Under God reigns supreme when one dedicated in works pursues holding all right reasoning's.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Friday, May 27, 2016
Life-care movement topically undertakes Theoretical sciences within Uncivil closed system protection racketeering.
When is enough- enough under God that does not unconstitutionally betray taxpayers and country?
Morality unified under God is integral by submission while ethical by application is what makes our world go round - not monetary byproduct politics.
Situational law primarily discounts elements toward vantage points, go into any law office and you will see shelves full of books holding tombs in precedents but to every negative aspect there is a positive element called ethics that balances all back under God in which are justice system is all about.
Due to pseudo theologies (money is time) backed by natural human tendencies toward profit laziness many licensees like mule to water - flock to specialized teachers in law that seek out all domineering precedents in which reversed situational justice is of no matter within element contention by which any integral court alone minus commission having raised to many specialized devils can ever hope to overcome.
We are neither by no means condemning whole systems nor professions, rather we are pointing out bad apples reputational’y spoil whole group’s public approval imagery and why privatized Guardianships must be placed under state codes of professional conduct jurisdiction equipped to rehabilitate up to case within case element.
Again, when things get out of hand - jeopardizing senior public safety - under god goes back to fundamentals that provide rehabilitation for lost sheep while weeding out malignant dissident strays.
There are two general approaches to teaching “Legal Ethics” - “Professional Integrity” – “Lawyer Professionalism” or “The Professional Responsibility of Lawyers” (all of these terms name the same subject more or less): the legal (or compliance) and the ‘ETHICAL’ (or Philosophical).
The Legal approach asks, “What must a Lawyer do to stay within the rules? How does a firm stay out of (serious) Trouble?
The legal approach treats the ABA’s MODEL RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT as just another statute or regulation, a constraint others have imposed as a condition of practicing law, or a close relative of the Criminal Law or, at least, OF CONSUMER PROTECTION (such as truth-In –lending law in which topically life-care movement seeks Truth in guardianship of person and assets).
Naturally, a “RATIONAL” Guardianship would want to know how close privatized can get to the limits without getting on the wrong side of it.
The Ethical approach treats the MODEL RULES as a standard Voluntary (that is why ARDC exists for this purpose) accepted TO ACHIVE A PURPOSE THAT ALL LAWYERS SHARE, EARNING A LIVING IN IN A “MORALLY” PRAISEWORTHY WAY AND WHY ILLINOIS TOPICAL FIRM ETHICS REVIEWS REQUIRE REHABILITATION AS WELL. Lawyering is to be a “Nobel Undertaking.”
Life- care movement models ambassadors’ advocacy after any good lawyer within ethical community standing being one should aim for the Targets Center (to be as good a lawyer as one can be) not the targets edge (TO BE AS POOR AS ONE CAN GET AWAY WITH BEING).
While most books target legal only (money is time conduct) texts exist from the ethical approach that incorporate both together under God in which we stand.
A modern Romans of Biblical proportion as nothing new under the sun remains as Language manipulation Arena of play in which primarily opposing statesmen dialogue for superiority in rulings.
That is why we have public records; they compass sociological trends best community rehabilitated.
Local Governmental (fiducially) holds protective equality responsibleness toward disabled seniors as well from assorted licensed predator organizations running contrary under God in country ethics.
A.A.R.P is a wonderful source from senior friendly standpoints in which to best judge for selves which states topically misbehave the most best avoided.
I am confident that even Gomer Pyle himself totally comprehends Life- care movement within any national senior survey extends no favorable endorsement within state demonstrates suggestively compass none rehab ability status pinioned requiring federal intervention by mandates till willing to become senior integral Show me State in nation that consciously observes in all affairs.
Legal ethics (in good faith) is not a mere side-constraint in practice of law itself compasses technical manipulations of language; legal ethics is essential to understanding what law groups do, not as theoretical knowledge, language game or mere occupation, but what truths lie behind profession.
Though rules are important submission must be competently ethical as well within interprets attempt to serve certain “MORAL” ideal (justice within the bounds of the law) in a morally permissible way.
Movement can find nowhere within rules or otherwise that validate unethical criminal based thinking within violates of rights that Discriminate, Exploit, Oppress that denies same rights, opportunities, and access to valued sources nor intellectual bigotry that dismiss the undereducated, underprivileged and mentally ill populists.
Integrity under God in covenant recognizes there are reasoning’s behind everything that should be naturally further pursued dismissing (drama) that ethically conflict within elements of valid argument.
They are written questions in concern that are only given to parties involved within case.
Any question can be asked if it could lead to information that may be important to case.
