Tuesday, May 29, 2018

It takes thought, and we have to reinforce our thoughts daily to absolutely honor God in the way that He expects from us.

Insincere Political Party Repentance is why "God" a Power Far Greater than all has sent
his prophets with messages of certanty in judgment and destruction hovers over nation.

Paul Ryan leaves behind a mixed record over 20 years.
Paul Ryan Allegedly Ousted House Chaplain for Disrespecting His Tax Cuts.

Where Republicans deeply underestimate the time they spend excusing Trump’s tweets and White House scandals, Lawmakers appear to have seemingly thrown up their hands over the future. 

Meanwhile, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush’s tax cuts on the top
 didn’t raise incomes, and neither will Donald Trump’s.

God is, in a sense, in the background. 
We have the duty to bring Him to the forefront 
and give Him the acknowledgement He deserves.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Where Consumers overall Dodd–Frank financial "Well Being" was deregulated down into Trump's Taj Mahal squeal — the '8th wonder of the world' sold for pennies on the dollar: should not all considered underling populates start taking these matters far more seriously ?

Where Consumers "Well Being" historically looks to have been, once again, politically "bipartisan" traded off favors grey law rule malfeasance returns nothing new historically what is redundant under the controversial incumbent sinners redundancy sun promises shall yield  even Fox networks most boldest internal GOP supporters (Hannity/ Ingraham) look to be in time  no longer be able to defend as cable network advertised concerning truthfulness in reporting's nor further discount under God what was highly obvious to others all along about what at best within a failed administration was  bidding its time, any way it could and Fox networks news position on "The Truth is what People believe" no longer holds viable substance nor applicable water where world recognizes non-discernible broadcasts highly motivated in tax credit preservation and beyond extended no regard in which knew very well that no long term sustainability will ever exist under endorsed leaders Integral abilities (The '8th wonder of the world' — sold for pennies on the dollar) nor in ethical character could make America  Strong again as respected leader of democracies and free worlds. 

Fiduciary standards soften requirements In the works (Labor Dept. rule annulled, SEC working on new standard)Retail brokerage firms Many have already changed commission model, little impact Consumers' right to sue banks Repeal Done (Repeal bill signed into law)All banks-Banks can skirt costly litigation when customers are wrong Consumer protection often enforcement In the works (CFPB budget trimmed by acting director)Subprime lenders, payday lenders, all retail banks Agency not pursuing violations aggressively provides room for bad behavior Auto loan markup ban Repeal Done (Repeal bill signed into law)Car dealers, other auto lenders Lenders can charge subprime borrowers more without restrictions.

Now start Taking regular deep "Bible based"  quintessential Spiritual breaths prior to any attempt before going Head On with this nations unprincipled systems - not of God.