It requires that we ask the crucial question: Has anything been left out? It requires us to look beyond our usually 'Simplistic' Illusions and Assumptions to try to discover What is Missing.
It has been said that what is Not Said is more important what he or she does say.
This is an excellent guide to get to what is missing. For instance, during the course of a few tax reform sessions, healthy people talk of their present, past, and future in a well-integrated fashion.
Should a person speak only in the present and future, never mentioning the past, one can be sure that there is at least one unintegrated, unresolved, and important issue that must be brought out into the light for full healing. Simple English: where people never make mention of their future, one might properly be led to suspect that as a body we have a problem with fantasy and hope.
If as body we were to think with integrity, and are willing to bear the pain involved, we will inevitably encounter paradox.
The Greek word 'Para' means "by the side of, alongside, past, beyond. Doxa means opinion.
Thus, a paradox is "a statement" contrary to the common belief, or one that seems contradictory, unbelievable, or absurd but actually may be true in fact."
If a concept is paradoxical, that in itself should suggest that it Smacks of Integrity and has a Ring of Truth.
Conversely, if a concept is not in the least paradoxical, body may suspect that it has failed to integrate some aspect of the whole.
Reality states we do not exist either by or for ourselves. If as body we were to think with integrity at all, as one we would have to recognize immediately that lives are nurtured not only by the earth,the rain and the sun but also by farmers, publishers, book sellers, as well as by our children, wives, friends and teachers as entire fabric is what makes Society healthy over guise'd tax break platforms.
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It is a Simplistic and Nihilistic notion.
It discounts all beauty, goodness, opportunities, for Spiritual Growth, serenity, and other wonderful aspects of living.
Indeed, one of the mysterious and paradoxical realities is that in addition to the pain that life brings, living can be accomplished by an unfathomed joy once we get past the pain.
To understand paradox ultimately means being able to grasp two contradictory concepts in one's mind without going crazy.
When something is taken for granted as Truth - and only the Truth - comes into question.
It is certainly a Skill of Mental Acrobatics to be able to juggle opposing ideas in one's mind without automatically negating or rejecting the reality of either idea.
But even when the strongest impulse is to want to Deny Something that one Finds Hard to Digest - such as the fact that Evil coexists with Good in the World - the ability to understand paradox is necessary in the process of sorting through Illusions, Half-Truths, and Outright Lies.
Almost all of us have the capacity to think paradoxically.
The extent to which we Neglect or Use this capacity varies greatly.
It is not so much determined by our IQs as by the depth we put into thinking.
To become Keen is paradoxical reasoning. The body must, as the saying goes: Use It or Loose It.
The more we use our capacity for thinking paradoxically, the more likely we will expand this ability.
It is Unquestionable that certain changes are needed to encourage better thinking.
But at the same time, Each Individual is responsible for his or her own thinking on how to meet this challenge.
Ultimately, if we teach people to thing well, we could heal most of the Ills of Individuals and most of the Ills of Society.
In the End, however, the Benefit of Thinking Well are Worth the Effort - and Far Better than the Alternative.
This is ultimately a Hopeful Business in which long ago was once said: "Once a Mind is Truly Stretched, it Never Returns to its Former Dimension.
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"I am writing you these instructions so that ,,,, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God's Household, whihc is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the Truth." (1 Timothy 3:14-15)