Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Life-care inquisitively looks at the pseudo business behind privatized trust busting under the law allows.

Indeed we have entered into an age where fiduciary first duties and proficiency in instrument intents have not much to do with justice at all only continual prosperity under avarice plans in better living.
Recirculation of senior wealth as highly lucrative reverse Robin Hood spoiler of best laid plans would appear to be a formidable boomer foe best not taken lightly.
Trust instruments although by ideal are often well intended, realistically, they provide little fiduciary defense when probates unwritten qualifiers coddle privatized conducts unbecoming of professions.
Outrageous fees are good faith recirculated through estate reviews fundamental of language in return provided incomplete instruments that ambiguously left Mr. Avarice’s door wide open to those in the know for a living while good faith says what was the point in expense if justice dishonors first duties?
One of the most dangerous places on earth for boomers to be is before a probate mother (alleged disabled) that protects its layered professional children.
Fundamentally in this arena trust instruments themselves have much not to do with hidden system rules that can make document intents totally worthless under forums eyes. 
So, what can be done to level this playing field, simple English would start with right of the people in discovery require Probate (publish) as separatist system public knowledge specific to its disability rules.
As vital self-helper balance such publications are the only ways John Q. Public can hope to equality compete with Socrates law groups working hard to compromise intents under the law allows as reverse Robin Hood recirculates. 
Indeed only the morally insane would disagree as continent we do not hold epic proportions of unethical centurions problematically focused in all wrong directives as first duty.
Woe to those who issue oppressive decrees to deprive seniors of their rights.
To name something correctly gives John Q. Public's a certain amount of power of politicos of the lie.
Avarice evils in high places can never be figments of the imaginations when greed decrees its realities.
Given the state of affairs it’s impossible to overlook the reality of greed if thought of integrally.
We downplay blatant Scrooges and hesitate to see them for what they truly are as none team players in the America way of life.
People of the lie fundamentally commandeer wealth based on assorted wise tales and myths of yesteryear's they themselves are quick to point out.
It has been said the truly evil are the ones who reside out of jail in which for all intents and purposes in light of unbridled avarice going around such would be fairly accurate.
Avarice indeed is so destructive it can be considered the ultimate illness.
People of the lie work hard to absolve responsibility for actions taken but the truth of the matter under free will says while all have the choice to think or not to think reality concludes whenever a choice existed we should be held accountable.
Who are they is an important distinction that can no longer be taken for granted our systems will fix themselves.
Quality of openness and random destructiveness redundantly denying responsibility for deeds and concurrent wickedness’s without apology are what separate ordinary sinners from evil deeder’s.
Evil deeder’s code fundamentally consists of they must always fail to suffer while there creed is to lash out and use them as scapegoats.
Common denominators of Evil Deeder’s can only simple English: people around them must suffer repeatedly to ill effects by those addicted to high opinions of themselves or far worse.
People of the lie declassify themselves as none designated criminals simply by fitting in well under guise made to appear doing all the right things primarily only on the surface.
Major evils are committed by these sorts every day of greater or lesser magnitudes that cheat America.
The reality is when we the people discount fiduciary while looking the other way we not only betray ourselves but cheat evolution out of Weller than well inheritances.
Worst do it blatantly, even compulsively that generations come to curse over decades.
Illegalities of deeds do not require brainy distinctions when extremes stand out like red flags in obviousness’s English: willingness went to any length in order to avoid the consciousness of own evils.
This now brings up a fiduciary paradox in which on one hand says critical thinking shadows never lie while on the other continued as accustomed can surely only breed more shadows to endure.
The Performer.
Only the unethically insane would disagree as continent we not only pushed ourselves up against the walls of failures and imperfections but adorn those who have crossed over the line that separate sin from evil characterized most by their absolute refusals to tolerate any sense of own wrongdoings.
Our shadow additionally holds a 1% militant sector that refuses to bear the pain of its own unsound ignorance into consciousness as Judases under God.
Meeting of minds are redundantly bought off and traded like commodities in order to appease unwillingness from being acknowledged cast vast fiduciary shadows that betrayed public trusts for personal goodies.
Among the reasons for becoming more politically conscious is to avoid furthered oath’d downers that unthinkingly create more shadows then readily overcome already well overburdened in sameness’s.
2017’s plate is overflowing with lobbied downers at taxpayers’ expense that should have never happened in the first place as first duty.
Clearly all basic downer disorders were rooted in conscious that either did not integrally think well or gave in too easily as none leader of men - party patriot.
The shadow says no one in higher places can be so unhealthy that is at least slightly conscious or healthy enough to be totally conscious without regard.
Speculating conducts that best measure an official’s degree of consciousness in the consistency of their general approach to thinking must become John Q. Public’s top priority in which discerns which trending downer syndromes directly reflect incapable s in meeting “Weller than well” grades not fit to finish terms are best removed as learning experience not repeated. 
The benefit is “We the people” make the choice before “Downer’s” shadow makes our choices for us.
Pseudo simplism's foundation’d in easy answers to everything have indeed contributed elements of narcissism torments that could result decades must pass before some reliefs are ever found.  
