Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Privatized imperiousness under the law allows demand federal enactment of life-Care act.

Guardianships of the lie- evidence higher than thou attitudes that require mandated reform. 

IN the county of Oz America, the fiduciary personal damage caused by prejudiced guardianships is perhaps more subtle but no less devastating to the community fabric under the banner of unsound economic ideology or deeply held corporate belief. 
But given evidenced divisive and destructive results, are these ideologies and beliefs rational or mere rationalizations for otherwise unreasonable acts such as ignoring in living trust declarations concerning taxations responsibility to beneficiary as trustee? 
This now raise valid question in concern pertaining toward trustee as person and how often as individual actually stops to think about potential consequence behind inactions? 

Illinois probate holds history within dreaded realms of countertransference holding bias.

My Major Senior citizen dilemma is escape from corrupt probate system enslavement, but first I must break the chain that connects me to heavy lead ball containing malignant Narcissistic administrator forced to carry since 2014 that even attorneys and regulated financial institutions fear to tread. 
Given the imperfections within the state of Illinois and evidenced political downward spirals of moral values thinking has become a grave issue. 
It is more urgent now during election year – perhaps more urgent to seniors than anything else – because it is the means by which decisions that directly impact our solvency world are birthed from. 
If we don’t begin to think well, its highly likely many others will struggle within medical intrusive persecution profiteering. 

We believe though life can be quite complex by creation the route to finding better answers primarily requires better thinking. 
Thinking is difficult. Thinking is complex. And thinking is – more than anything else – a process, with a course or direction, a lapse of time, and series of steps or stages that lead to some RESULT!
To think well is laborious which is opposite of simplistic theology, often painstaking process until one becomes accustomed to being “THOUGHTFUL.”  
Since it is a process, the course or direction may not always be clear-cut simplistic. 
Not all steps are Linear; nor are they always in the same sequence within narcissism.
Some are circular and overlap with others while not everyone seeks to achieve the same resolve. 
Give all this if we are to think well, we must be on “GUARD” against simplistic thinking in our approach to analyzing issues and solving the problems of community at large. 

Thoughtfulness is trustee flaw in contention - further complexed while too self-satisfied to examine their assumptions about thinking or too self-absorbed as evidenced to invest the time an energy to do so which fundamentally has no business holding any higher echelon corporate authoritative position! 
We must hold guardianship founder fiducially responsible here toward acts of unsoundness by subordinate under their watch. 

Why would any owner of sound mind desire to get involved with IRS- let alone Justice Department holding validity in challenge before complaints filed?

Needless to say many answers fundamentally lye within the energy required to think holds troublesome conflicts in self. 

Hamlet’s quote “To be or not to be” accompanied by Shakespeare asking “To think or not to think” is ultimate battle front of combatants in this arena holding differing opinions over simplism socialism unduly inflicted upon another that will in the end determine if intended is from functionality solvency perspectives “To be or Not to be?” 

And yes, is this serious, the only reason I’m able to somewhat hold my own is due to chronological extensive journals of what had priory maliciously transpired against ward of means under in living trust imperiousness of same proportion propensities as beneficiary.  

Stemming from 2012; Unjust Attritions reserving trust assets toward future profits relentless beats go on as I now ultimately walk in my mother’s shoes hold to two significant differences: one being I’m not in my upper 80’s – still very capable in self-preservation and most importantly devil’s advocate will not possess my soul as trophy nor will they succeed to boast over breaking of ones spirit under Christ the king. 

There are massive integral differences between doing for righteousness under god versus doing to save face within unethical constitutes  having been caught by lessor in one’s own web of deceptive deceit worsening over time the great equalizer.  
Lenard Hodgson wrote: It is not through ‘TRUST’ that we go wrong, it is through Sinfulness reasoning’s become imperfectly rationalized. 
The remedy is not substitutions based upon original sins of laziness, fear and pride.
The point of having a brain is to fulfill usefulness of capacity that androgynously rises toward the fullest capacities. 

If God our creator desired all to be criminal then he would have withheld soulful consciousness then alas under God we would then be all criminals building better mousetraps to ensnare our fellow man.

Consciousness is the key toward thinking well; it is prerequisite for solving problems holding any form of lasting propensity against continual placating of new band-aides missing marks over same old wounds of yesteryear.

