Monday, April 25, 2016

If I had it to do over again - in the law allows - people of the lie.

When I first started out (2012 P 893) with the 18th judicial circuit, I knew practically nothing about Radical Human eviL. 

I did not believe in the existence of either the Devil or phenomenon of possession. 

I had heard of the word “Deliverance “while the very name of eviL was absent from my vocabulary. 
At that time I held very little training on the subject of eviL while topically was not a recognized field of scientific study commonly pursued. 

None familiarity within  primarily negatively impacted case outcomes due to all the psychopathology within that could not be neither explained in terms of known diseases or psychodynamics properly labeled encompassed in standard Diagnostic and Statistical Manuals.  
Example: There are only two ways to accurately diagnose dementia eliminating misinterpretations.
Scientific conducted brain scan utilizing medical identifier software or during autopsy.  

The fact that American medicine almost totally ignored the basic reality of the human will had not yet struck me as ridiculous. 
No one had ever told me about a case of this magnitude. 
Nothing had prepared me for the propensity behind the scenes. 

I was like an infant in many ways dependent upon professional ethics in which few were ever realized and more times than most never to be found as evidenced thought the years. 

I cut my eyeteeth here; consortium was, without question, one of the major beginnings of this blog. 
What I learned through livE-care guardianship and during the years since is insignificant in relation to what needs to be known about Human Evil. 
But it is enough that had I to do it over again; I would have worked livE-care very differently. 
And, conceivably, my mother might still be alive today holding no need to write this. 

First of all, I would make the diagnosis of greed based eviL with far greater rapidity and far greater confidence. 
I would not have been ‘Mislead’ by their obsessive-compulsion features into thinking I was dealing with an ordinary neurosis, or by their autism into considering for months whether or not I had uncovered a strange variant. 
I would have not spent months in confusion, or years making useless Oedipal interpretations. 
When I did finally come to the conclusion that livE-care guardianship was of the Evil, and when I confronted it in ward passage, I did it in accordance to In-Living trust which turned out to be of no real authority over. 
It is believed diagnosis of Evil’s within is one that should not be taken communally lightly. 

Had I to do it over again, I believe I could have put my finger on existence of corporate political corruption within five months instead of five years , and with a firmness that might possibly be healing. 
I would have begun with my confusion. 
I know now that one of the characteristics of eviL is its desire to confuse
I had been aware of my confusion early on dealing with senior services law group representative but assumed it to be my ignorance of subject matter.
I never entertained the notion that livE care guardianship retained senior services council after the fact the first year to keep me confused because they wanted me to stay confused. 

Today I would make that as a possible hypothesis and begin to test it quite quickly. 
Had I done that type of testing, it is more than likely diagnosis would have evolved in short order saving ward from multiple unnecessary head injuries that facially deformed while debilitating ability. 
I did finally 15 falls later convince public health department through governs office pleas toward necessity of investigation leading to type B facility violation followed by eviction due to reoccurrence. 
They began to toy with me over my mother in the hopes they would succeed in seducing me, possessing me, or conquering me toward theologies not in her overall best interest contrary in living trust as declared. 
Once I got their number and fought back for care required under medical opinion once achieved law group stepped in and suspended visitation, they needed to eliminate witness- she died 6 months later.

Had it become clear early on in the course of care work that I not only recognized eviL but had the power to effectively combat it; it is indeed quite possible elimination of questionable law group would of beat a hasty retreat to livE care from further engagement they obviously could not win?
If I could have succeeded outcomes would have been more preferable to what actually transpired and certainly would have saved a life. 
Two days prior to passage over guardian ordered monitored phone call; it was expressed she did not like what was going on there taken to the grave to remain unknown but highly suspicioned in accordance. 

Greed based Evils of these magnitudes deserve no pity, they may be able to creatively invoice their way in as co In-living Trust beneficiaries, but what they cannot do is suppress story needed to be told.
They may seem superficially fearless on the surface but in reality evidenced by charge of mental illness in financial concern masks depths of accountability terrors know too few. 
Their insistent need to control every aspect of evidenced compromised In-living trust relationship is rooted in panic: the dread that they might lose control over it prompting necessity of Probate though legally documented otherwise.  

God only knows what would happen to them if subjected toward “Alien” source of power greater than all? 
Their demand of judicial affirmations stem from what is un-affirmable that cannot be freely achieved. 

Finally, while working with system I would have not become overwhelmed within county sickness while recognizing early on its all about the money having little to do with integral senior care or betterment. 
Out of original consortium estimated to include anonymous behind the scene; out of excess of 15 constituents only three key players remain that will be federally put up while publicly scrutinized. 

Then I knew no other way to go – Today is different: disciplined approach - focused upon sparing another is quite appropriate under situational law ethics.
Affirmative actions may turn out to be quite effective toward future cases holding same magnitudes of malignancy while setting future precedents of must read(s) proportion within growing number of integral law groups reference collection.

Time will determine many outcomes holding truths absoluteness; some will take on undesired shadows not easily shaken while others will be required to outrun the devil himself.
In the end holding assurance- all will properly balance back under God while integrally upholding true meaning behind community convents in all affairs. 

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line combined edit rewrites of Reference: 
People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil 
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based narcissistic evils and all destructions within territories that lead into Hell – In Jesus Name.

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