While in exile the heavens were opened and frequent visions that made differences benefiting another emerged.
When my mother passed the word of the lord came to me though the profit Ezekiel as he talked to me with the hand of the lord upon him.
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Ezekiel’s call
He said to me, Soul Man, stand up on your feet and I will speak with you.
As he spoke, the spirit came into me and raised me to my feet, and I heard him speaking to me.
He said: Soul Man, I am sending you to a rebellious community that has rebelled against me and covenant; they and their predecessors have been in revolt against us to this very day.
The organization to which I am sending you is obstinate and stubborn.
Say to them, this is what community under god covenant says.
And whether they listen or fail to listen – for they are a rebellious – they will know that a Profit has been among them.
And you Boomer Soul Man do not be afraid of their words; do not be afraid, though deceit and deception are all around you as you live out among scorpions.
Do not be further afraid or terrified by their additional words against covenant.
You must speak my words to them whether they listen or fail to listen but you Soul Man listen to what I say to you, do not rebel like the rebellious community open your mouth and eat what I give you.
Then I looked, and I saw hands stretched out to me, in them were books revealed before me, on both sides of them were written words of Lament and mourning and Woe.
And he said to me: Soul Man eat the knowledge of what is before you and go speak to the house.
You are not being sent to a people of obscure speech and difficult language whose words of intent you cannot understand.
Surely if I send you to them they will listen to you but be forewarned the house is not willing to listen to you because they are not willing to listen to us for the whole house is hardened and obstinate.
But I will make you as unyielding and obstinate as they are. I will make your forehead like the hardest stone, harder than flint; do not be afraid of them.
He then said to me, Soul Man listen carefully and take to Heart all the words I speak to you.
Go now to your community in exile and speak to them. Say to them, “this is what the Sovereign Lord says to you,” whether they listen or fail to listen.
Then the spirit lifted me up with strong hand – may the glory of the lord be praised in his dwelling place where senior exiles lived as I sat among them for several days overwhelmed at what I saw and heard.
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Warning to the house |
Near the end of my journey into literal hell on earth the word of the lord came to me: Soul Man, I have made you Watchman for your generation so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me.
When I say to a wicked individual or organization they will surely fall and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save life, that wicked individual or organization will fall for their Sins and I will hold you accountable for their blood.
But if you do warn the wicked and they do turn from their wickedness or evil ways they will surely fall and be punished in their sins, but you will have saved yourself.
Again, when a righteous individual or organization turns from righteousness and does evil, I will place stumbling blocks before them and since you did not warn them they will fall into the hands of their own sin. Any righteousness done will not be remembered and I will hold you accountable for their blood.
But if you do warn the righteous individual or organization not to sin and they do not sin, they will surely thrive because they took warning, and you would have saved yourself.
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The end has come
The word of the lord came to me: this is what the sovereign lord says to consortiums outside of covenant.
The End! The end has come upon the four corners of your land. The end is now upon you and I will unleash, I will judge according to conduct detestable practices.
You will not be looked upon with pity nor spared. Then you will know true community covenant among you.
Deceits has roused itself against all that have participated, market share demise is upon who dwell in this land. Then you will know that it is true community that strikes back in justice’s name under god.
The day is here for arrogances and wickedness to be punished; none of original consortium will be left and to any remaining in this crowd – no further wealth or nothing of value will be bestowed.
The visions of this consortium and its inner circle will be reversed back under Gods toward community in justices name. The party is over.
The visions of this consortium and its inner circle will be reversed back under Gods toward community in justices name. The party is over.
Reference: Holy Bible – New International Version edit situational theology share.
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To start, we use it as intended not toward the pirating of another; but by the setting of improper unethical iniquities against another in proper perspective order that writes senior community as the grand strategy of things in life other than their money insofar is in ones power to do so.
The brain is like a book in their own unique ways as they attempt to work out the same complex set of hidden themes. Looking backwards it is not unusual to discern that one has been wrestling with themes as far back as can be remembered.
At that time the road less traveled may have felt De Novo, but later in time one begins to see work has begun long ago or perhaps was born to work on them?
All that matter here is that one recognizes work was already in progress.
Many still believe all truths lie in science, but the most important discovery of modern Science has been that there are limitations to scientific inquiry.
With a few ifs, ands, and buts, there is no real certainty to be found in science than in theology.
It’s scary when our best minds are those who best know that they don’t know.
A major theme in community under God in which we stand is encouragements in the greatest range of thoughts in search for answers which would appear by many demonstrations as abandoned virtue.
Our sight seems to be currently crippled by scientific Tunnel Vision, so it is essential that are critical faculties and capacity for skepticism not be blinded from the brilliant beauty of in the spiritual realm.
Once literal thesis behind you goes into the business practice of real life more often than most unless morally insane without knowing is the beginning, almost unconsciously, to develop some cautious, tentative answers to one’s own questions. When enough such answers have accumulated, they continue to accumulate toward different works.
They are very different, but dependent upon what focused on they may all be part of an elaboration of one or more of the key concepts in the road less traveled as elaborations that carry concepts further; they look deeper; they go beyond. They tie together many of the ways in which one has been pushed – often stumbling- to move beyond current personal journey.
Some may consider being a reflective compilation, a compendium, or a summary of works quite selective in synthesis to capture the beyondness within tying up loose ends.
A quote of power that assists can be attributed to Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., who once said:
His profound sentiment leads to organize this work into three sections.
- In part One, “Crusade against Simplism, We decry the Primitive and Effortless simplistic thinking that lies at the Root of so much Individual and Organizational Sickness.
- In part two, “Wrestling with the Complexity of Everyday Life,” we describe the engineered complex choices that must continually be monitored and remade if we are to live well.
- And in part three, “The Other Side of Complexity,” we describe where we can arrive when we have been willing to pay all our Proper Intellectual and Emotional Dues.
Although the Phrase the Other Side rings with possible intimations of Heaven, we can certainly through proper community reach Heaven this Side of the Grave and indeed come to Exist in a Closer Relationship to the holy which seems to have been forgotten in lieu of Money and on that other side of Complexity there is a kind of Simplicity where we can know with Humility that in the end all things point to God.
Not for Profit: Senior advocacy Life experience, community service edit rewrite, educational share.
Reference material utilized: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
From the book: The Road less Traveled and Beyond, Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
All that matter here is that one recognizes work was already in progress.
ReplyDeleteA quote of power that assists can be attributed to Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., who once said: