Friday, April 22, 2016

Illinois Titlist Protection Racketeers inflict Senior Asset Martial law through questionable Probate System.

This is a dangerous subject- so handle with care, we write because it is believed needed

One meaning of Care is “Love” that is gentle by submission that does not extend undue Pain, Personal Injury or extended suffrage. 

As retirement generation up to bat; we must Be careful –full of Care toward one another
Remember early recognition of ‘eviL ‘distancing will always be your best offensive- defense.  

IT may be too late for me; for reason yet divinely revealed through grace as son of man’s Ezekiel’s watchmen -but not necessarily too late for those able to recognize storms brewing before they hit. 

As corrupt politics make strange bedfellows we cannot begin to hope to heal human state eviL within until such time we are ready to look at it directly as not a pleasant sight to be modeled after. 
If one has enough courage to dare too tread in murky waters: they most likely will find the dark side and in large part about the very darkest members of community – judged to be evil are not very Nice people to have to deal with, let alone be appointed under. 

The principle thesis of our work toward generational preservation must be focused upon specific people of the lie – as well as human evil in general – that need to be studied scientifically. 
Not in the abstract, not just philosophically, but scientifically and to do this we must be willing to make judgments. 

The Battle to heal Human eviL always begins at home while self-purification will always be our greatest weapon.  

Until I was indoctrinated into corruption through immoral law group practices - life was about process under God – I had not learned yet about antichrist lawyers. 

Psychologies of evil are vast abroad and its tentacles are lethal.

Under current state responsibility in all probate sanctioned affairs pertaining toward but not limited too- inner circle obtainment programs under unwritten contract: we Boomers must protect our Flock against the unscrupulous - while integrally protesting dissatisfaction within specialized select extensions within blatant Senior Rights observance violations while state high ranking officials remain impervious of the subject. 

As there is nothing really new under The Toddling Towns Sun: great Evils have been committed throughout the New Millennium and are still being committed by Elitists flying under own self serving flags best representing we are legion interests. 

The visible under God are necessary (even saving) against crusades of Inquisition that have nothing to do with Christ nor under God which allegedly we still indivisibly observe?

Disproportionate (authoritative) sanctioned Class wars have nothing to do with under God, 
Arrogance has nothing to do with under God and So on - and So on - and So on of endless lists of hypocritical excuses unsuitable under any profession or appointment. 

Under God is not Neuter; under God is exploding with Life and Love.
Current State/county functionality demonstrates mindsets that are contrary under god while willfully (hypocritically)violating community covenants with no regard. 
Fundamentally under situational law ethics- specific branches that enable unsound conduct should be federally cut off from further subsidized aide. 

Under God is gentle and nurturing toward its citizens 
Age is only a number not to be medical preconceived voodoo'd
based upon monetary myths that are contrary maternal toward responsibility of!

As C.S. Lewis put it: in relation to under “GOD” we are all female – moreover, whatever our gender or conscious theology, it is OUR DUTY – our OBLIGATION” as citizens in response to God’s ‘love’ to attempt to give Birth like Mary to Christ in ourselves and in others. 
Under Satin: lusts to penetrate all boundaries under God within theologies of hateful destruction. 
The cornerstones of scientific psychospiritual analysis under God as watchmen - must contain Honesty and Accuracy over full disclosures minus irrelevant - distraction details by design. 


While important distinctions were made attempting to name (Improperness) that provides general populist at large with a certain amount of Power over it - Evil is still eviL that are not figments of imaginations attempting to explain unknowns, un-evidenced.
It’s a malignant sickness within that is impossible to overlook as all eventually arrive of widespread denial in my state that downplays eviL while hesitant to see it for what it truly is due to being part of the problem itself. 
To be part of the solution would appear among constituents as act of unbridled arrogance or holier – then Thou- stance. 

So while federal task force is already within state reforming city back under God why not revisit western burb as well demonstrating to be slow leaner of conformities under Gods as example of serving as specific role model to the rest concerning; what not to immorally be nor what not to unethically do while going with the flow under flawed allowances under senior law suggestive within additional grand jury vacations required. 

In the book People of the Lie: it has been boldly asserted certain individuals are eviL.

It is important that distinctions are made that harm defenseless seniors at large while destroying family units in their wake. 

Classifications between ordinary judicial Criminals and eviL Sinners that deny all fiduciary responsibilities that contributed toward family unit destruction while holding indiscriminate dynamics must be made in interest of Public Safety. 

Those who immorally administer though excuse law allows:  have no business licensed, appointed or otherwise admonishing over any another while repeat offenders theoretically should be Locked UP or at a minimum- disciplinarily stripped of all powers that enable exploitative- manipulations practices for profits while ‘Owners’ held civilly accountable for actions within employment of unsound chieftain demonstrating imperiousness indiscretion of self-serving stupid selfishness against  Business License Charter. 

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line combined edit rewrites of Reference: 
People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil 
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based narcissistic evils and all destructions within territories that lead into Hell – In Jesus Name. 

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