Ultimately all union consciousness has something to do with under God.
Descartes is most famous for his statement “Cogito, ergo sum” – “I Think, therefor I am.” 
Another words – “I am conscious {or aware} that I am thinking; therefore I am.”
Unfortunately many leaders demonstrate the later of the conscious mind that base decisions translated into action at best reflect very little thought put into or simply not thinking at all primitive reflex response holding tumors on frontal lobe that have manifested selves in diminished awareness and alertness, and hence a diminished capacity to solve complex problems that should once again, never be allowed to hold position of authority over nor mandate.

IN conclusion: What’s needed is senior public welfare/ safety mandated LIFE-CARE ACT, federally subsidized serving as independent not for profit judicial watchdog agency consisting of the people - for the people – representing the people on the hill minus lobbyists influence  as deterrent within  myths of Genesis three become realities

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line combined edit rewrites of Reference: 
People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil 
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based narcissistic evils and all destructions within territories that lead into Hell – In Jesus Name.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Illinois probate whitewashes Select businesses and associated Law Firm crimes within civil violations.

As watchmen evidenced many times over through rulings exists unbalanced bias two tier system of law.
Peoples tier tends to harshly administer bigotry that intrusively imposes while authoritative legion’s tier holding same preponderance in proportion receives (under the law allows) extended courtesy holding little to no chance in disciplinary action or relaxed consequence version administered showing. 

Another words: existence of bias partisanship under undisclosed code by unwritten contracts within favoritism. Everywhere I turn the evidence is astounding.

Simplistic thinking has become so pandemic within secret society that it is considered normal and conventional wisdom among some licensed segments of this population. 

Recent examples of this rampant simplism were further evidenced through court ordered rule that ignored rights demonstrating bigotry but of simplism as well. 

Various institutions in their failure to teach or demonstrate how to think well enable thinking simplistically. 
Typically, this failure is found among the most immensely influential institutions of society.

Given that they have the most impact on our lives, the deceptive messages they impart to us what’s important (revenue) in life cannot be taken lightly.    
Because they are our cultural leaders in portraying certain ways of thinking and living as “TRUTH”, these institutions have the ‘Power’ to fool and Manipulate” us. 
They often rule unwittingly promoting Half-truths – Sometimes Blatant lies – under guise of cultural idealisms to be “Normal.”

Such unwritten one sided codes of contracts within include notions about what should be the good life and what should be acceptable, but also what should be considered bad or inappropriate.
Secret society codes discount all positive norms, of course, those that promote Work Ethics that encourage “CIVILITY” in encounters. 
Positive norms are not the problem rather narcissistic codes that create cultural financial ‘CHAOS’ are the ones that Senators and Congress as well need to rethink under the law allows resembling wall street. 
We will call these codes - Negative Norms - due to frequency within to be well dressed up and made to look and sound pretty. 
But when you go beneath the surface, you’ll find they are precisely negative because they handicap while discouraging our growth.  

They are based on half-truths and outright lies that serve by design to manipulate and hold us hostage psychologically and spiritually

People of the lie specialize within creating focused confusion

Indeed, as the English Poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson wrote: “A lie which is half a Truth is ever the Blackest of Lies.” 

The biggest lies promoted by various institutions play into human nature and our Sin of Laziness research. 

Select inner circle corporate care profiteers have been known to front questionable Law groups through probate holding preconceived motives toward unbridled profits under immoral materialism rule. 

Through my mother having now arrived well ahead of my time; system one dimensional lowering’s of requirement bars in greed’s name tells all boomers who remain anonymous what will be eventually expectant of us in order to further fit into society.
You can expect to be subtle socialistically discouraged from questioning or sorting through, much less confronting the lies inherent within. 
Probate communism; discourages independent thinking under God while labeling one as dissident benefitting underground mission statements while promoting to go along is to get along even while being dumped upon. 

Minority Titlists or group consortium oppression that denies same rights toward the general populist voter is not only hard sell, but impossible to fly under majority’s radar of partaking’s that are blatantly   contrary by submission toward one nation indivisible under god in liberty and justice toward all. 

In conclusion: Malignant self –serving assumptions that unjustly label are never harmless crimes against community while states should never be allowed to law under fashionable titlist simplism. 
ENOUGH: Senators are encouraged within what has been tabled to go before congress concerning judicial reform - to fiducially under oaths as civic leaders serve the needs of the people foremost over special interest lobbyists

One more thing - can you spread the word?

