Insincere Political Party Repentance is why "God" a Power Far Greater than all has sent
his prophets with messages of certanty in judgment and destruction hovers over nation.

Paul Ryan Allegedly Ousted House Chaplain for Disrespecting His Tax Cuts.
Where Republicans deeply underestimate the time they spend excusing Trump’s tweets and White House scandals, Lawmakers appear to have seemingly thrown up their hands over the future.
Meanwhile, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush’s tax cuts on the top
didn’t raise incomes, and neither will Donald Trump’s.
God is, in a sense, in the background.
We have the duty to bring Him to the forefront
and give Him the acknowledgement He deserves.
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ReplyDeleteMedia groups , stop taunting the people with network supportive propaganda designed to guise public from true political parties false agendas, but Do Tell Us about the Character of Integrity behind the story and in network claim?