Interrogatories usually start with a query aimed at identifying in concern such as fiduciary that have to do with case that can go into tremendous Detail.
Usually there are only one set of interrogates sent per topical preceding in front of that can be further question sent based upon answers in the original interrogatory.
That usually does not matter; there is a difference between questions and information that can be asked during proceedings.
In discovery there is much more room to ask questions to see where they go.
Always be aware and point out questionable areas in concern to your resolution expert attorney requesting rules within comprehensively defined concerning right of.
Testimony evidence is of great importance during proceeding; make sure you have a plan in place concerning sudden information not given from the other side.
During oral interpretive preceding environment - presentation carries weight that makes or breaks.
Regardless of how classified under same rule applies.
The information must help Prove or Disprove a fact in element, and the fact of has to be connected to something that parties are actually arguing about.
Its worth rests on how “Believable”, or “CREDIBLE”, the testimony given appears to the judge.
The finder of facts must decide how believable the testimony evidence is.
Credible by definition: Evidence is ‘Trustworthy’ and believable by fact the finder of fact, which may be judge or jury.
Demonstrative precedent integrated within interrogatory theory.
Evidence ethically can be presented through documentations that show something is true.
There is a rule called “Best Evidenced” rule, which states that the “BEST”, most acceptable (appears none altered) evidence available within why you are there in which character counts within element rules.
Evidences require two main requirements met: the evidence is relevant to the proceeding, the evidence is reliable. This is done by “laying a foundation” or Preferring.
Relevance by definition is the state of having a direct relationship to the matter at hand.
A character precedent can ethically meet elements within relevancies that are obvious.
Attorneys are famous for slipping in elements that are not relevant in the hopes that will help sway the court.
If you cannot find some way to claim that the “Evidence will help the court” answer a question between the parties, the evidence can be considered.
Showing that “Evidence is credible or Believable” starts with person alleged testifying has direct knowledge of what testifying to, or inanimate object being testified to in claim or laying foundation.
Law schools classes (in which we in – living trust publicly allege all proceeding’s hold disillusions within to have been overlooked while shortchanged) by “Brick by Brick” analogy (Warranted within dynamics hold preponderances of) why evidences show why claim in concern holds misapplication intent that apply within all arguments in front of nor to be limited within Ineffective assistance of council reserved.
Conversely, one of the things that “Characterize” the most “MENTALLY” healthy among us is there great taste for mystery and their profound curiosity.
Some unfortunately for unconscionable reasons lie ethically dormant when called upon as finders of facts to further travel within the obvious pertaining toward engineered inner space star trek Klingons.
This is why taxpayers fiducially fund commissions for this purpose under covenants in community safety.
Again, another valid ethical argument within life –Care rehabilitation movements call for Privatized Guardianships of person and assets augmented within state codes of Profession conduct best suited to discipline case within case alternate perspectives that commonly more often than most suggests bias apathy holding no place within community under God.
In conclusion reality, like God, is something that can only be approached.
These words from Albert Einstein best sum up what May 31, 2016 holds for me in which I expect none of the above will apply well document precedence in all In Living Trust affairs placing monetary over integral - ethical law observance.
Though I most likely will be slaughtered by Order within proverbial Venus Flytrap only court allotted two week to overcome all combined obstacles as result of Ineffective assistance of counsel this poem pretty much sums up what all Twain’D will encounter when summoned into secret social arena requiring exonerations saving faces within plaintiff or otherwise specific to broken agreement but not limited with state statute in order violate stricken and furthered improperness of annual accounting within decanting of In-living Trust evidenced wrongfulness theoretically attempting to dump all imperiousness upon presumed to be of fiduciary integrity unsuspected another now up to 3rd contender as trustee to include blatant plaintiff violate within comment in agreement rules.
In our endeavor to understand reality we are somewhat like a Man trying to understand the mechanisms of a Closed Watch.
We see the face and the moving hands, even hear it ticking, but have no way of opening case.
If Ingenious may from some Picture of Mechanism which could be responsible for all that is observed, but may never be quite sure his Picture is the Only One That Can Explain his Observations.
He may never be able to compare his picture with the Real Mechanism and cannot imagine possibilities of the meaning of such a comparison.
So to all yah de-dah –de-da thinkers questioning what does this all mean: Simple - potential freedom to live out my life under god as intended within public demonstrate in abilities that trustee certified under oath otherwise to be mentally ill requiring guardianship falsehoods that even the blind can clearly see by respondent demonstrates clearly showing ability to think multi dimensionally while simultaneously utilizing both sides of brain rational which by any medical standards are not consistent within mental illness of concern requiring guardianship due to integral frankness In-Living Trust classify as illness while narcissistic narcissism holding unorthodox in contention does subject to criminal by submission that holds no business within executive authoritativeness nor credible through own imperiousness to condemn another due to bruised professional ego and hurt pride.
