Thursday, March 31, 2016

Senior Guardianships that promote Probate Evils abroad.

Crusade against Communistic Senior Guardianship's 

Many professional Probate system utilizers fly under their own self-indulgent confederacy flags while pulling Judicial Triggers via providence medical heads that place orders given to be executed by county senior services cast abroad.
Within every single act that follows only one resolve counts, obtain total control of profiled senior assets and person which theoretically establish independent socialist republic within self- through self designed to primarily only best serve selves and new Mercedes.

Senior slave now becomes privatized businesses personal crude oil reserve to tap at their leisure and further exploit on a whim utilizing knowledge within inner circle unwritten contracts combined within creative council couching in fine arts of  misuse by act, in law or filed misapplication criminal theology not open to general public.

Not one individual who participated in care nor fiduciary negligence’s otherwise that integrally compromise in Living trust Atrocities in their COVER – Up’s  is blameless.
Intertwined Business owners as well hold responsibility to attempt to stop inhumane In Living Trust atrocities should be held accountable in blames as well for none correction within and not reporting what they saw beyond the first echelon of Authority over Them!

Until now focuses have been restrained, but as Gods Job remaining faithful, time great equalizer opened many doors that intrigue curiosity pathways toward investigating many opened doors closed jezebels behind iron curtain for years and judicial inequities toward paths leading toward Pandora’s box holding all inner secrets past, present and future in our own backyard that never should have been and should no longer be.   

Specializations are one of the greatest advantages of groups and like any nuclear reactors we need to treat certain welfare specializations with the same degree of mistrust and safeguards. 

Specialization can contribute to group immaturity within mechanism.
For example the fragmentation's of consciousness that fiduciary misapplies questioned?
Standard guarded responses within theologies of the morally unconscious are followed by; “Oh, we appreciate your concerns, yes, we do, but I’m afraid you’ve come to the wrong people.
We’re not what you want, we do not determine how they are used, and that’s policy.
What you need to do is talk to policy people on THE HILL.

This is a crucial election year and we as boomers in masses are publicly talking stating; ENOUGH!

County wise we have become nation of villains. 

We have made no further progress toward irradiating from human nature, twin progenitors in evils of
Laziness and Narcissism and if we cannot police within than how can we ethically police outside over another?

Slavery was abolished only a century ago, Child abuse was largely taken for granted until the present generation, why not now consider the new millennium senior categorically falls under both?
But perhaps the most important reason for failures within is due to economic G.N.P fears to have good reason to be afraid of.
Ignoring issue confirms presence of evils outweigh endeavor itself, so the beat goes on causing more evils within and like any growing child what is the point or incentive of thinking or acting differently everyone else is doing it?

WE do not condone legislation's so flimsily written allowing unethical law groups to further educate how to become effective criminal and get away with it.   

Dedicated to my late mother you will not be forgotten. 
So if legislators continue to keep their heads concerning ever growing narcissistic culture hypocritically buried in the sand while keeping open hand extended then appropriately we should change our pledge of allegiance to reflect under satin and Pentagram flag.
Probate system reflects vast money lawlessness resembling early ethics of Dodge City Kansas before federal Marshall’s office dispatched.

Late president Ronald Reagan best sums up state of most affairs, if we continue as nation contrary under God  we become nation of none.  

Not for profit senior community service situation education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications.
Story line based edit rewrite - Reference Book: People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive wisdom enabling me to fight the good fight against narcissistic evils and destruction that come within the territory, in Jesus name.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Guardianship of the lie - the naming’s of evil within.

An issue of naming is a theme of this work.
Sin Care has already been touched on in diverse instances.

To name something correctly gives us a certain amount of power over it. 
Through its name we identify it. 

We are powerless over a business’s inner psychological disease until we can accurately name it.

Without such identification we are at lose how to treat it.

IT makes a great deal of difference from the standpoint of both therapy and prognosis whether we label inner business disorder as “Schizophrenia” or “Psychoneurosis.” 
Even if there is no effective treatment it is good to have a name. 
Its name is Inner Circle political system corruption.
Sin care specializes in fine arts of situational misnaming’s that best play down realities toward reporting’s that should be happily received while gladly paying their fee. 
My first telltale sign began through wellness reports steadily began conflicting with independent visitor alerts in concern prompting public health department investigation that revealed Sin cares reporting to family was grossly underwritten yet probate system though protested in objection paid them anyway ignoring all evidences otherwise which speaks for self and first incident of trust busting and where to go to have unsound situations overruled which as beneficiary I am literally in same boat similar by objective circumstance only difference somewhat experience prepared this time creating no easy win scenarios. 