ACLU Action <>
12:07 PM (22 hours ago)

to me 
Dear friend,

Thank you for signing on to this petition asking the Senate to pass significant criminal justice reform legislation.

There's one more thing you can do - spread the word to your friends and family.

Share on Facebook, send out a tweet, or forward the email below to your friends.

Thank you,

The ACLU Action Team

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Finally - something we can all agree on.

There's a bipartisan bill in front of the Senate that's the most significant criminal justice reform legislation to be considered by Congress in five years.

I just signed a petition telling the Senate to support this bill - because there's no time to waste in fixing our broken criminal justice system.

Will you join me and sign it?

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line combined edit rewrites of Reference: 
People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil 
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based narcissistic evils and all destructions within territories that lead into Hell – In Jesus Name.

Monday, April 25, 2016

If I had it to do over again - in the law allows - people of the lie.

When I first started out (2012 P 893) with the 18th judicial circuit, I knew practically nothing about Radical Human eviL. 

I did not believe in the existence of either the Devil or phenomenon of possession. 

I had heard of the word “Deliverance “while the very name of eviL was absent from my vocabulary. 
At that time I held very little training on the subject of eviL while topically was not a recognized field of scientific study commonly pursued. 

None familiarity within  primarily negatively impacted case outcomes due to all the psychopathology within that could not be neither explained in terms of known diseases or psychodynamics properly labeled encompassed in standard Diagnostic and Statistical Manuals.  
Example: There are only two ways to accurately diagnose dementia eliminating misinterpretations.
Scientific conducted brain scan utilizing medical identifier software or during autopsy.  

The fact that American medicine almost totally ignored the basic reality of the human will had not yet struck me as ridiculous. 
No one had ever told me about a case of this magnitude. 
Nothing had prepared me for the propensity behind the scenes. 

I was like an infant in many ways dependent upon professional ethics in which few were ever realized and more times than most never to be found as evidenced thought the years. 

I cut my eyeteeth here; consortium was, without question, one of the major beginnings of this blog. 
What I learned through livE-care guardianship and during the years since is insignificant in relation to what needs to be known about Human Evil. 
But it is enough that had I to do it over again; I would have worked livE-care very differently. 
And, conceivably, my mother might still be alive today holding no need to write this. 

First of all, I would make the diagnosis of greed based eviL with far greater rapidity and far greater confidence. 
I would not have been ‘Mislead’ by their obsessive-compulsion features into thinking I was dealing with an ordinary neurosis, or by their autism into considering for months whether or not I had uncovered a strange variant. 
I would have not spent months in confusion, or years making useless Oedipal interpretations. 
When I did finally come to the conclusion that livE-care guardianship was of the Evil, and when I confronted it in ward passage, I did it in accordance to In-Living trust which turned out to be of no real authority over. 
It is believed diagnosis of Evil’s within is one that should not be taken communally lightly. 

Had I to do it over again, I believe I could have put my finger on existence of corporate political corruption within five months instead of five years , and with a firmness that might possibly be healing. 
I would have begun with my confusion. 
I know now that one of the characteristics of eviL is its desire to confuse
I had been aware of my confusion early on dealing with senior services law group representative but assumed it to be my ignorance of subject matter.
I never entertained the notion that livE care guardianship retained senior services council after the fact the first year to keep me confused because they wanted me to stay confused. 

Today I would make that as a possible hypothesis and begin to test it quite quickly. 
Had I done that type of testing, it is more than likely diagnosis would have evolved in short order saving ward from multiple unnecessary head injuries that facially deformed while debilitating ability. 
I did finally 15 falls later convince public health department through governs office pleas toward necessity of investigation leading to type B facility violation followed by eviction due to reoccurrence. 
They began to toy with me over my mother in the hopes they would succeed in seducing me, possessing me, or conquering me toward theologies not in her overall best interest contrary in living trust as declared. 
Once I got their number and fought back for care required under medical opinion once achieved law group stepped in and suspended visitation, they needed to eliminate witness- she died 6 months later.

