Saturday, July 21, 2018

What makes Trumps GOP so disturbing - it is the mirror that exposes the darkest political traditions of a naive nation.

Trumps GOP has not only created it's own version of deviation to the political tradition concerning cherished values but additionally has romanticized away huge swaths of history to perpetuate the myths needed at their essence propaganda leadership is not only as American as apple pie but will serve integrally as the general voters ethical beacon on the hill long long sought after makes America great once again. 

We as nation have had more than enough of our share of this type of flirtation that was pretty simple in it's agenda: to sell what  best serves a false pride and it's self - centered Narcissism. 
Trump Organization: Corporate Rap Sheet.
When we are sick, the symptoms of our illness tend to show up way before the root is exposed. We may face symptoms such as paralyzing anxiety, anger out of control, marriage in distress, financial chaos, and much more. We lack peace and long for relief. Where does this pain originate? Common sense would dictate We have to get to the root.

Our Great Physician offers us great clarity and help. Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Proverbs 4:23 (NLT)
Your heart determines the course of your life. God reveals that the condition of our hearts will determine the course of our lives. What is inside your heart is taking you somewhere! Sick heart = sick life. Healthy heart = healthy life.

When something is valuable, we guard it. We protect it. Your heart is of HUGE VALUE. And God says guard it! But why would we need to guard our hearts?Your heart is under attack. Just like a bacteria can attack our physical bodies, there is a real assault on your heart and my heart. The very nature of the words “guard your heart” indicate that there is something we have to guard against. 
The Bible is clear that we have enemies.
Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8(NLT)
For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12 (NLT)
The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? Jeremiah 17:9 (NLT)

Where we misunderstand the root of our problems, we miss the True and Complete  healing about what duly looked for the supreme court to Band-Aid proviso concerning messed up administration thinking, and Congresses reluctance to first duty Examine (ALL) the what’s that were behind the messed up thinking kicked another round of Blame cans down another's road. 

When it comes to voters thought life, we must determine where government needs to maintain more self-control that will not give in to the destructive patterns and behaviors of past failed bodies.

Where Political Parties take no responsibility for it's membership nor quality of recruitment's, the general voter must reinstate to all incumbents and future candidates our Simple English: There is no more room for wallowing in shame, condemnation, or between lesser of two Evils in America under God. 

We the general voters must reiterate continual reminders to politicians and party charlatans alike about who works for whom and is ultimately accountable while responsible under God to general taxpayer and voters alike when concern stands sick and tired of our executive branch portraying none statesmen like Folly in no regard nor remorse toward any another is the approved routine in and of any daily affair is combined with ever growing mounds of disgraceful out of control others across many a state in the union demoralize democracies good down to unconscionable's fact holds little grace time left to waste hovers horizon compasses "We The People" must now action a very sincere Faith Petition for God to shine the light on our sick places and where the heart is not up to dealing with under God's task, then one morally, integrally, ethically, actuates what should have neither been ever elected or allowed to run for a political office in the first place and the rhetoric to match from "of the Peoples" in strong warning - have a Smart Selfishness suggest for you: it would be best to either resign or move on farthest away from politics before it's to late - praying for healing in Jesus’ Name!

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