The treatment of illness begins with diagnosis.
But is Evil which is Live spelled backwards an Illness? 
Many within would not consider it so and why would they the going is too lucrative.

There are a number of reasons why one might be reluctant to classify evil as a disease, some are emotional. 
For instance, many are accustomed to feel pity and sympathy for those who are Ill, but the emotions of anger that the Evil invoke are Anger and Disgust if not actual hate. 

Are we to feel pity and sympathy for an appointment that blatantly disregarded the wellbeing of their client in which they were entrusted? 
Are we to look kindly on any theoretical or otherwise Assassinations of the soul committed against another? 
Were intentional acts harming another from criminal law puzzle perspectives pieces of a business that need to be thrown into the puzzle revealing immorality  insaneness’s  and  the faces of those totally out of their minds

Business ethics model being diagnosed does not babble nor is demented rather they are Coherent and self –possessed , holding down responsible positions that make money , attempt to appear apparently functioning smoothly while flying under the radar maintaining stealth’s that are hardly identifiable upon superficial inspection as the least bit Deranged. 
So, if you seek intentional confrontations and desire to have you pocket picked daily there are vast numbers of far less expensive care alternatives in which to choose from readily available for the signing.

Evil indeed should be regarded as a MENTAL ILLNESS.
We will do so in the context of examining fallacies inherent in arguments.
The first holds that people should not be considered Ill unless they are suffering pain or Disability – that there is no such thing as an illness without suffering. 
This is a very Old argument, but as bitterly contested today as ever. 
Even the very word “Disease” means suffering, a person is diseased when he or she is experiencing 
DIS – EASE (my case and truths within hurt) that is, an absence of ease and the presence of discomfort precisely because of sufferings in ways that are unwanted and by minds construed for reasons otherwise unnecessary. 
Evil people certainly do not define selves as Ill while surfaces appear to be not suffering. 
They certainly never identify selves as potential patients. 
Indeed what we are attempting to diagnose is existence in that of the Evil are Narcissistic’s who believe there is nothing wrong within and they are Psychologically Perfect Specimens to be modeled after. 

In our examination business prefers to be solely taken by their word while demonstrating reasons to think otherwise prompting valid questioning causing ‘DIS –EASE. ‘   
The court has been summoned to serve as situational sedater of DIS – EASE of own makings requesting communication conditions altered so all future information required quantum leaps back into desired  state of blind faiths in take our professional word for it is good enough for you resembling out residency nursing home program that force sedates prognosis’s in disagreements till coming to terms with what is desired over another as final say constituting  constitution civil rights federal law enforcements over county, state, or both. 
Within Illinois State we do hold history in not always being on the same page resembling unified law observance in many affairs such as our Probate system as case in point example. 

Case Paradox; I have been there, seen it, done it and while in too long, so I do not walk up to this plate as total naïve novice as easy kill with no ramifications. 
For business to expect the past to work once again in favor enabling them too totally walk away unblemished is totally absurd and quite unrealistic in expectation as journaled holding record. 
So the lot can violate my civil rights to their hearts desire but as God’s JOB, you can discomfort, but you cannot touch nor destroy my son’s disciple as watchman over Oz.  
Another words; severe political handicapping that obscured resources that could have saved my mother’s life no longer apply that I will not hesitate to utilize under God  in justices name. 

It is quite obvious though court action by verified signature that Sin Care holds inability within to morally neither define selves as seriously ethically Ill nor multitask facing overwhelming evidences to the Contrary that are actually part of the illness itself standing isolated through key lower level position high level in turnover yet iniquities of same proportions continue which personality wise cannot be holding one truth in absoluteness present all along, crew efficiency is only as good as the captain who commands them, anytime a group fails its always the fault of the captain more so owner.
The failure of the immoral to define themselves as disordered is an essential, integral component of their condition. We will also submit toward diagnosis that DIS – Ease, whether it is Evil, Delirium, Psychosis or hypotension, is an objective reality and is not to be defined by subjective acknowledgement or lack of acknowledgment. 

