Sunday, February 28, 2016

Systems promoting ethical interdependence in collaboration

First qualifier is Civility in Community, for without there are few ethics and with few ethics, resolve most likely will resemble non existence of interdependence in collaboration. 

Minimalistic ethics many times solely reside within at the expense focused upon another which is a very scary place to be in. 

This is dramatically visible in our legal system; go visit any lawyer and their office is filled with bookshelves of books full of weighty tomes containing legal precedence of a situational nature. 

To live by situational ethics, it is necessary for the individual affected to have the capacity to serve as an Entire Legal System within self: to be Healthy and Whole, we must possess within our own minds a competent litigator Defense attorney, a competent prosecuting attorney, and a good Judge. 

Misuse of situational ethics can cast unhealthy dependency needs and feelings upon another that do not constitute love, commonly referred as civilities Community, attempting to unjustly drive another into the terrible trap of dependency. 

It is a trap because it leaves the affected dependent individual continually feeling that one cannot be whole without it and is nature of this game. 

Individualist practitioners in unethical minimalism benefiting self usually conveniently neglect to recognize that they too can be called to come to terms with their own sin in half-truths to feel ashamed of not only in the eyes of others but also their own. 
A True soul man, I am my brother’s keeper, will denounce this simplistic, one-sided, non-paradoxical, and therefore fallacious ethic and, in talking about Community, begin to Champion right interdependence as intended under God in which we are supposed to stand.

A builder of community serves as dramatic example by demonstration of positive virtues benefiting others. 

Like a good marriage it does not worry about roles dictated by stereotypes. 

True builders distinguish wisdom, organize time well, and recognize the value of interdependence as grace, but require consistency toward ethical to be righteously achieved under God. 

Collaboration by definition simply means: “Laboring Together” and when collaboration is Poor in organization, the system can look quite ugly. 

But when the Collaboration is good, not only is the organization “EFFICIENT,” BUT ITS SYSTEM CAN BE BEAUTIFUL TO BEHOLD THAT APPROACHES A KIND OF GLORY. 

The word “Diabolic” is derived from the Greek diaballein, meaning to throw apart, fragment, or compartmentalize. 

When dealing with institutional societal evils, one must remember for the most part what is integrally Good must be good for most people, most of the time and not merely a matter of “Is it good for me” mentality. When certain community segments are designated systematically disposable or irrelevant or treated with derision, dire consequences for the integrity of the entire community are inevitable.
Sounds conceptual in the familiar as graced survivor quantum leaped well ahead of my time. 

Not for Profit: Senior advocacy Life experience, community service edit rewrite, educational share.
Reference material utilized: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
From the book: The Road less Traveled and Beyond, Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

Thank you.

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