Monday, March 13, 2017

Are first duty expectations too much to ask of a state to uphold as fiduciary extension under God?

Requests for help that floor citizens from every walk of life left malingering in excuse suggest guised capitals are allowing counterfeit escorts among fleet to stealthily sell off “legislative boots” not measured” under justices flagship are to stretch to size that fits all. 
Within these boots are small pieces of bureaucratic leather that strategically placed (ands, ors, plus a but for good measures) inside the “left un-sanded” are what irritates the foot into becoming incredibly sore and further blistered after every walk that wore those boots. 
So our simple English illustration focused upon malingering’s that floor all walks of life bottom line boots sold by tourist shops: were too small, had hidden workmanship defects in foundation and when brought back to point of sale - does not accept returns. 
What scenario clearly messages our executive branch under conceptional 14th amendment are existence of Mississippi moons that concurrently legislate shoddy workmanship held no real taxpayer saviors as conscientious state directors. 
Again, what messages to the world is a potential to hold no real compassion for their boots where not all under the law allows are entitled to the ‘Luxury Customer Experience’!
Straight From The Shoulder.
Simple English: while all boots are traditionally intended for good walkin within reasonable break in mustards, likewise a hypocritical intent built within surface of politico return policies that dishonor principles under God are bad relations in any book.
Likewise when Mayors, commissioners, and community encouragement groups come forward in valid concern to its states capital where senators conducts unbecoming of seat reflect un-sportsmen like Zamboni drivers that kick oppositions off ice every time a power play looks to win a game comes down to same bureaucracy where politico return policies did not recognize a “Luxury customer Experience”. 
Only the immorally insane or idolizers of the “Benjamin’s” would see no problem where a state’s legislative integrity having missed ethical boats landscape redundant dismal portraits from a cities factory floor even plead in the blood breathed no true compassion demonstrated at the top to express levels of conversations on capitals floors stand seriously on horizons ready to make those needed differences, Here again proves why 14th amendment concerns of yesteryear still stand valid to this day. 
Sleeping With One Eye Open.
Simple English: Neither State capital pride in observance of Abraham Lincoln nor gratitude in privilege of inclusion under God in union are realistically not dedicated to follow through in which helps inner municipalities with their boots. 
Here again we know this to be true every time federal tasks force must revisit same old 14th amendment first duty axes to be re-grinded. 
In conclusion we have summarized lacks in 4th inch between the brain and the heart and it’s called passion. 
The Greek word for passion means to suffer where balancing the budget must succeed in thoughtful ways that lower crime rates while hard work never becomes the enemy of any good contention project. 
Passion breeds commitment, commitment breeds enthusiasms and enthusiasm breeds willingness to go that extra mile whatever the job, title, or role in belief what is done make significant differences between success and failure that support ‘Luxury Customer Experience’ projects.
The magic: occupied minds in right directives characteristically spend less time entertaining criminal minded excursions over “The Benjamin’s” simply not desired to be excluded from a unified passion. 
100% about the metrics must be about having delivered superior performance rightly committed to mission statement proved those metrics as the result of heart – led leadership were more effective in long term perseverance than “The Benjamin’s” could ever produce on its own merit. 
Down Home Blues.
Our seniors are our best defense and most valuable resource nation has not only to identify these devils advocates destined to become future “White Collar” series candidates of national shame to the world but insights how best to battle our immorally educated that honor no integral field rules in any play. 
The American dream is about making the most out of it under God in country that idolizes no other.
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time when crucial tides needed to be turned.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic followers of Mr. Avarice have returned with a vengeance in un-sustainable appetites that can never be satisfied till all is gone. 
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice while Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: The point is what the points are that matter where people become more important than subsidizing Satin’s earthly Lap Dogs. 
What was still holds heritage to come back in the sprit greater than ever as innovative leader .
We humbly thank authors Tommy Spaulding along with Doctors Karl L. Menninger, M. Scott Peck, and faith based community resource centers for sharing fundamental intuitiveness’s in which enable viewed underdogs of educational idiot stature abilities to stay afloat in actuated seas of treachery and oceans full of capsizing elitist title waves purposed to oppress reaching ordained destinations – final port of call. 
Secured Freedoms rarely come easily but are worth fighting for that preserve family values and ensure legacies can equally enjoy securities in knowing as we once did under god protects as first fiduciary duty against all whom scheme to unjustly write family epitaphs within country that Honorably values its people united as one in all affairs.

1 comment:

  1. 100% about the metrics must be about having delivered superior performance rightly committed to mission statement proved those metrics as the result of heart – led leadership were more effective in long term perseverance than “The Benjamin’s” could ever produce on its own merit.