Noted in the Road Less Traveled the most spiritually healthy and advanced among us who are called on to suffer in ways more agonizing (my mother) than anything experienced (I had to whiteness) by the ordinary. 
Great leaders, when wise and well are likely to endure degrees of anguish unknown to common man. 
Conversely, it is the unwillingness to suffer (substantial disbursement return holding trustee administrative dishonesties within) that usually lies at the very root (charge of mental illness in concern) of EMOTIONAL ILLNESS OF DIS-EASE. 

The Evil Deny the Suffering of their Guilt

The Evil Deny the Suffering of their Guilt – the Painful Awareness of their Sin, Inadequately, and Imperfection – BY CASTING THEIR PAIN ONTO OTHERS THROUGH PROJECTION AND SCAPEGOATING, WE REST OUR CASE WIHIN CASE HERE FOR THE RECORD.
They themselves may not suffer, but those around them DO, they cause suffering under their domain best resembling a miniature Sick Society. 

In reality we do not exist as individuals we supposed to exist as society of custodians under god part of a larger continuum greater than selves and symptoms of disorder attribute directly back to LEADERSHIP.
In terms of system theory as theoretical children unnecessary suffrages were Symptomatic not of own But that of intentional Trustee administrator.  
Are we to reasonably believe that guardian/trustee administering while raising Havoc and harm toward fellow human beings demonstrates traits in much sought after professionalism fit to navigate any ship? 

IN conclusion the devils Advocates consistently do not appear to suffer deeply, because they cannot admit to themselves Weakness nor Imperfections as they must appear this way. 
They must appear to themselves to be continually on top of things; continually in command even when reality they are not their NARCISSISM DEMANDS IT!
Events Evidence fiducially compass incompetence in role, Sin Cares appearance competency was just that: an appearance, a pretense.
Suggestively attitude reveals much deeper problems within business ethics reflective in CORPORATE body that is highly crippled in the sprite, trickled down that cannot ascertain conditions changing even though best lower management efforts, without Massive Therapeutic Assistance above as all things happen for a reason within reason which is obvious enough that even the blind can clearly see. 
Cash-man is true mission statement that supersedes above and beyond all else.
We will stop here with prolog.

Up next:  Called upon once again to defend life
Guardian re-attained hospice service from prior violated facility offering no reasoning in medical necessity while hiding behind Hipaa Act.
First day in return, service severely overdosed her, left without instructing nursing what had transpired in her room.
I instinctually knew my mother was in serious trouble and needed my immediate help, which turned out to be right on the money.

Upon room re-entrance I found her in dangerous state so critical that even facility administer came down to memory unit in concern.
For the record 1Hour prior she was observed fine no complaints, incident occurred six months prior to preventable disease passage that followed soon after.
Sin Care took no exception here, just like they took no exception concerning multiple head injuries at prior facility so safety had to be somehow ensured so I took it to the Inspector General in complaint and service was stopped shortly after. 

Reflecting back, I should have called the police and demanded her taken to local emergency room which by law would be required to perform toxicology testing and result made matter of police record in report.  

When nothing changes - nothing changes!
For the record: Annual accounting report due March 28, 2016 proclaimed trustee stands in Illusion of Fiduciary Duty by none receipt nor explanation provided for deficiency.
For the record: In living trust declares which remains personal Trustee holds fiduciary responsibility to properly advise and timely report concerning all taxation estate affairs.
I proclaim on behalf of self and trust taxes trust stands compromised while trustee stands in Illusion of Fiduciary Duty by none receipt nor explanation provided for deficiency.
IRS Agency Complaint on behalf of self and in trust to follow.  
Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line based edit rewrite - Reference Book: People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive wisdom enabling me to fight the good fight against narcissistic evils and destruction that come within the territory, in Jesus name.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

livE-care Guardianship – we’ve got your back.

Sin care Guardianship 

We were introduced to the probate system late 2012 courtesy senior services acting on behalf of medical group interests. 

Head of Psychiatric s was crashing around diagnosis like crazed bull so I retained Sin care Guardianship for $2500.00 utilizing trust funds to mediate care plan representing best interests in her behalf.

Now having somewhat leveled playing field director was not satisfied with negotiations on her behalf so they summoned in complaint county services to assist within their endeavor, and how we were introduced to the great law senior law wizard through representation thus second Vietnam war begun and like war itself we should be automatically opposed whenever it arouse by whatever means necessary.

