Although we often do redundant damage to ourselves through simplistic thinking, there are other times when avarice people may seek to damage us for daring to think well.
When you use your brain, it's bound to create a problem for avarice followers where they sought to use,abuse,or control a generation kept under fearful dependence shall pay homage to the spirit of avarice.
Avarice's hidden motives primarily will always engage principles engineered by ungodly man designed to discourage John Q. Public from realizing their sense of personal power under God that are directly related to their ability to exercise Good, independent Holy Spirit thinking graced in God shall no longer be the easy targets of immoral control and unethical manipulation.
Much is invested by broker cartels,banksters, and political parties alike in having John Q. Public believe in everything government tells them. After all, if average america does not think for themselves it is easier to keep them within teachings that it is not necessary to think much or preferably at all.
The reason we were given a brain is to think but we live in a culture that places little value on the intellect, the ability to think well, because it is viewed different - and possibly dangerous to elitists environmental well being.
The most common appropriate response should recognize that within all that was said contains nothing particularly new under the tyranny sun.
Notables inclusion the kind of things that a lot of people have been thinking all along, but were afraid to talk about.
But if we dare to seek righteous growth under God then we must dare to think God minded righteousness that believes faith can change much and grow as it's thinking's take off in new Holy Spirit inspired (graced) directions honored God and his Word.

Discounted illusions become bad when we hold on to them far too long and beyond their usefulness where delusion constantly interferes with proper growth principled under God.