The gate of Eden is forever barred from us by cherubim’s with a flaming sword.
So in many ways we are both blessed and cursed by consciousness.
With it comes the awareness of realities in Good and Evil tyrannies of humanity.
Jung is accredited within translations for the masses, his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with publications presented at the right time just when gnawing’s in dissatisfactions are beginning to be felt relatively saying nothing really new exists under the sun just retitled.
Situational reference materials:
Ethics and the legal profession – second edition
Edited by: Elliot D. Cohen & Michael Davis with Frederick A. Elliston
The complete IDIOT’S Guide to successfully navigate the complex civil court system
Author: Victoria E. Green, J.D.
Further Along the Road Less Traveled.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D in psychology
Not for profit-senior community service educational shares- promoting better awareness’s through effective communications ending Financial exploitation. You do have a voice and a choice.
Story line based upon updated references in real time perspective.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
We thank all editors along with Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms plus Victoria Greens enrichments adding perspective enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based system Injustices preserving community integrity benefiting others out from under territories that lead into Hell on earth.
Freedom does not come free but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Select stranger danger (Jolly Rogers) legally pilferage retirement nest eggs under law allowances.
Guardianships of the lie utilize law groups that medically eliminate Transaction ethics to do as they please at your expense.
Specialized questionable practitioners literally dissect combined situational ethics down to narrowing’s within familiar formulas of informed consent down into micro elimination of comment augmentations from probate ruling potentials that could go otherwise.
From Mental illness/dementia standpoints of generic medical origin; scenario is not only hypocritical by oath contention as officer of the court but bar association unethical by submission as well.
Opposing retained attorneys rarely desire to put in efforts required of this magnitude (money is time) of criminal origin or another words litigate in justice’s name offering no fast money.
This is why privatized guardianships of person and assets must be unified (at least in Illinois) under regulated codes of professional ethics commission otherwise as demonstrated they hold no incentive to behave otherwise raising more devils than state can rehabilitate and time to relocate to senior friendly - show me state.
Another good reasoning for all boomers as well as Government to consider not for profit Life-Care movement beneficial toward retirement community solvency - we specialize within unrecognized sciences of criminal ethics as experienced senior citizen (watchmen) group.
Let’s face it probate is behind the times while blind within many current affairs requiring elder statesmen ambassador interventions if this world hopes to keep going around.
Focused in profession - criminal sciences; are not only wide open, but legitimate Frontier of the New Millennium or as boomers may recall – original Hot rod of the future that require (healthy) old school integrity under god in order to rehabilitate(unhealthy) licensed psychospiritual defunct new millennium pseudo devils which theoretically does serve the young properly covenanted.
Seniors exist to be morally benefited in - not the other way around from-as proverbial G.N.P.
Authoritatively select guardian Companies and law groups have abused license powers within protected environments that have crossed well over all ethical, situational, or otherwise stewardship lines require probate rehabilitation required before state counties start indiscriminately qualifying probating profiled 50 year old citizen assets under mental illness in concern guised under assorted unsound reasoning’s up to cooperatives between hospitals and county services?
Licensed Selects are fashionably by open demonstrates teaching current as well as future care industry administrators that indeed crime does pay when you know how to improperly-properly work system offering creativity incentives failing to reference that Licensees are occasionally sacrificed for the good of the consortium when internal controversy runs into outsider that should have never been messed with in the first place holding much evidenced that throughly understands criminal based mentality behaviors.
That is how I arrived within mental illness holds trustee concern in financial ability requires guardianship, interesting in lieu of perceived sins within insistence upon submissions must be relatively ethical in integrity of In-Living Trust as declared - stipulated no probate and appropriate demands within all unsatisfied distributions documents issued stemming from April 28, 2015 reasonably finalized (submitted July 2015) to end of no later than 2014’s passage anniversary calendar year in which I plan to appeal to higher courts seeking all bias rules overturned, firm ethics reviewed stemming from 2012 and eventual trustee law suit recouping fiduciary loses and damages incurred which is another reasoning holding prejudiced bias, Trustee Narcissism classifies as none deserving yet fears open forum?
If nothing else titlist organizations will learn you can’t always expect to have your cake and eat it too while some entities are best left alone to quietly fade away over time in which smart selfishness has critically executed good judgement in business affairs.