Sin care at defense cost of around 35k turn coated and was negotiated out, replacement was to handle medical only, bank to handle trust financial ensuring self-sufficient check balance system discouraging pilferage.

Not happy with agreed upon arrangement Sin Care summoned court appointed Ad litem combined with powers within probate system and 35k worth of agreed upon defense work quickly went out the door holding objections concurrent within another $1850.00 worth of mothers recently updated legal documents over one year  in force which maintained  check balance system that all fell to deaf ear holding no real  strings attached gavel went down and trust busting’s followed which to this day I do not understand how this could happen but subconsciously I actually do? 

So if you’ve had been following  prior journals of events as they unfolded, my mother’s legal declarations were totally disregarded placing all cookies susceptible in one open cookie jar while Sin Care added another hand in being County plaintiff representing council retained to execute all in trust legal perspective affairs  on their behalf.

Ethically from key integral standpoints concerning bar association member perimeters retention representing conflict of interest should have never been accepted let alone allowed to continue.
Summary: Sin Care ad- litem hijacked estate then turned around and retained county services hired law firm to carry on in undisclosed inner circle pre-planned journeys to deplete assets.

So like falling into clutches of communism, domination toke hold almost overnight, all feel into line except one who stood by and continued to honor they mother and her wishes while summoning powers greater than all to assist toward what was rightfully due In- Living Trust.
For the record: the only reason providence evicted her was due to fall injury one week after being sited holing 5 strike rule concerning license that even the mighty wizard could no longer straddle so upon return out the door she went allowing no recovery time and first one to accept is winner of pot.

Being that she was a disabled ward and wizard conveniently overlooked areas concerning move perimeters her moral guardian quickly pointed out you require my blessings to pull this off.
So in exchange for access to my mother enabling self-dignity restoration I withheld deserved heath department complaint and agreed to go along in good faith as lesson learned no further occurrences.
All was good; my mother was coming back around improving daily while responding well toward on time rituals that establish daily routines that could be easily instinctual followed even with Dementia. 

Moving further forward now required self-esteem restorations that guardianship incivilities severely handicapped in living trust.
First order of business was hair dresser styling as accustomed photo provided.
Next wardrobe appearance; Sin guardianship provided clothing’s that resembled obtainment from Local community pantry clothes closet requiring correction as wards owned home held exquisite wardrobe.
As always requesting assistance none was to be found so I began shuttling daily on back of my bike suitcases full of select wardrobe suitable toward any occasion to include bed ware offering variety in which she could choose from.

Let’s quantum leap ahead in time for a moment holding irrelevancies that will become abundantly clear down story-line that even the blind can clearly see.
One would think at $7500.00 per month room rent double occupancy holding disciplinary warning the unthinkable would not reoccur pointing out when nothing changes, nothing changes now carried over.
I fiduciary blame Sin Care invoicing trust at $110.00 per professional hour along with law wizard at $220.00 per professional hour concerning all events that followed injuring others.
Family member Room inspection quality review soon after revealed; missing personal items, dresser drawers in shambles, expensive wardrobe lying on closet floor among with pile of over foot high pile of assorted soiled laundry.
I asked her, is this how you like your room to be?  
She replied in low tone: drawn out “NOOOO”, fix this for me, I told her I would and her concerns immediately ceased based upon word alone.

Fiduciary irresponsibility is norm within Sin Care as point outs always fall upon deaf ear and further dialogue is like talking to your own hand and achieves same resolves toward nothingness.
Honoring thy mother was task at hand in known now requiring creative effort on my part to get indignity infraction corrected foreseeing no other way to resolve except make this facility problem.
So I started at bottom in executive chain of command approaching head of nursing simply stated; launder and dry clean at facility expense and I will reassemble outfits, straighten out room serving as example of what is resident expectant, pointed out facility obligations under rental double occupancy agreement and if facility does not voluntarily comply with resident demands on her behalf I will write facility up in agency complaint requesting investigation and reliefs as deemed fit.
So they reluctantly complied as requested, averting facility write up, suspicioned within residency approval still pending. 
For the record; it took me two full unpaid eight hour days to finish requested job, which I gladly performed expecting nothing in return.
During those two days I sensed her needs to be actively involved which by nature she loves to be helpful   and yes she supervised setting s while I combined creative amusements within tasks well received that intrigued providing much needed stimulation exercises of the brain for is it not a mussel also?
If you do not use it you lose it combined with history of depression.