Although dynamics benefiting whole are grime a solution exists in simple English translate within our Reagan national bible: until we ultimately hand ourselves over to Traveling with God no furthered progress expectant will be enjoyed.
If we do not become conscious the radical question is how can we ever expect to be good?
Why be good, the more conscious we become the more whole grows in power and competence.
Whole is what thrusts evolution in the directions of consciousness where we are evolving toward moves forward.
Within sociological examen’s life- care knows not where avarice can be found having improperly thrust stupid selfishness evolutionary did no more than pass the buck in which successors curse for decades.
Such may include commandeering’s of inheritances by 1%’ers and bankrupting Social security administration foundation’d in seniors as G.N.P. are to subsidize status quo engaged in cluttering’s of driveways and overfilling garages to points of insanity.
“To know with”, “To know what” suggest that the answer is to know with God.
Simplistic disorders have their roots in “Nasty” materials contained in unconscious minds because conscious minds refuse to deal with them.
To know with God has been well proven throughout the centuries can deal with unpleasant stuff in which the unconscious mind offers absolute gardens of delights connected to God.
Simple English: God reveals to us through are unconscious if we are willing to be open to it and become conscious of its wisdom.
Stilling voices warning Mr. Avarice is no match ever to be taken lightly wisdom of the spirit reflect through junk bond status and fiduciary messes politicos refuse to be congruent with the mind of God.
You Better Get Down!
So, if this is true how then can we expect to remain under god graced in nation?
New truth is always a vital balance because we must consciously recognize it to be true.
It makes us re-know that which we knew all along still applies within universes that won’t take the time out to go running with us.
John Q. Public's are the onlookers of what autocratic creeps look like that seem to make no sense nor know what to make of 1% dreams we can no longer afford to support.
As said over and again, we are not here to necessarily be happy, fulfilled, or comfortable all the time, were here to Stewart leanings that evolve progress (moves forward) as opposed to re-gress redundantly (moving backward) leans on Mr. Avarice.
When we follow the ways of Mr. Avarice onlookers only experience life filled with vicissitudes, uncertainty, and more hard lessons were life seems to be more about maintaining celestial boot camps.
Is 2017 the year where Christ’s believer’s fast temptations in which prepare readiness to have God remove majority of defects in Politico character well overdue?
Recognition of integral differences between striving righteously and striving wrongfully for objectives – and perfections must draw its lines in conducts deemed unacceptable under any circumstances.
Personal relationships must become the business of America that always asks first what humility is necessary as “Weller than Well” evaluation aid that lasts.
Values of ego puncturing must once again prerequisite all oath’d first duties.
Failures and miseries foundation’d in Mr. Avarice must be transformed by humility that strengthens from weakness into unified nation.
Narcissism must be shown pain is the admission price to new life in which no short cuts prevail.
Narcissistic’s must be shown self-centeredness as chief activators harming others are no longer exempted from discipline nor excused from due punishments by stature.
Learning to live within what does not require unsound oppression's in order to succeed must be shown through chief executive orders reflective in New Marshals on horizons will no longer buy into false profits that improperly whiteness harm another.
Diseased minds at helms incapable of seeing their own negligence’s in considering alternative ways in thinking and living are what keep positive evolution at bay with itself.
Patriot Statesmen know whatever surfaced at the bottom directly reflects what origin’d at the top trickled down certain ways of thinking and living that fool and manipulate greater disharmonious.
Old Records are what made us great.
Fiduciary arrogance's are like old maid myths that succumbed without thinking about issues more radically in which later comes to know hunches about improper marriages should have been followed.
So, while it is hard for seniors to be jolly in state plagued in Avarice follies, one faith absolute still exists. All who recognize Christ have friend of the great physician who knows all, sees all, and disciple’s ordained watchmen as witness in trinity for all who believe a power greater than all remains faithful.
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time when tides needed to be turned.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic Avarice has returned for more.
An ordered accountability partner’s first duty is to protect it’s intended not stealth resigned agendas.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: Golden goals commonly do not include desires to become literal walking encyclopedias in finer arts of cornering improper fiduciaries into ethically fulfilling their first duties nor subsequently become moralities self-contained, self-sufficient - crime lab as humanistic “punitive” babysitters.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance.
The point is what the points are that matter where people become more important than loss of country to avarice as another’s footstool.
It Ain’t Right so why invite it for eternity?
We humbly thank the late M. Scott Peck, M.D, Anonymous programs and faith based community resource centers for sharing fundamental intuitiveness’s in which enable a viewed underdog of educational idiot stature abilities to stay afloat in actuated seas of treachery and oceans known to capsize before reaching its ordained destination – final port of call.
Secured Freedoms rarely come easily but are worth fighting for that preserve family values and ensure legacies can equally enjoy securities in knowing under god still protects as a first duty against those whom scheme to unjustly write a families epitaph within country that values its people.
Happy birthday mommy,
Your beloved baby boy has not forgotten not only what was unjustly  crassly administered contrary under god in living trust, but what was sacrificed in knowledge so others would not fall into same traps as endured till bitter ends totally shameful in view of asset holdings.

1 comment:

  1. People of the lie work hard to absolve responsibility for actions taken but the truth of the matter under free will says while all have the choice to think or not to think reality concludes whenever a choice existed we should be held accountable.
