Monday, June 18, 2018

The story of human existence and culture and awareness is one of learning and growing and evolving into new understandings, and religion is not exempt from this process.

The issue of the ontology of “the satan” is not really that important. Whatever the cosmic powers of evil are, believe they exist, and the best way to fight them is to simply follow the way of Jesus.

Jesus reveals his Abba as never coming to steal, kill, or destroy, but only to bring life. “For this reason the Son of God was manifest, to destroy the works the devil.” (1 John 3:8)

Before considering if any administration Front loaded outward Sanction or internal stance relief  honored it's First Duty toward what makes America Great again, civic duty demands a responsibility to first study the Reagan era before any conclusion is drawn over  if any proposed political action fits within (Word) under God plus Honors our Nationally displayed Reagan  Bible.

1 comment:

  1. A shadow is very… shadowy. It can be misconstrued and misinterpreted. The writer of Hebrews says that it is the devil who wields the power of death, not God, and that Christ came to destroy him who holds the power of death (Heb 2:14).