Story-line is quite lengthy full of complexities so we will stop here and present introductory analysis utilizing Sin Care as medical model of reference as whiteness watchman.
So keep coming back, it just may save another from being escalated out ahead of their God ordained time. 

Truth is simple by nature and rarely requires further explanations. 

Sin cares business attitude compromises the American Posture.

With extraordinary speed and aggressiveness it imposes domination resembling communist theologies imposing political backed power throughout industry licensed to serve.

They use your money bolstering defense from falling into clutches while hypocritically posturing otherwise resembling evil monolithic force that has been well hidden from community outreach. 

Until now; high ranking official by signature within made critical thinking error reflective in stupid selfishness that opened Pandora’s Box while I theoretically walk in mother’s existence holding crucial difference, I can defend myself through journalism, I lay down to no other, and no one will be permitted to unjustly write my epitaph as accustomed.

Fundamentally senior human rights are being violated for money and age requirement bar has been lowered.

Why you ask, it’s called professional narcissism that utilized education that has evolved increasing unrealistic and inappropriate.
Reasons: attitude intertwined with inertia of laziness, once set in motion- they will keep going, even in the face of the evidence.
Attitude adjustments require a considerable amount of work and sufferings, so if you don’t have the time or patience then summoning Sin Care is not for you.

Not convinced you say- then consider these points while you still have freedom of choice option before sighing on; 

What devil’s advocate assure as right may not be right after all holding assurances in uncomfortable confusion will follow under guise of complex process engineered toward getting you into total state

of not knowing which way to go preying on emotions resembling sinking in quicksand.

Integral businesses rarely utilize devil’s advocate catchphrases, they have no need demonstrating openness able to stand on own merit offering no complexities handicapping learning and growth.
They enable you to leap into new better visions while promoting better understandings within never relying upon the law allows justifying explanations many times compasses unspoken mission statement within hold not readily desired perimeters nor acceptable culture of lazy and self-satisfied employees which is always reflection of executive level captain in charge.

In conclusion most ordinary individuals do not have little taste for abundances in intellectual confusion – nor effort stamina involved to maintain posture, so they ignore it and that is exactly what is desired.
To do otherwise places them in the painful and difficult position of having to rethink their attitudes and take up the work required, when it’s much easier too narcissistic systematically Necrophilia one into blind faith submission that fall in line with laziness clinging to maps and attitudes that are morally obsolete under gods risen community in Jesus Name. 

We dedicate educational offering in my deceased mothers name who through suffrage as whiteness paved our way toward freedom within so no other will be forced to endure the unthinkable.
May you rest in peace, you are truly missed and will never be forgotten, Amen. 

Not for profit senior community service situation education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications.
Story line based edit rewrite - Reference Book: People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive wisdom enabling me to fight the good fight against narcissistic evils and destruction that come with the territory, in Jesus name.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Senior Financial Slavery - alive and thriving in the Burbs

God’s wrath against mankind
1:1 the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of who suppress the Truth (county guardian’s office) though Their Wickedness, since what may be known about God (county community covenant) is plain to them, because under god has made it plain to them. 

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities have been clearly seen, understood, so that humans are without excuse. 

For although they know God, they neither glorify him nor give thanks to him through cultural thinking in hardened hearts. Since they do not think it is worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, their minds have focused toward depraved thoughts to do what ought not to be done. 
Inner circles under unwritten code of contract have become full of every type of conservable evilness known to man. They know God’s Righteousness decrees that those who do such things deserve Punishment but due to arrogant narcissism they not only continue to do these very things, but also approve of all who practice them. 

God’s righteous Judgments
2:1 You therefore, have no excuse, you who pass Judgments on someone else, for at whatever point you Judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment DO THE SAME THINGS.
Now we know God’s judgment against those who do such things IS BASED ON TRUTH. 
So when you pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will ESCAPE GOD’S JUDGEMENT? But because of stubbornness in unrepentant heart, individuals are storing up wrath against selves for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous (U.S Justice Department) will be revealed. 
God will give to each in accordance to what they have done who are self-seeking, reject the truth and follow evil. 

