As a community service life-care movement explains from senior perspectives what new aged counter cultural beliefs expect of man’s law under God and the allowances that the nine men in Washington failed to make in the document they are always talking about.
The very last thing Jesus told his followers was, “You will be my whiteness.”
Witnessing is simply accurately reporting within what happened to them, another, or both.
Anyone who has chosen to remain under God and country is neither boring nor uneventful.
Disciples under God have the very life of good pulsing through their bodies inhabited by the Holy Spirit.
Life-care side note: it has been documentary established beyond reasonable doubt that indeed consortiums exist that do not fiducially administer in seniors best interests neither specific to banking nor limited within privatized guardianships and retained law groups.
Testifying under god only requires of the spirit that one must open their mouth and heart for the sake of others to set them free.
Like Paul in Corinth, they boldly and without hindrance preach the kingdom of God.
Before modern Felix’s they defend themselves and give accounts of the resurrections of the dead that cannot be shut down.
They plant seeds; Apollos water them, but under God made them grow.
God is the one who draws people to himself, and he is pleased to use us in the process.
The biblical course of Israel’s life when rescued from Egypt tells many stories of redemption easily found within our Reagan National Bible on how to share the faith under God in America in which words without acts are dead.
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction in community under God is relationship that allows one to assist another in Discerning God’s activity and presence in his or hers life.
This relationship assumes that we all need help to listen to God and live out his call.
In the business of everyday life we can become blind and deaf within certain rivers of life that flow around us.
A true Spiritual Director in community always listens with one ear to God and the other to the Directee; always encouraging the Directee to recognize where under God should be applied in their journey which at its core spiritually directs under community covenant faithfulness and initiatives of God.
Life-care side note: if finders of senior facts had practiced community covenant under God thus there would be no need to neither file Bank complaint to Illinois Department of Financial Professional regulations nor extend to ARDC commission queries concerning what type of licensed operatives within (2015 p 888) are Illinois bar associations currently sanctioning?
Are Socrates lawyers allowed to unduly thrive within what blackens America while shaming under God to the world?
Jung is accredited within translations for the masses, his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with publications presented just the right time when public is at whit’s end.
Illinois senior citizens have earned their right to expect under God - safe retirement environments that are State Free of organized financial predators backed under unethical law groups or firms.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Our constitution still preambles even concerning seniors categorized as second class citizens - allow no other to unduly dictate under god that your voice no longer holds relevance in modernized society.
Life-care side note: if governing officials had been paying attention under directives in living trust my mother would have never received amounts of stitches that facially disfigured nor concurrent concussions that contributed toward losses in mobility ahead of their time and perhaps like her mother who lived to 100, she would still be alive to this day.
Once J. Edgar Hoover asked, what has happened to civic pride, the righteous indignation of otherwise respectable citizens that turn their backs on helpless victims of civil crimes?

Service under God
While oppressed seniors need Americas help against discriminatory tyrannies of injustice our culture currently only affords as emulated through (2012 p 893) the deserving ones are only to be fiducially waited upon.
The disciplines of equality in service are the way corporations demonstrate to be within community under God.
God’s Marines under Jesus are the ways that bless our continent.
His intentions never waiver when he finds temples that are clogged with buying and selling.
He takes his whole establishment to task of running these sorts out of temples designated to bless people not to be used as clearing houses of obtainment for privatized financial gains.
We can never truly serve our neighbors in community when all that is desired is to be nation of kings that only desires to be accommodated while waited upon.
When we are preoccupied only within our own concerns service becomes invisible.
Fiduciary Service (constitutionally) under god is still rooted in (till legislators write out otherwise) seeing others as God does in which he cares about EVERYBODY not just titlists.
Jesus maintains that True love for another can only be demonstrated whether one knows under God in trust or does not.
Martin Luther King Jr. said, everybody can be great because everybody can serve.
You do not need a College Degree; you do not have to make your subject and verb agree to serve.
You only need a heart full of Grace, a Soul generated by Love are enough to make truly great differences in someone’s life.
Tough general population decision concerning upcoming presidential election pinioned offers choice between lesser of two to contend with for next four years is perhaps calling under God of write-in candidate can do no worse?
The most important part of the change process transpires in community.
It is a Pipe dream to expect dysfunction to function responsibly in a world under god in which they are not equipped; it would be like insisting that they construct an elaborate computer program.
The gate of Eden is forever barred from us by cherubim’s with a flaming sword.
So in many ways we are both blessed and cursed by consciousness.
With it comes the awareness of realities in Good and Evil tyrannies of humanity.
Growing increases of no ethics in the air compass to have educated more immoral devils then we know what to do with - let alone set down.
Democracy just doesn’t happen; it must be fought for holding all right reasoning’s under God, in God, while benefiting community at large.
Story line based upon Life-care movement updated statuses in real time perspective.
Not for profit-senior community service edit shares through effective communications.
You do have a voice and Life-care movement cares.
Books referenced:
Spiritual Disciplines Handbook - Practices that transform us
Author: Adele Ahlberg Calhoun.
The Crime of Punishment
Author: Karl Menninger, M.D.
The Road less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in as Age of Anxiety
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.

No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in neither extensions of self-help recovery topical shares nor supportive media or accompanying Jpegs.
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