Thursday, April 26, 2018

As a whole, the nation is starting to get wise to these self-serving schemes.

The Tax ‘reform’ act was nothing less than a politico con artists scam in which reinstated a former  trickle down economic destined to revitalize no realistic value, under God, experienced by the nations general others. 


Will we ever learn?

Just about every day there is a new case of corporate malfeasance—bribery, tax evasion, price-fixing, defrauding of government or consumers, environmental violations, unfair labor practices and more. 
Given the frequency of these scandals, it is difficult to keep track of which corporation has done what.

Anyone even vaguely acquainted with the biblical world knows that the Scriptural authors are far from naïve when it comes to the abuse of power by unscrupulous politicos.

Consider just a few representative passages.

In the first book of Samuel, we hear that the people of Israel petitioned the prophet Samuel to anoint for them a king “as the other nations have.”  Displeased with this request, Samuel laid out for them exactly what a king would do:  “he will take your sons and assign them to his chariots and horses, and they will run before his chariot…he will set them to do his plowing and his harvesting…he will use your daughters as cooks and bakers.  He will take the best of your fields and give them to his officials…”  In short, he will abuse his power and oppress the people for his own benefit.  Despite this warning, the people persist in demanding a king and so God tells Samuel ruefully, “Grant their request and appoint a king to rule them.”  What follows, over the course of many centuries, is one of the most corrupt, incompetent, and abusive lines of monarchs in human history.  

It’s as though God were saying, “I told you about these kings.”  
Proverbs 29:2 “When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, 
but when the wicked rule, the people groan.”

Ephesians 5:11 “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.”

Genesis 6:5 “The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”

Monday, April 23, 2018

Unrestricted destruction is a major obstacle to democracy and the rule of law.

What is corruption?

Generally speaking is “the abuse of entrusted power for private gain”. 

Corruption can be classified as grand, petty and political, depending on the amounts of money lost and the sector where it occurs.

Grand corruption consists of acts committed at a high level of government that distort policies or the central functioning of the state, enabling leaders to benefit at the expense of the public good. Petty corruption refers to everyday abuse of entrusted power by low- and mid-level public officials in their interactions with ordinary citizens, who often are trying to access basic goods or services in places like hospitals, schools, police departments and other agencies.

Political corruption is a manipulation of policies, institutions and rules of procedure in the allocation of resources and financing by political decision makers, who abuse their position to sustain their power, status and wealth.

What is Transparency? 

Transparency is about shedding light on rules, plans, processes and actions. 

It is knowing why, how, what, and how much. 

Transparency ensures that public officials, civil servants, managers, board members and business people act visibly and understandably, and report on their activities. 

And it means that the general public can hold them to account. It is the surest way of guarding against corruption, and helps increase trust in the people and institutions on which our futures depend. 

What are the costs of corruption? 

Corruption impacts societies in a multitude of ways. In the worst cases, it costs lives. Short of this, it costs people their freedom, health or money. The cost of corruption can be divided into four main categories: political, economic, social and environmental.

On the political front, corruption is a major obstacle to democracy and the rule of law. In a democratic system, offices and institutions lose their legitimacy when they’re misused for private advantage. This is harmful in established democracies, but even more so in newly emerging ones. It is extremely challenging to develop accountable political leadership in a corrupt climate.

Economically, corruption depletes national wealth. 

Corrupt politicians invest scarce public resources in projects that will line their pockets rather than benefit communities, 

and prioritize high-profile projects such as dams, power plants, pipelines and refineries over less spectacular but more urgent infrastructure projects such as schools, hospitals and roads. 
Corruption also hinders the development of fair market structures and distorts competition, which in turn deters investment.

Corruption corrodes the social fabric of society. It undermines people's trust in the political system, in its institutions and its leadership. A distrustful or apathetic public can then become yet another hurdle to challenging corruption.

Environmental degradation is another consequence of corrupt systems. 

The lack of, or non-enforcement of, environmental regulations and legislation means that precious natural resources are carelessly exploited, and entire ecological systems are ravaged. 

From mining, to logging, to carbon offsets, companies across the globe continue to pay bribes in return for unrestricted destruction.

How do we as body under God fight back against politico's only interested in  maintaining corruptions status quo?

The three guiding principles are: build partnerships, proceed step-by-step and stay non-confrontational. 