Slaves to Righteousness
6:15 What then? Shall we sin because we can under grey law not within law? 
By no means, when you offer yourself you become slave to whom you obey whether it sin or righteous obedience. Slaves to sin carries heavy price within what real benefit did one reap at that time from the things now ashamed of for the wages of sin is destruction. 

Struggling with Sin
7:7 what shall we say, then? Is the Law Sin? 
Certainly not! Indeed we would not know what Sin was except through the law for we would not know what COVETING really was if the law had not said, “DO NOT COVET YOUR NEIGHBOR.” 
Law is Spiritual so I find this law at work; when I want to do good evil is right there with me. 
For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work waging war against the law attempting to make me a prisoner of that law of sins in guardianship at work. 

Holy Bible – New International Version situational share edit rewrite.

If were honest, most will admit when they have entertained Disordered Criminal Thinking.
There is a thin line that separates behind bars in community. 
Research on criminal thinking underscores the most common patterns of Irrational thought that leads to disordered decisions such as unjustly charging one of mental illness in concern to cover for one’s continual fiduciary negligence. 

Most common criminal thinking patterns are not so much convoluted as simplistic and one-dimensional. People who think this way do not take responsibility for their choices. 
They lack perspective about time, which results in Living primarily in the present, without investing in the future or taking into account the consequences of one’s actions. 

One aspect of Criminal Thinking patterns that stand out most because of its prevalence among segment of community is attitude of ownership, or what can be referred to as Sense of Entitlements. 

Inherent in this attitude is a cockiness that borders BLATANT NARCISSISM. 



An ACUTE SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT, NORMALLY BREEDS CONTENTION WITHIN the “SUPERIORITY COMPLEX.” Persons believe they should always have first shot at everything usually because of status background that entitles therefore due anything they desire, even if getting it means taking from others often times offended when another steps up to the plate who righteously want what is due for themselves. 

Acute sense of entitlement thinking becomes problematic when people are willing to VIOLATE OTHERS BY EXPLOITATION, AND OPPRESSION, DENYING THEM THE SAME RIGHTS, OPPORTUNITIES, and ACCESS TO VALUED RESOURCES. 


Not for Profit: Senior advocacy Life experience, community service edit commentary educational share.
Reference material utilized: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
From the book: The Road less Traveled and Beyond, Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.


 Contrary toward Community!
Start demonstrating as one 
Under God and Country.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The spirit of John the Baptist prepares the way.

1:2 it is written in Isiah the profit: “I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way” – “A voice of one calling in the desert, ‘prepare the way for the lord make straight paths for him.’”
He will preach repentance for the forgiveness of sins through baptismal confessions of Sin.
The message: “After me will come on more powerful than I, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. I baptize you with cleansing water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit. 
1:9 Baptismal in repentance brings you out of muddy waters as heaven is torn open to you and spirits descend upon like doves.  You will hear a voice in your heart; you are my son or daughter whom I love; with you I am well pleased.  At once the spirit will send you out into the desert tempted by Satin while angels attend to him. 

The calling of the first Disciples 
Under the spirit of Jesus you can now go into the Land of Oz proclaiming the good news of God. 
The Time has come; the Kingdom of God is near, repent and believe the good news while casting nets abroad as fisher of men and women in Jesus name. 

The people of Oz will be amazed at teachings because you were taught by one of authority, not as mere teacher of the law. Remaining possessed evil spirits within Oz will most assuredly cry out “what do you want of us” Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are the holy One of God!
As disciple under Jesus you will sternly be able to “quite” and demand evil spirit to “Come out.” 
People will become so amazed that they will ask each other, “What is this? A New Teaching - and with Authority! That even gives Orders to Evil Spirits and They Obey.”

News within inner circles of Oz will spread quickly various diseases of the soul , fever of greed are being healed as many demons are being driven out daily not allowed to speak because they knew who her was.

Holy Bible – New International Version situational share edit rewrite.

Lessons from Genesis 3

All evolution is about the development of Frontal Lobes and Hence the Development of Consciousness.

The great myth of Genesis 3, one of the most complicated and Multidimensional myths about our Humanity, provides us with a major hint. In it, God forbids eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge urged by fallen angel we are told to give into temptations; we seniors see this demonstrated daily in the Land of Oz with no regard.

