Friday, March 4, 2016

Judas's Neighborhood, Won't you be Mine, Will you be Mine?

Too many there are thoughts based upon current unsavory money based dynamics offering convincing proofs toward Armageddon and wonderings when the kingdom will be restored toward glory once again but to those who believe threw the holy spirit know it is not the time for us to know the times or dates the father has set by his own authority, you will receive Power when the holy spirit comes; you will be my whiteness, no longer restricted to stand looking into the sky. 

In prayer as believers in the know we recognize legions of Judases who professionally serve daily as guides within and against community, God and covenants handsomely rewarded for wickedness in which the holy spirt spirit has spoken of concerning Judases and arrests in community all along.

Judases accumulate massive fields bought with and from community blood of innocence which the Book of Psalms primarily writes; may their place be deserted, let there be no one to dwell in it, and May Another take Their Place of Leadership. 

As boomers we hold strength in masses and the time is now through the power of the vote, we can shed ourselves from the treachery of minority in proportion therefore it is necessary to choose one who has been with us the Whole Time for one of these persons must become a Whiteness with Us of community under Gods covenants representing Resurrection exalted in the Right hand of repentance to all whom are far off in liberty and justice for all in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your Sins. 

Situational Law edit rewrite: Holy Bible – New International Version.

Co-creation toward poetry in God
Humankind does not have the power to make the sun rise or set. We can predict and respond to the weather, but we do not determine what it will be day to day.
Concepts of “Cocreatorship’ Stewards have become quite popular among Judases in recent years.

Judas Theologies generally grossly discount steward as one in responsibility who decently nurtures and characteristically demonstrate opposites extended to its ultimate.  

Judie's as agents can be negatively potent in personal lives effecting community at large. 

A Hasidic story makes case in point.
IT is the story of a Good man who prayed let me know even as angels do. The Apostle Paul makes the same point when he said, It is a Terrifying thing to Fall Into The Hands of the living Self Proclaimed God, Yet in the End all things point back to God.

Time for some pre- vote Boomer poetry as your guide
Dear God,
Do you remember that reporter that pretended to be, talked about for days and who does not have a lot to do with the business of God as imaginary companion?  

Now were old, we cannot be sure whether near the end or still merely preparing to blast off once again, but of this  we can be sure: There is not one moment we can declare You to have been absent from us. 

You created our generation to be precise; you have also been good to us though there were a few bad years.
Many do not understand those who turned on us are unaware you were creating leadership without Intent that threatens Top Dogs.

Judies Top dogs are floating nomad icehouses minus love that generally proclaim “it was right” as nothing new under the sun though paradoxes behind intent were wrong by submission. 
We made critical thinking mistakes in concept of “The God of the Void” in which silence and absence now proclaims to those who have arrived: “Why Us” what did we do to deserve this? 

There is a solution: Real love demands through suffrages our hearts still carry on ever larger as result that intervenes with unfailing goodness of awesome energy proportion brooded in devotion that amazes judies.

Why do Judies inevitably fail, Simple: they don’t know how to learn as an Adventure.  

Learning not primarily focused upon the fastest crossroad to the Get is gain is often one of the greatest adventures in life when not individualized operating under the illusion of Perfectionisms. 
Seeds that develop self –imposed, unrealistic – exaggerated standards eventually become quite costly in any long term sense as unspoken illusion assumptions in having it all together with no further need usually followed by psychical symptoms of distress anxiety that cannot be lived up to. 

What is common characteristic of true Judie; lacks hindsight to discern passively within own self-made predicaments limited by spiritual Humility lacking courage to embark of coming clean or getting real. 
Courage is the business of going about life not resembling brain damage is capacity to go ahead in spite of fear, or in spite of pain. When you do that, you will find that overcoming the fear will not only make you stronger, but will be a Big Step Forward toward Maturity. 

What characterizes true professional maturity over the rest mainly stuck in stupid selfishness’s complaint in life doesn’t meet their demands regards maturity as Responsibility – even as opportunity – to meet life’s Demands in realization that everything that happens has been designed to Teach Us what we Need To Know as we begin to see life from entirely different perspective.

So what is the moral here between simple and smart selfishness, both are personal life choices that can be simply said is the choice to die well by those who have made the choice for learning, who have developed the attitude that learning Is Central – even as essential as Shelter – to Living.
Choosing to die well is an inherent part of choosing to learn how to live well. 

Not for Profit: Senior advocacy Life experience, community service,educational share.
Reference material utilized: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
From the book: The Road less Traveled and Beyond, Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

Thank You. 

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