We have learned from experience that corruption can only be kept in check if representatives from government, business and civil society work together to develop standards and procedures they all support. 

We also know that corruption can’t be rooted out in one big sweep. 
Rather, fighting it is a step-by-step, project-by-project process. 
Our non-confrontational approach is necessary to get all relevant parties around the negotiating table.

The US faces a wide range of domestic challenges related to the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.

Key issues include the influence of wealthy individuals over government; “pay to play” politics.

The current US president was elected on a promise of cleaning up American politics and making government work better for those who feel their interests have been neglected by political elites. 

Yet, rather than feeling better about progress in the fight against corruption over the past year, a clear majority of people in America now say that things have become worse.

Our task is to preclude the master deceiver from deterring us from our goal of developing Godly character. It is sometimes difficult for us to comprehend that Satan wants to destroy all of God's people. Satan is replete with cunning devices to cause us to stumble, get discouraged, stay away from Christian brethren and church services, work on the Sabbath, and cause division.

Faith is built just like constructing a building—one brick, one wall, one nail at a time. The trust, the faith, comes one tenet of belief at a time. When blessings come from tithing, for example, it builds trust. When a healing takes place, more trust is built. Just like a building, we keep growing by building character every day of our lives. We have to learn that it is God who provides for us under all circumstances. When we actually see God working in our lives, our faith grows and increases.

This means that the believer must realize that God “allows" us to get our wealth. 
We certainly get the education and go to work everyday, but it is God who gives us the power to do what we do. We have to make a conscious effort to remember God and His intervention on our behalf. We only see this physical world and the books we read, the buildings we work in, and the money derived from our labor. God is, in a sense, in the background. We have the duty to bring Him to the forefront and give Him the acknowledgement He deserves.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Election Rules v.s. law

Where tax credits realistically save no party under a disgraceful national deficit and needed indictments are being  lamely tossed out in no regard, none can now deny in which clearly speaks for self concerning contradictions under God indeed exist. 

If you want to show america, you can responsibly spend taxpayers monies, first start showing us you can responsibly spend your own money while not  touting ones own resume toward effectively resolving the majority of our national problems that not only ail the immediate body but our alliance neighbors as well!

The best political leaders historically on both sides of the spectrum have won ideas in open forums, instead of hiding behind wealth or blaming opponents on problems they did not create. 

Don't tell us about what is wrong with the other guy, tell us about what is best to lead America?

Tell us why you are the best person to lead America? 

Tell us how you will reverse the outmigration of people? 

Tell us how you will fix the Unfair Tax System that has been so favorable over decades to wealthy people like self while hurting the little guy?

Tell is what you will do for factory towns across the states that have redundantly seen good jobs disappear, even when tax credit invested, jobs are still shipped overseas for purposes of larger profits in no regard of own nation? 

Tell us what you will do about people living with violence every day? 

Tell us what you will do to make education more equitable? 

Tell us what you will do to make sure everyone has health care and can afford a home? 

Tell us what you will do to reform the pension system in order to protect both taxpayers and retirees? 

{Spare us from all negative ads.} 
{Don't taunt us within unrealistic agendas!}
{Do Tell us about your Character?}

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Eyes full of adultery never stop sinning as experts in greed—an accursed brood!

Correct and sound doctrine is crucial to salvation and growth in spiritual maturity.

It comes as no surprise that God warns us many times in Scripture to be aware of false teaching. 

Christians need to be able to recognize false teachers in order to know when they are being led down a path that God did not intend! 

The following Bible verses will help you determine whether someone is teaching false doctrine and how you should handle the deceptive teacher.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”1 Corinthians 15:33

Why is it important to study the various characters in the Bible?

The Bible is filled with characters, literally and figuratively. Perhaps the best way to describe how the Bible portrays its characters is "human" because they are, in fact, human. 

The Bible is true and the people that inhabit its pages were real people with real problems, just like us. 

The Bible does not shy away from presenting both the strengths and weaknesses of those it portrays. This makes the characters in the Bible "practical" in the sense that we can relate to them and educational in the sense that we can learn from their successes and failures.

Adam and Eve were disobedient blame-shifters. 
Abraham was a liar. 
Jacob was a schemer. J
Joseph had somewhat of the "I'm better than you" attitude. 
Moses made excuses. 
Saul was jealous. 
David was an adulterer. 
Solomon was the smartest fool in the history of the world. 