Had it become clear early on in the course of care work that I not only recognized eviL but had the power to effectively combat it; it is indeed quite possible elimination of questionable law group would of beat a hasty retreat to livE care from further engagement they obviously could not win?
If I could have succeeded outcomes would have been more preferable to what actually transpired and certainly would have saved a life. 
Two days prior to passage over guardian ordered monitored phone call; it was expressed she did not like what was going on there taken to the grave to remain unknown but highly suspicioned in accordance. 

Greed based Evils of these magnitudes deserve no pity, they may be able to creatively invoice their way in as co In-living Trust beneficiaries, but what they cannot do is suppress story needed to be told.
They may seem superficially fearless on the surface but in reality evidenced by charge of mental illness in financial concern masks depths of accountability terrors know too few. 
Their insistent need to control every aspect of evidenced compromised In-living trust relationship is rooted in panic: the dread that they might lose control over it prompting necessity of Probate though legally documented otherwise.  

God only knows what would happen to them if subjected toward “Alien” source of power greater than all? 
Their demand of judicial affirmations stem from what is un-affirmable that cannot be freely achieved. 

Finally, while working with system I would have not become overwhelmed within county sickness while recognizing early on its all about the money having little to do with integral senior care or betterment. 
Out of original consortium estimated to include anonymous behind the scene; out of excess of 15 constituents only three key players remain that will be federally put up while publicly scrutinized. 

Then I knew no other way to go – Today is different: disciplined approach - focused upon sparing another is quite appropriate under situational law ethics.
Affirmative actions may turn out to be quite effective toward future cases holding same magnitudes of malignancy while setting future precedents of must read(s) proportion within growing number of integral law groups reference collection.

Time will determine many outcomes holding truths absoluteness; some will take on undesired shadows not easily shaken while others will be required to outrun the devil himself.
In the end holding assurance- all will properly balance back under God while integrally upholding true meaning behind community convents in all affairs. 

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line combined edit rewrites of Reference: 
People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil 
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based narcissistic evils and all destructions within territories that lead into Hell – In Jesus Name.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Illinois Titlist Protection Racketeers inflict Senior Asset Martial law through questionable Probate System.

This is a dangerous subject- so handle with care, we write because it is believed needed

One meaning of Care is “Love” that is gentle by submission that does not extend undue Pain, Personal Injury or extended suffrage. 

As retirement generation up to bat; we must Be careful –full of Care toward one another
Remember early recognition of ‘eviL ‘distancing will always be your best offensive- defense.  

IT may be too late for me; for reason yet divinely revealed through grace as son of man’s Ezekiel’s watchmen -but not necessarily too late for those able to recognize storms brewing before they hit. 

As corrupt politics make strange bedfellows we cannot begin to hope to heal human state eviL within until such time we are ready to look at it directly as not a pleasant sight to be modeled after. 
If one has enough courage to dare too tread in murky waters: they most likely will find the dark side and in large part about the very darkest members of community – judged to be evil are not very Nice people to have to deal with, let alone be appointed under. 

The principle thesis of our work toward generational preservation must be focused upon specific people of the lie – as well as human evil in general – that need to be studied scientifically. 
Not in the abstract, not just philosophically, but scientifically and to do this we must be willing to make judgments. 

The Battle to heal Human eviL always begins at home while self-purification will always be our greatest weapon.  

Until I was indoctrinated into corruption through immoral law group practices - life was about process under God – I had not learned yet about antichrist lawyers. 

Psychologies of evil are vast abroad and its tentacles are lethal.

Under current state responsibility in all probate sanctioned affairs pertaining toward but not limited too- inner circle obtainment programs under unwritten contract: we Boomers must protect our Flock against the unscrupulous - while integrally protesting dissatisfaction within specialized select extensions within blatant Senior Rights observance violations while state high ranking officials remain impervious of the subject. 

As there is nothing really new under The Toddling Towns Sun: great Evils have been committed throughout the New Millennium and are still being committed by Elitists flying under own self serving flags best representing we are legion interests. 

The visible under God are necessary (even saving) against crusades of Inquisition that have nothing to do with Christ nor under God which allegedly we still indivisibly observe?

Disproportionate (authoritative) sanctioned Class wars have nothing to do with under God, 
Arrogance has nothing to do with under God and So on - and So on - and So on of endless lists of hypocritical excuses unsuitable under any profession or appointment. 

