It has been said there’s nothing new under the sun only rephrased illusions of old cheaters games.
Sign of the time’s compass levels deployed in professional inappropriateness are highly dependent upon parent crass economics in which organizational dysfunction junction’s virtues must meet designations bottom-line at all costs.
Willingness to unethically do whatever it takes become the psychoneurosis while when called into valid moral question reactions many times forensic Hysteria having offended the devil himself.
The inappropriateness of modern designations can only be diagnosed when roots of avarice are accurately understood in which radical changes guised understanding.
Another-words: forensics must factor in scenario was not due as once thought being floating inflammation of nerve activity exhausted a mind in myriads of tiny environmental hemorrhages resulted critical thinking mission statement error made.
Redundancy as forensic facto may now compass intentional was greater virtue in destination all along.
Hint: old attorney saying; if it’s not on paper it never happened ring true, always recap oral back as understood and chart.
Avarice clinicians know this; there have been many efforts made to correct engineered difficulties by announcing what are guised under new labels illustrate.
In looking back over decades any layman can identify pathology of cheaters game through current general use in professional destination having attempted to sidestep errors of earlier ones into unconscious state swept under whitewashes rug.
Professionals against modern misleading myths through forensic sciences indeed can still be placed and dated to affiliations by choice, use, and terms.
Hint: this is why it is extremely important for every senior or power of attorney to record well, you’ll be glad you did when time comes and it will to go up against professional “people of the lie” for a living.
When ethics are allowed to fall by the wayside as fleeing memory survival of the fittest become reality, states become way of daily living in the grind.
Cries by the people reflect politico hysteria should be abolished for its absurdity derived in reproach.
Hysterical is translated back by the people to Politicos pertaining to what forensic redundantly silly, shamming or could get well if only enacted.
“We the Peoples” objection to political America are evidences of second order under god compass blatant disorganization's employed by its first ego advance serviced elitists to naturally avarice and subsequently create current unwritten codes in hoarders conduct creed.

Dear God make us happy once again.
Simplistic thinkers while sworn to uphold under god - ego narcissism – can be foundation’d through first order devises that prove to be insufficient to control a continued or increased condition of stress in threatening disorganization. General characteristics generally forensic no attempt to reduce increased states in tension and threatened disequilibration sought Vital Balance between dangerous impulses which seek to discharge Avarice and sense of expediency having demonstrated wisdom.
Redundant In-actions marquee ego’s not fit to further serve that are afraid of their own shadows in reference concerning what permits them to discharge ethical moral justice.
Again, America needs statesmen caliper leaders that make positive differences not more damaged goods as party followers of wolf packs - taxpayers can no longer afford to support.
Integrity as virtue in an age of full of engineered anxiety must take those bulls by the horn that affect a discharge, which is more or less disguised; the disguise involves erotization of elitist impulses and associated factors in which penalize the American public for unsound personal gains.
What are directly addressed forensic psychodynamic quality of symptom norm fundamentals.
Economic values of a second order - foundation’d in devises - can now compass as they relate to level of statistical probability required to succeed in destination; Patriot watchmen as God’s ordained preventers serve the generally public through spiritual voluntarism mediates awareness of more serious consequences and what compass uncontrolled emergence of more serious disintegrations on horizons.
Fact: unexpected tide overs always exist, but are no relative match to principled persistence to subside.
Presidential crime statistic reports may reflect this happens to majority of cases focused under God.
Politico’s as slow learners on the other hand may not insight efforts to be sufficient enough to enforce while laxities fill purses, so, one may be sacrificed in which whole can to go back to business as usual.
What then should come as no real surprise is why symptoms naturally escalate up and out in Third, forth, and worst Fifth dimensional dyscontrol produce Illinois Pete repeat States like ducks in a row will require costly federal interventional maintenance back under God and legislative restructurings back under document those Nine Men in Washington are always talking about and revere.
Producing true Psychospiritual statesmen processing the Soul of God dedicated to preservation of under God is best overall national defense in which societal can positively evolution as whole otherwise if we continue under avarice contingencies of dyscontrol nothing will be left to pass on except legions of every person for themselves passed on while future generations curse their existence.
If we do not desire to be generationally remembered - destined to make law books in what not to do nor think; then perhaps we need to get busy what has been in front our faces for years: Ego’s properly wisdom’d, Souls no longer cross jump ethics, and less disguised transparency whitewash facts in record.
Once majority stock holders “We the People” take stock “Of the People” persistent efforts can yield avarice as societal cancer will remission while all else naturally increase “Weller than Well” conducts.