Mighty Wizard disciples become conveniently shy and modest concerning all sins within because they are now self-conscious. They are aware of vulnerability; extrapolate emotions of guilt and shame exaggerated to the point of pathology outer limits of no limits that are essential part of Humanity that are for psychological development and Functioning. 
So Genesis 3 is a myth of evolution, specifically of human evolutions into consciousness embodied in Truths pointing toward becoming separate entities that lost sense of oneness in nature and the rest of creation symbolized by Banishments from Paradise. 

There is no Free Will when we are Operating at a Purely Reflexive or Stinctual Level symbolizing system that hold judicial Guns pointed at our backs is not freedom to choose what to think or do. 
Genesis 3 elucidates the need to evolve into greater consciousness. 
Human evolution representing forward motion can never go back to innocence of Not Knowing otherwise, no matter how hard some may try to do so.
The gate of Oz hold cherubim’s with a Flaming Sword that both bless and curse consciousness.

Taught Narcissism will be next Genesis. 
Out of Narcissism
We have all heard about people so self-centered that they Wonder How the World would manage to Survive without Them. WOW!
For others Narcissism does not run this deep but for each distinction and most importantly what to come to terms with is simply the world does not revolve around any one of us. 

Narcissism is a thinking disorder; Narcissists cannot or will not think about other people much like being emotionally stuck in terrible two’s.    

Like any child they desperately cling to self-centered World View. One reason for this is that they may literally feel as if their holding on for dear life. Narcissism is the only thing that provides a sense of security in an otherwise tumultuous period. Shame here is the enemy of Egos that become increasingly fragile over time as they begin to equate their very survival viewing life through Narcissistic frames of reference. 
What always happens next should come as no surprise – The terrible twos Flair Up best resembling attitude holding total disregard that never even stops to think about that any other member of community in covenant might possible be in need of. 
In a World waiting to be Born sufferer is totally too self –Preoccupied within impressing self to spontaneously grasp anything else in significance under the sun. 
Why is this you ask, simple: they do not care a whit about another’s joys, sorrows might have been or what they could have said or did that might of made another’s life a Little Less Burdensome.   
Common denominators here: they only care about selves and all others represent triumphs as Foils of whit as mirrors of glory holding tentacles that can be penetrating. 

Oh my God you may say, is there any hope of cure? 

Yes, seek and you will find how to daily hack away from disease of assumption through practices of the Golden rule in all affairs promoting otherness and wisdom of collaboration, in which people Labor Together with WITS as well as Brawn and you will find yourself well on your way out of insanities Heartbreak Hotel. 

So in conclusion there is a difference between insisting we always feel good about ourselves (which is narcissistic and synonymous with constantly preserving Self-Esteem) and insisting that we regard ourselves as important or valuable (which is Healthy self-love). 
Understanding and making this distinction is prerequisite for Mature Mental Health that many with impressive titles and degrees seen to have skipped over that even the blind can clearly see. 

Though narcissism may be quite fashionable among some business entities, time as great equalizer hold shadows that cannot be outrun as all political constituents eventfully learn the hard way when they hit the wall in need of friends, go buy a dog. 
While narcissism is un-Kool in the long term Humility is very Kool, why do you ask?
You have a true knowledge of self as one is critical to become realistic in who we are able to recognize both the good and bad parts of ourselves not falsely concluded as secondary which now places one in playing field of life well ahead of the game. 

Not for Profit: Senior advocacy Life experience, community service edit commentary educational share.
Reference material utilized: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
From the book: The Road less Traveled and Beyond, Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Seniors in exile call upon the spirit of Jeremiah to hence forth and confront improper judicial cisterns that violate and strip away for profits.

In Jeremiah one the word of the lord comes to all boomer seniors saying what do you see?
We see the branch of a local almond tree viewed correctly for the lord is watching for us to see that his word is fulfilled.

Next the lord says to us from the North (representing federal Government) disaster (U.S Justice Department) will be poured out on all (locals) who unethically thrive in this land, for I am about to summons the Northern Kingdom which will pronounce my judgments upon their Wickedness in forsaking me to their god and in worshiping what monies their hands have made.

Get yourselves ready, stand up and say to them whatever I command of you for starting today, for I will make you a fortified city, an iron pillar and a bronze wall to stand up with the north against local rouge kings, its officials, its priests and all others of this land. They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you, declares the Lord. 