Under God is not Neuter; under God is exploding with Life and Love.
Current State/county functionality demonstrates mindsets that are contrary under god while willfully (hypocritically)violating community covenants with no regard. 
Fundamentally under situational law ethics- specific branches that enable unsound conduct should be federally cut off from further subsidized aide. 

Under God is gentle and nurturing toward its citizens 
Age is only a number not to be medical preconceived voodoo'd
based upon monetary myths that are contrary maternal toward responsibility of!

As C.S. Lewis put it: in relation to under “GOD” we are all female – moreover, whatever our gender or conscious theology, it is OUR DUTY – our OBLIGATION” as citizens in response to God’s ‘love’ to attempt to give Birth like Mary to Christ in ourselves and in others. 
Under Satin: lusts to penetrate all boundaries under God within theologies of hateful destruction. 
The cornerstones of scientific psychospiritual analysis under God as watchmen - must contain Honesty and Accuracy over full disclosures minus irrelevant - distraction details by design. 


While important distinctions were made attempting to name (Improperness) that provides general populist at large with a certain amount of Power over it - Evil is still eviL that are not figments of imaginations attempting to explain unknowns, un-evidenced.
It’s a malignant sickness within that is impossible to overlook as all eventually arrive of widespread denial in my state that downplays eviL while hesitant to see it for what it truly is due to being part of the problem itself. 
To be part of the solution would appear among constituents as act of unbridled arrogance or holier – then Thou- stance. 

So while federal task force is already within state reforming city back under God why not revisit western burb as well demonstrating to be slow leaner of conformities under Gods as example of serving as specific role model to the rest concerning; what not to immorally be nor what not to unethically do while going with the flow under flawed allowances under senior law suggestive within additional grand jury vacations required. 

In the book People of the Lie: it has been boldly asserted certain individuals are eviL.

It is important that distinctions are made that harm defenseless seniors at large while destroying family units in their wake. 

Classifications between ordinary judicial Criminals and eviL Sinners that deny all fiduciary responsibilities that contributed toward family unit destruction while holding indiscriminate dynamics must be made in interest of Public Safety. 

Those who immorally administer though excuse law allows:  have no business licensed, appointed or otherwise admonishing over any another while repeat offenders theoretically should be Locked UP or at a minimum- disciplinarily stripped of all powers that enable exploitative- manipulations practices for profits while ‘Owners’ held civilly accountable for actions within employment of unsound chieftain demonstrating imperiousness indiscretion of self-serving stupid selfishness against  Business License Charter. 

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line combined edit rewrites of Reference: 
People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil 
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based narcissistic evils and all destructions within territories that lead into Hell – In Jesus Name. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Illinois Probate -Greed’s Anti-Christ revenue system.

We have written much about how a system malignantly abuses seniors while allowing invoice hijacking of assets. 
Like my mother who was Sin county ward also; corrupt system evil has once again crossed over all integral lines under God too become everyday way of life forced upon to endure. Unacceptable!

Though medically certified by legal perspectives capable of handling own affairs; as system ignored medical opinion many times over with my mother as unethical creatures of habit same group now extends same unsound fiduciary negligence toward me.
My life has become mess status solely due too malignant trustee irresponsibleness desiring system asylum from all fiduciary crimes holding blatant negligence committed having unduly damaged another.
There are no sound principles behind any in-discriminative act or inaction administratively performed for whatever reasoning which by fundamentals alone qualifies group as Public Safety Threat toward general senior populous at large. 
Under normal circumstances Consortium of protection racket - racketeers confine activities toward seniors of means widows or widowers of advanced age profiled holding weak family support structure.

Being that neither my mother In Living Trust nor self-holding supportive backbone exist as qualifiers this now brings us to another paradox of proportion. 

Prologue to common criminal thinking and beyond!

We are alleged as none socialistic society upholders of free will under God, Truth, and indivisible Justice for all. 
Under mindsets only two absolutes exist: submission under God or refusal to submit to anything beyond one’s own will – which by Refusal automatically enslaves one to the forces of eviL. 

We must ultimately belong either to God or the Devil, this paradox was best expressed by Christ when he said, “Whosoever will save his life shall lose it and whoever shall lose his life, for my sake, shall find it.” As C.S. Lewis put it, “There is no neutral ground in the universe: every square inch, every split second is claimed by God and counterclaimed by Satin.” 
As Martin indicates, we must choose One Enslavement or the other and for public record my enslavement is under God, county and flag under forefathers. 
Choices of Submission

Discipline is the means for solving life’s Problems; all discipline is a form of submission. 
The discipline to ‘Discern’ what we are or not responsible for in most crucial, since we must go through the existential suffering of choosing what and what to submit to and what not to submit too.
God in his image did not create me to be eviL’s lay down or stepping stone out of Hell of de-servants.

