Unity is all about oneness with God and one another.
Oneness with another is a lot different than simply knowing another.
Oneness is a participation in the core of another's being.
Peter explains oneness with God as participation in the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4)
Paul calls this mysterious oneness "Christ in You, the Hope of Glory" (Colossians 1:27)
The life of God is riding in us, coursing through out bodies.
Beyond calculating God lives in us.
And our own human nature is caught up in the dance of the divine nature.
We are one with others not because we get along or share the same nationality or socioeconomic status -
Our unity doesn't depend on the quality of our lives.
WE are One because we belong to and are one with Christ.
He has reconciled himself, and not just us alone but the whole world (2 Corinthians 5:18-19)!
As one we are to live the radical unity-reality Jesus inaugurated.

In a World Defined by Conflict, believers are to be recognized by a Love that Unifies.
We are to display the unity of the Triune God - because we are a part of it.
We can hold prejudices and grudges, we can be racist and sexist and 'Break' unity at every turn.
But when we Do, we absolutely quench the Spirit and "Disfigure" the face of Christ to the World.
The Gospel is that we are One In Christ, and when born again we share in God's DNA of Love.
So what do we say about current and historical divisions and splits within nation.
How are we to think about all who have suffered needlessly for politics?
First, their is no way of getting around the 'Grief' under God has brought before God within heresies and all manners of political intrigue where known better had no excuse yet continued in its own pseudo, self-absorbed - stupid selfishness (anyway) in no regard.
God reconciled the world to himself. And the multiethnic, socially diverse community of Faith names Jesus as Lord is miracle.
So lets Heed the Holy Spirit's Call to Live as Children of God under God: as Brothers and Sisters of Jesus, and as Family
of our Father who is in Heaven.
Liturgy is grounded in reputation, not improvisation - its stable framework shapes community from week to week to all year round.