Hungry, the Poor, the Grieving, the Physically impaired, the Mentally deranged, the Demonically oppressed, and the "Culturally Marginalized".
And what he sees moves him to compassion. But it does not stop there. For Jesus, compassion was a Call to Action, to Healing and to Restoration.

The early church to Jesus' example of compassion took God's Word very seriously.

History recounts how the Infant Church Shocked the Roman World with its compassion for others in the midst of plagues, war and persecution.

Some historians claim the the compassion of Christians was One Reason why Roman Religion gave way to Christianity within a space of three hundred years.

Christ is still longing to touch this suffering world through the compassion of his church, and his apprentices are people of compassion.

They know how to look for Pain in the Eyes of Others.

They Know that Labels do not help people change.

They believe that love always has Hands and Feet.

It is our choices 'NOW' that will reveal whether the church today becomes known as a Well-Spring of compassion or a place where No One Particularly Cares.

Consider who the outsiders and disenfranchised are in your community.

Choose one of these groups and find out something about them.

What do they Need? What do they have to give? Where is God calling You to walk in his compassion?

Compassion means feeling with and for others as well as extending Mercy and 'Help' to them in extravagantly practical ways.

Compassion is part and parcel of sharing in God's Heart for an Aching and Wounded world.

Read the newspaper or listen to the news as a call to Prayer and Compassion.

Find the opportunity and means to comfort, encourage, and support those who struggle, suffer and are oppressed that seeks to heal wounds rather than reaction to the wounded.

Christians are to exercise Loving Dominion that Honors Scriptural Values and Leaves Future Generations What They Will Need.

"There are times when nothing holds the Heart but a Long, Long look as Calvary.
How very small anything that we are allowed to Endure seems beside the Cross."
Amy Carmichael.

"Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man."
(Mark 1:41)

"I have compassion for these People." 
(Mathew 15:32)

"Be Sympathetic, Love as Brothers, be Compassionate and Humble.
Do no repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, 
because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing."
(1 Peter 3:8-9)

Shares: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond and Spiritual Disciplines Handbook.