Submission toward Truth in which many specialized professionals under oath(s) have evolved concept toward meaningless state within is far more complex and demanding.
Dedication to Truth is one of the four basic fundamental disciplines of living well. 
Licensed Fudgiest under guise; tamper with truth’s while withholding  that negatively impact wellbeing to point of becoming dangerous while holding extensive journals, reports, true to form. 
The fact is that withholding any key piece of Truth is deceptive as an outright Black Lie
Such lying is not only unloving but ultimately hateful as well. 
Toward every instance of it Adds Darkness in confusion cast upon society and community at large. 
Speaking the Truth will always be an act of love; it diminishes Darkness’s confusion while increasing the light in which many desperately need to acknowledge before it’s too late!

Licensees of the lie usually attempt to avoid (A.R.D.C commission) responsibility for their actions and what they imagine to be through stupid selfishness’s simplistic thinking’s repetitional consequence.  
Commission is general public’s police action alternative which by expression requires devil’s advocate selects to face the music of their dance unethically harming another. 
Licenses do not automatically receive as club members against myth; monopolies get out of jail 
Free – courtesy accountability card(s) especially when guised under probate illusion that prevents one as citizen from meeting their individual I.R.S responsibilities while holding legally recognized In-Living Trust which reverts back under personal to original owner 
un-amendable as declared Trust Busters. 

Trustee by act willfully compromised trust integrity while demonstrating Narcissistic administrative tendencies further enabled through of questionable practice Law Group. 
Self-centered Narcissistic Narcissism runs deep and can become quite dangerous to contend within. 
Narcissism holding thinking disorder in which we hold law firm accountable for I.R.S deadline mishap 
Cannot nor will not think about fiduciary responsibilities that do not directly hold benefits toward self. 

Through Narcissistic frame of reference: its tentacles are penetrating, healthy individuals of sound mind will be required to hack away at them on daily basis’s, learning your way out from inconsiderate’s will become the most single greatest theme of one’s life, and unless extremely Spiritually fit graced under God, Pseudo- practitioner will inflict unbridled narcissism injuries pertaining toward but not limited to persecutions of person, rights and property.


Most common criminal thinking patterns are not so much convoluted as Simplistic and One-Dimensional. People who think this way do not take responsibility for their choices. 

One aspect that stands out most among white collar element is attitude of titlist ownerships.
Inherent in this attitude are blatant cockiness’s senses of status entailment justifies Violating Others, their Property without any regard of their Rights. 

If thinking stems from Superiority Complex:  Ethics of thinking will most always be reflective within therefore due anything Desired even if getting means the takings from another in order to accomplish. This type of Thinking becomes Public Safety issue that negatively affects community at large when select system enabled constituents are left to Violate Others by Discrimination, Exploitation, and Oppression Denying them the same RIGHTS – OPPORTUNITIES – AND ACCESS TO!

The common denominator behind educational storyline toward enlightenment: Titles do not allows fit positions in authority while demonstrating concurrent stupid selfishness’s  that ignores all records evidenced otherwise within as critical thinking error while further simplistically failing to think well or at All! 
These individuals have no business administering in any capacity over another; if they cannot morally administer selves, then how in the H.E.-double hockey sticks can they ethically verify under oath against any other? 

We urge all Boomers as Senior Watchmen under God: heed all warnings within any separatist States that fundamentally intrusively ignore rights while flying under own flag as undeclared republic in self qualifying distancing. It’s much easier to get out while still anonymous then after the fact. 

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications
Story line edit rewrite - Reference Books: 
People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive wisdom enabling one to fight the good fight 
against Narcissistic evils and all destructions that come within the territory; in Jesus name.

Monday, April 18, 2016

IN the end all things in county of Oz will point back to God.

IN the end all things in county of Oz will point back to God.
Glory through responsible mandated acts; will stop plague tentacles of proportion to indiscriminately spread consortium based revenuers theologies while further neither in God, covenant ,nor of community contaminate system toward  judicial sanctioning’s that allow indiscriminate ill-gotten gains of proportion which are all fundamentals within criminal based protection racketeering.

