Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Privatized imperiousness under the law allows demand federal enactment of life-Care act.

Guardianships of the lie- evidence higher than thou attitudes that require mandated reform. 

IN the county of Oz America, the fiduciary personal damage caused by prejudiced guardianships is perhaps more subtle but no less devastating to the community fabric under the banner of unsound economic ideology or deeply held corporate belief. 
But given evidenced divisive and destructive results, are these ideologies and beliefs rational or mere rationalizations for otherwise unreasonable acts such as ignoring in living trust declarations concerning taxations responsibility to beneficiary as trustee? 
This now raise valid question in concern pertaining toward trustee as person and how often as individual actually stops to think about potential consequence behind inactions? 

Illinois probate holds history within dreaded realms of countertransference holding bias.

My Major Senior citizen dilemma is escape from corrupt probate system enslavement, but first I must break the chain that connects me to heavy lead ball containing malignant Narcissistic administrator forced to carry since 2014 that even attorneys and regulated financial institutions fear to tread. 
Given the imperfections within the state of Illinois and evidenced political downward spirals of moral values thinking has become a grave issue. 
It is more urgent now during election year – perhaps more urgent to seniors than anything else – because it is the means by which decisions that directly impact our solvency world are birthed from. 
If we don’t begin to think well, its highly likely many others will struggle within medical intrusive persecution profiteering. 

We believe though life can be quite complex by creation the route to finding better answers primarily requires better thinking. 
Thinking is difficult. Thinking is complex. And thinking is – more than anything else – a process, with a course or direction, a lapse of time, and series of steps or stages that lead to some RESULT!
To think well is laborious which is opposite of simplistic theology, often painstaking process until one becomes accustomed to being “THOUGHTFUL.”  
Since it is a process, the course or direction may not always be clear-cut simplistic. 
Not all steps are Linear; nor are they always in the same sequence within narcissism.
Some are circular and overlap with others while not everyone seeks to achieve the same resolve. 
Give all this if we are to think well, we must be on “GUARD” against simplistic thinking in our approach to analyzing issues and solving the problems of community at large. 

Thoughtfulness is trustee flaw in contention - further complexed while too self-satisfied to examine their assumptions about thinking or too self-absorbed as evidenced to invest the time an energy to do so which fundamentally has no business holding any higher echelon corporate authoritative position! 
We must hold guardianship founder fiducially responsible here toward acts of unsoundness by subordinate under their watch. 

Why would any owner of sound mind desire to get involved with IRS- let alone Justice Department holding validity in challenge before complaints filed?

Needless to say many answers fundamentally lye within the energy required to think holds troublesome conflicts in self. 

Hamlet’s quote “To be or not to be” accompanied by Shakespeare asking “To think or not to think” is ultimate battle front of combatants in this arena holding differing opinions over simplism socialism unduly inflicted upon another that will in the end determine if intended is from functionality solvency perspectives “To be or Not to be?” 

And yes, is this serious, the only reason I’m able to somewhat hold my own is due to chronological extensive journals of what had priory maliciously transpired against ward of means under in living trust imperiousness of same proportion propensities as beneficiary.  

Stemming from 2012; Unjust Attritions reserving trust assets toward future profits relentless beats go on as I now ultimately walk in my mother’s shoes hold to two significant differences: one being I’m not in my upper 80’s – still very capable in self-preservation and most importantly devil’s advocate will not possess my soul as trophy nor will they succeed to boast over breaking of ones spirit under Christ the king. 

There are massive integral differences between doing for righteousness under god versus doing to save face within unethical constitutes  having been caught by lessor in one’s own web of deceptive deceit worsening over time the great equalizer.  
Lenard Hodgson wrote: It is not through ‘TRUST’ that we go wrong, it is through Sinfulness reasoning’s become imperfectly rationalized. 
The remedy is not substitutions based upon original sins of laziness, fear and pride.
The point of having a brain is to fulfill usefulness of capacity that androgynously rises toward the fullest capacities. 

If God our creator desired all to be criminal then he would have withheld soulful consciousness then alas under God we would then be all criminals building better mousetraps to ensnare our fellow man.

Consciousness is the key toward thinking well; it is prerequisite for solving problems holding any form of lasting propensity against continual placating of new band-aides missing marks over same old wounds of yesteryear.

Ultimately all union consciousness has something to do with under God.
Descartes is most famous for his statement “Cogito, ergo sum” – “I Think, therefor I am.” 
Another words – “I am conscious {or aware} that I am thinking; therefore I am.”
Unfortunately many leaders demonstrate the later of the conscious mind that base decisions translated into action at best reflect very little thought put into or simply not thinking at all primitive reflex response holding tumors on frontal lobe that have manifested selves in diminished awareness and alertness, and hence a diminished capacity to solve complex problems that should once again, never be allowed to hold position of authority over nor mandate.

IN conclusion: What’s needed is senior public welfare/ safety mandated LIFE-CARE ACT, federally subsidized serving as independent not for profit judicial watchdog agency consisting of the people - for the people – representing the people on the hill minus lobbyists influence  as deterrent within  myths of Genesis three become realities

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line combined edit rewrites of Reference: 
People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil 
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based narcissistic evils and all destructions within territories that lead into Hell – In Jesus Name.

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