Go and proclaim the lowering’s of bar for gain in hearings of Jerusalem, I will remember your devotion as you followed me through the desert of land not sown first fruits and all who devoured and overtook her will be held guilty and disaster will overtake them declares the lord. 
These people have committed two major sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own (situation grey law) cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.
I ask why then has Israel (seniors) been allowed to become Plunder?
Lions have roared laying waste upon my land shaving temporary crowns on own heads which will backslide as example to others  concerning evils that eventually rebukes self when one chooses out of own free will to forsake the lord your god in monies name.

Holy Bible – New International Version situation share edit rewrite.

Evil, Sin, and other Distinctions not fashionable
Political influences that lead to criminal theology conformity promote simplistic stupid selfishness.
As U.S citizens we have obligation in citizenship to confront  absurd thinking about what being normal should mean or look like: An obligation to use critical thinking behind the  power in the vote which simply states “ Hell NO “ to clinical Narcissistic’s that do not serve the people only selves on our dime.
For instance for close to a century we counted a slave (senior – next generation) as three-fifths of a person, which was fundamentally crazy back then as is now, either you are a person or you are not!
As boomers we have an obligation to study, learn and think about things that are of high importance such as retirement solvency under lands that subscribe to the mighty Oz.
We must acknowledge the Gaps in our own knowledge that preserve community integrity under gods covenants as legacy traditionally carrying on in the spirit of which are parents unselfishly sacrificed and fought for against regime oppression solely out of love for us under God in which many new millennials white collar Leper colony members fear to tread simply because it gets in the way of Hooray for me and!!!! You, we read and view how colony is growing leaps and bounds in all affairs while law makers sit back and do nothing.
I often wondered how well they will accept being ignored when their turn arrives?

What do they know and what is the main prevalence behind the population?

Simple, primitive medieval mindsets quantum leaped back in time concerning privilege entitles reversed welfare Robin Hood benefits which is not only hypocritical by public servant oath but narcissistic as well.

No wonder many youth of today prefer world owes us an easy living over honest hard work look at the role models we present daily which are nothing more than Dough boys living back in the roaring twenties and we know what happened here as result in sleeping behind the wheel resembling theologically pearl harbor in which we had full knowledge toward what was to come.

What do currently classified none criminal Doe boys have in common?
Extreme sense of self entitlement Justify violating others and their property without regard to rights which by measure behind cockiness in the act borders blatant narcissism.

They discount own failures to improve lives while they steal, manipulate and take from others because they know of no other alternative way to quickly satisfy rightly in work reflective in you righteously reap what efforts have been sown being natural enemy of superiority complex, it takes too long.  

In conclusion as all are growth illusions; some are healthy and some are not when we hold on to them to long past their usefulness.
Carl Jung wrote, “Neurosis is always a Substitute for Legitimate Suffering. 
But the Substitute can Become more Painful than the Legitimate suffering it was Designed to Avoid, pinioned we have well arrived. 
The Neurosis Itself Ultimately Becomes the Biggest Problem. As written in “the Road Less Traveled” (as slow learners under the sun) TRUE TO FORM, many will then attempt to avoid this pain and this problem (something suggested should be closely candidate scrutinized) in turn, building Layer upon Layer of Neurosis. 

Fortunately some do exist that possess courage to face neurosis extended holding legitimate Twain’D suffrage demanded from us due to outdated ageing social myths offering at discretion of self-appointed messiahs to arrive ahead of your time as G.N.P. slave further feeding stupid selfishness’s pig  under guise of social advancement progress but for whom?
News flash: like it or not we boomers are up next and when one least expects your assets will be summoned to bat against messiah pitchers only requiring simple no’s toward sanctioned Senior Financial demands and congratulations you are now classified as unique and have arrived.
Psychology that does not recognize community covenant under God as the Good guy is system of none.
“NASTY” material contained behind unconsciousness only because conscious “REFUSES TO DEAL WITH IT.” will be your fate as well as guide while further talking to the hand in all affairs.
We need a strong conviction behind our voice in Washington so vote accordingly; by numbers we still reign supreme over minority that desires to overpower us for righteously earned personal fortunes.

Not for Profit: Senior advocacy Life experience, community service edit commentary educational share.
Reference material utilized: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
From the book: The Road less Traveled and Beyond, Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.