Tuesday, May 15, 2018

When you do hear false campaign doctrine, flee from it and cling to the truth of the Bible!

It can sometimes be easy to unwittingly miss the dangers a nation is in until gone too far. 
This is especially true when it comes to right and wrong ideas.

Sadly, many voters continue to  built their house on this GOP “crumbling edge” based upon a none spiritual principle that never did nor never will result the high ground of biblical truth equally was experienced by all. 

So if you find yourself tempted during mid term elections to vote in support of the heavy mist lingering behind 2017's GOP tax reform package consisting of time proven trickle down economics that hold dangerous doctrine where things may not seem as they should, a simple English holds the best cure: watch out before committing to the vote for the warning signs! 

*Stay grounded in the truth of Scripture. 
*Recognize when what’s being taught is not what the Bible teaches. 

If one were to abide toward these simple truth actions, you can be sure you’ll build your faith on the solid rock of good doctrine and not on the crumbling edge of bad political theology.

1 comment:

  1. I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those political party agendas assured to cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned, keep away from them.