Simply: we the people have to parent what professional standards, Barr associations and political parties fail to neither teach nor discipline their adolescents as designated protection extension of public trust.
Reference: The Vital Balance – The Life Process in Mental Health and Illness.
There can be no freedom based in narcissism
Sharp distinctions can be made between disordered and clear thinking as well as stupid and smart selfishness.
Simplistic thinking lacking spiritual foundations produce bad thoughts that become societal realities when birthed in avarice; we see evidences of it every day as result.
Narcissism as chosen adult virtue can do no more than be extremely self-centered in how on earth can the world ever get by without them.
Narcissists cannot nor will not think about welfare of other people, while their advanced learning build on self-reflecting terrible two’s that never toke that giant step out.
Criminal minded Narcissistic’s present greatest national threat through problematic attitudes that dispense conducts in which violate others tactically discriminate, oppress, denies same rights and opportunities of access to valued sources.
Basically infantile superiority complex under security of status view outsiders as inferior – simpletons, therefore all elitist will support anything they desire to do or steal are protected in layered background.
Life-care knows treatment well, but like ‘Job’ remains still unbroken.
Christ our savior help seniors find a way back home under God.
So while these spoiled UN-American mindsets think too little - under god and patriot in county have to think too much for whole, why you ask; simple - every wrong choice made holds a consequence and that consequence makes choice in which potentials can cast all into its shadow.
Carl Jung ascribed the Root of Human Evil to “The Refusal to meet the Shadow” by “the shadow” Jung meant the part of minds contain those things would rather no own up to, that are continually trying to hide form ourselves and others , swept under Rugs of Consciousness.
Most when pushed up against the wall by evidences of own, Sins, Failures, or imperfections will acknowledge our Shadow, by his word “Refusal” are all those of free will that choose to Cross over Lines that separate Sin from Evil characterize most by “Militant” refusal to tolerate any sense of selves having to bear or face inflicted pain - rip for Penance stare.
Politico resident as citizen under god are expected to conduct selves of god otherwise “We the People”- “Of the People” no longer want your participation, you’re expeditiously dismissed and we wish you well.
Fact: no politico walks around so unhealthy that they are not at least slightly conscious.
Public scrutiny has to keep close watch on public servants anytime there are failures foundation’d in unethical, immoral consciousness reflect corresponding deficits yielded costly public consequence.
Thus all politico behaviors are opined need to be put on public notice declaring failing to think well or not at all hold consequence of recoupments, stripped of benefits, and black booked form public or care services.
Like narcissistic elitist example listed above - when there are no incentives in place to do otherwise “Simple does what simple do” while discipline incentives naturally weed out through fear those who never belonged in office in the first place - in for all the wrong reasoning’s to include public funded exotic retirement packages full of goodies and it is through this growth that America will become economically strong and competent as leader of free worlds once again.
Reference: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
The most significant thing to remember is although a founder may not see fruit of their labors blossom, knowledge in due course knowing eventually ethical justice will prevail is all that ever counts to a true patriot under God in country.
Why do many view scenarios as new when in reality are very old in static concepts – simple, once doors are opened to modern, everything within become new to those never required to live nor whiteness it.
More the reason why potential vulnerable adolescents at helms need to be under master statesmen supervision and guidance, we already have more than enough Devils advocates than known with to do with so why produce more in which we already cannot afford?
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: Golden goals neither include becoming walking encyclopedias in fiduciary proneness nor self-contained self-sufficient preventative crime labs as trust police babysitters.
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time turned tides.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony has returned for more.
An ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is fiducially toward its intended not agendas of others.
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance.
Give Boomer generation reason why any should remain in office representing under God?
We thank Authors Karl Menninger, M.D, M. Scott Peck M.D plus providing Chicago College of Psychology and community libraries in conjunction with local ministries faith resource center for sharing their intuitiveness as valued resource enabling the average Simpleton of educational idiot’s status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities that unethically vantage seniors into Hell’s two tiered biased kitchen in one sided injustice.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values positively passed on that ensure evolution equally enjoys the security in no other can unduly write another’s epitaph nor subsequently invoice encroached capital gains that elude justice - in Jesus Name under God
Basically infantile superiority complex under security of status view outsiders as inferior – simpletons, therefore all elitist will support anything they desire to do or steal are protected in layered background.
ReplyDeleteLife-care knows treatment well, but like ‘Job’ remains still unbroken.
So while these spoiled UN-American mindsets think too little - under god and patriot in county have to think too much for whole, why you ask; simple - every wrong choice made holds a consequence and that consequence makes choice in which potentials can cast all into its shadow.