Elijah seemed to be somewhat bi-polar. 
Peter definitely had "foot-in-mouth" disease. 
The list goes on and on. No matter your personality and struggles, there is someone in the Bible you can relate to and learn from.

The Apostle Paul wrote, "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ" (1 Corinthians 11:1). Ultimately, that must be our goal when we study Bible characters. Where they were successful in following God, we are to emulate them. Where they failed, we are to avoid making the same mistakes. "Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did...These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us...No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it" (1 Corinthians 10:6-13).

There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.
Proverbs 6:16-19

Monday, April 9, 2018

“Pay to play” - the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.

Americans have expressed their frustration with Washington and its elected officials in myriad ways, Yet, rather than feeling better about progress in the fight against corruption over the past year, a clear majority of people in America now say that things have become worse.

Fortunately Things  can be done to ensure  that taxpayer dollars are spent in alignment with the public's concerns and not just with special corporate and elite interests.


Make all spending on politics genuinely transparent, with:
- real-time information accessible in online, machine-readable form to the public
- transparency on political spending by publicly traded companies
- transparency to the public on every level of influence, from political ad campaigns, to lobbying, to bundled campaign contributions.


Stop the unchecked exchange of personnel among corporations, lobbyists and our elected and high-level government officials.


End the use of anonymous shell companies, which can be a source of conflict of interest and/or vehicles for illicit activity.


Reinforce the independence and oversight capabilities of the Office of Government Ethics.


Improve and implement laws and regulations to protect the whistleblowers who expose corruption and other misconduct by the government and its contractors.


Increase access to information about the government, as a means to empower the public to fight corruption.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

God's movement is never finished wherever he further sought to honor Christs spirit.

Sub standards within nursing homes has a poor leadership history.

Although this important awareness day has since passed, the beat of our nations most unscrupulous predatory predators who vantage their status over defenseless seniors marches on especially in Illinois where questionable barristers block general assembly awareness's from crucial details generally excused under the most flimsiest in argument known to man such as had no scope within an open law, so those blocked out details were acceptable to be exclusioned and further exempted from public inspection under state statute.

Where a politico offense may win an occasional game, the under God Defense wins Championships.

Monday, April 2, 2018

One does not need a law degree or a degree in history to grasp these truth's.

The God of the Bible is whom the United States is based upon.
“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”.

When the United States became a nation, it was done in the “name of the most holy and undivided Trinity.” 

Psalm 18:2 The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

Faulty thinking and fallacious ideas we have erred; but we can learn from those mistakes. 

In deed, we must revisit becoming a more thoughtful people in the examen of what true freedom meant in its several dimensions and deeper levels.

Americans originally organized themselves politically around a spiritual framework which, paradoxically, regarded politics as relatively unimportant.

Capitalism is rooted in the cultural heritage of the West, Christendom, and you can’t have the fruits without the roots; you cannot merely wish an end result—to will the end is to will the means.

The law was to protect life, liberty and property, so that men and women could better attend to the more important things in life other than contending with all curses associated with unbridled  mammon. 

Mere wishes will never transform where cultural conditions did not adequately prepare the ground for it. 
A created being who bears a unique relation to God, being formed in His image means that man possesses free will and the ability to initiate and command his own actions. 

This free being was to stand under the moral law as it was laid down in the original constitution of things responsible for discovering how those laws were to be obeyed as one unified  body of  accountable steward's in how they were to be used.

A free-for-all; capitalism never implied the absence of rules. 
Once you have a society whose rules are designed to offer equal justice for all persons, then everyone is free to pursue his personal goals.

Adam Smith once spoke of “allowing every man to pursue his own interest in his own way,” and if those words are lifted out of context they do suggest a desperate no- holds-barred, rough and tumble struggle for money and power. 

But when we know that these two lines from Smith follow one another in the same sentence his meaning is unmistakable. 
He is advocating a society based on equality, liberty and justice.

A paragraph from the little book Bureaucracy.

“Mankind would never have reached the present state of civilization without heroism and self-sacrifice on the part of an elite. 
Every step forward on the way toward an improvement of moral conditions has been an achievement of men who were ready to sacrifice their own well-being, their health, and their lives for the sake of a cause that they considered just and beneficial. 
They did what they considered their duty without bothering whether they themselves would not be victimized. 
These people did not work for the sake of reward, they served their cause unto death.”