All things, we could go on and on, but I feel as if I am in the same position as St. John when he wrote of Jesus at the conclusion of his gospel:
And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that events even livE care, Oz county guardianship and great law wizard himself, could not contain books that should be written, A-men. 
I too, though court ordered restricted, could talk further as ‘Twain’ about many manners within unexplainable, yet not really, without resorting to God. 
Special people become extraordinary modeled in the image of Jesus that no one would ever dream up for a reason. 
So take another inexplicable human, Abraham Lincoln my states character symbol alleged modeled after and see if you can categorize him without resorting to Divinity. 
Or I could talk about many sudden changes of R/X prescriptions without disease flit in and out of what seems another universe. 
I could talk about livE Demons and few saving Angels. 
I could rhapsodize about years of practices against nature contrary to god containing forests of storms within or where God deliberately gave all taste of Himself-and of Her power, more subtle than dynamite, yet potentially as dangerous. 
Or what transpires when a group reaches community member in distress and exorcisms have been usefully completed- when God seems to enter an ordinary Room and all people present can do is awe in fear while mercies to the intended are extended.

God is too immense to be limited to any situational precedent contained in tombs of law books or even the Bible. Yet there is one word for human experience whenever we happen –seemingly by accident-to tap into, to participate consciously in, that immensity. IT is the experience of Glory.  

And how we yearn for it, once Rouge County mousetrapped! 
Despite negative autocracy pitfalls of these pursuits, it happens to be one of the many indirect “Proofs” for the existence of God and unification of a nation in trouble having fallen off the beam. 
C.S. Lewis pointed out in his great sermon, “The Weight of Glory,” God in his gentleness would never have created us with insatiable Appetites (MONEY) FOR SOMETHING UNREAL such as house speakers voting in one’s own self-serving compensation package while simultaneously voodooing in legislation privatized focused judicial obtainment works.

Financial Glory is the most potent for it is the one most Subject to ‘Perversion.
So it is with these types of house speakers combined with legislators not of nor for the people; select profiled boomer seniors yearn precisely because there is a God of integrity urging on to union with her; perhaps through movements that encourage federally mandated programs that frown upon state side counties that are allowed to fly under own flag evidenced otherwise neither by valid medical opinion nor of report from legal perspective. 

But make no mistake: real glory is an attribute only of God. 
Since Financial county Glory is the most potent object of all desires, desire for it is the one most Subject to ‘Perversion.’
There is a name for this Perversion and it is called “Greed based” Idolatry that will go to any lengths utilizing falseness cast  upon another “CHEAPNESS” while simultaneously hypocritically under invoice guise maximally deplete assets at several hundred dollars per professional hour to attrition back within as sanctioned substitute under God. 
As one name for the Devil suggests; the varieties of Idolatry Are “LEGION” Profiteers of Money, Political Power Novelty, SECURITY OF POSSESSIONS, and ON AND ON having vested heavily In Living Trust Justice under God and why I will seek most likely seek asylum in another state demonstrating Senior impartial Friendliness

True Glory is ours only insofar as we submit ourselves as sizable generation toward states that are ‘Not’ primarily Napoleon syndrome driven within legislative lowering’s of civil rights Barr’s while simultaneously empowering questionable specialized medical group profiteers.  
As boomers we are the majority, not the minority to be financially enslaved attrition by forced county judicial, Immoral medical care nor otherwise designed to enslave assets to remain unchallengeable while ensuring easy materialism group member status appearance quo solely at your expense. 

Best resolution: as approaching scoped (G.N.P) retirement generation, out draw asset gunfight by simply proverbially mass migrating like many of our parents did for us, out of all questionable states that legislatively induce county Rat packs to bid dastardly deeds benefiting state. 
Not only will strong voter’s federal message be sent demanding senior rights reform through movement, intentional generation focused reversed Cheese Scarcity naturally head hunts all self-appointed narcissistic obtainment Napoleons that will lead to cannibalisms within and eventual extinction of self-absorbed sociality. 

Perspective reference: The Road less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth IN An Age of Anxiety. 

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line based upon updated edits of reference perspective: Author Dr. M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based narcissistic evils and destructions within territories that lead into Hell.