Saturday, May 19, 2018

Do Too Real Virtual Reality Shooter games entice violence to go live? 101 mass shootings indeed strongly compass they do.

Video game purists have long turned up their nose at “violent
video games create violent people” but it would seem that this debate in the light of nations recent Santa Fe high school shootings combined with others compass many valid disputable arguments against this pseudo philosophy and how it no longer holds integral (Blind Faith) water, in a nation that is rapidly spinning (real time) away from it's first duty in government oath before God, as must, is to protect the general public's well being above all else exercised in respectable control(s) and money first mentalities that produce what glorifies all finer arts of violence sacrificed stewardship for greater personal gains shall no longer be tolerated in which contaminates minds toward becoming real time perpetuated experts in what was formerly reserved for law enforcement and military use only. 

"We The People" in Argument : given the immersive 
and interactive nature behind shooter games for profits, and their increasing ability to stimulate a range of senses beyond sight and sound, within a nations highly impressionable immature young minds includes tactile and olfactory sensations, one has to wonder if at some point these experiences may result in the rewiring of the the brains fear centers toward no return in that of an addict? 

To put this into perspective, we are 138 days into the year, which means the US has had nearly as many mass shootings as days in 2018.

There is no broadly accepted definition of a mass shooting and our government also doesn't have an official definition for it either. 

In general such an occurrence would be a single incident in which four or more people, not including the shooter, are "shot and/or killed" 
at "the same general time and location."

Will the rest choose to come to Jesus Christ and gain eternal life, 
or reject Him and be judged with eternal punishment? 
(Matthew 25:46)

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