My life is ruined beyond repair but does not mean survivor association cannot empower deserving another to see living example within powers under god hold final word in which no other can unduly write another’s epitaph.
If one family is subsequently saved, I have fulfilled my duty as Gods marine under Christ. Amen.
Jung is accredited within translations for the masses, his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with publications presented at the right time just when gnawing’s in dissatisfactions are beginning to be felt relatively saying nothing really new under the sun and perhaps why under higher powers greater than all exist just for this purpose as intended contrary to fashionable opinion and why we have a Federal Government for states that misbehave by unwritten contract to be contrary under God and Country.
Situational reference material:
Ethics and the legal profession – second edition
Edited by: Elliot D. Cohen & Michael Davis with Frederick A. Elliston
The complete IDIOT’S Guide to successfully navigate the complex civil court system
Author: Victoria E. Green, J.D.
Further Along the Road Less Traveled.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D in psychology
Not for profit-senior community service educational shares- promoting better awareness’s through effective communications ending Financial exploitation. You do have a voice and a choice.
Story line based upon updated references in real time perspective.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
We thank all editors along with Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms plus Victoria Greens enrichments adding perspective enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based system Injustices preserving community integrity benefiting others out from under territories that lead into Hell on earth.
Freedom does not come free but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Angry American says - ENOUGH!
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Life- care movement Before Truths seeks the Right Fork.
Select Privatized Guardianships companies hold controversial superficiality shadows that are generally highly system ignored in which knowing which fork to use when warranted distinguishes between continued ordained life under god or Living hell on earth death.
Shying away from citizen responsibilities within bad guardianship disillusionment behaviors- as all eventually arrive- further empowers companies to continue harming community as character tendency sinners.
The right fiduciary fork always looks beneath superficiality surfaces maintaining life to be precious above all else in civility.
We will precedent 18th judicial (2012 P 893) as disillusion resulting in type B violation& ward eviction.
Holding knowledge within (under current laws allow) that one can be chopped down by guardianship grim reapers while holding current in Living Trust like straw is of upmost boomer importance not to be taken lightly.
Though life becomes limited within fashionable (duty) societal order - that does not excuse fiduciary morality must be “ethical” in submission as well.
The poem “Limited” by Sand berg best sums ethics witnessed.
It refers to train (Life-care movement) carries larger meaning in consciousness and the man who says he is going to Omaha (select guardianship in question) is limited in his awareness of his true destiny.
If you hold no real assets in worth- you have no fear, but if you do- system octopus has tentacles best generationally feared.
The Paradox of Responsibility in rehabilitations.
As citizens, we are affected by a variety of issues at the Local, State and National levels.
Depending on impacts in issues effecting lives not only for ourselves but immediate family as well different roles and responsibilities may be required of us.
Some may attempt to meet generational challenges – to make a difference, others may choose route of participating in community organizational efforts helping those in need, still others make financial contributions to support causes of interest and concern to them.
But many resist taking any responsibility while looking upon others to solve all generational problems until octopus reaches out - then wishes otherwise, now too late as Sandburg’s poem smoker.
The shadow
As unfashionable in subject matter, new millimeters may find this to be - fact in matter remains; what’s unethically sown against another today - you will reap many times back in tomorrows as all eventually arrive.
Carl Jung ascribed the root of human Evil to “The Refusal” to meet the Shadow.
By the shadow Jung meant the part of minds containing those things rather not owned up to, that are continually hide from selves and others while sweeping all under rug of consciousness.
Guardianships that have crossed over humanity lines in excuse of (the law allows) hold militant “Ignorance’s” that endanger community at large in which civil consciousness holds responsibility.
Though guilt by guardianship of the lie millimeter administers are fashionably referred to as “Downer” nonetheless - appropriate guilt is precisely what is required to keep sins from getting out of hand.
State mandated professional standardizing of Privatized Guardianships maintains “downers” in check.
All Psychological business disorders leading toward uncivil behaviors are basically disorders of community consciousness and covenant.
Proposed Life-care movement (unified) under professional codes of conduct commission additionally fulfills all voids within consumer protection agency & better business bureau jurisdictions from consumer standpoints concerning questionable privatized guardianships in complaints.
Currently under the law allows consumer or otherwise - you have no real recourse, firms generally will not go up against colleagues who remain unnamed under another entity.
Life-care Proposal within state necessity within all Privatized guardianships of person & property to be included within Professional code and conduct commission jurisdiction provides within fundamentals of Case within Case scenarios that can be simultaneously disciplined while saving taxpayer money benefiting community and most importantly keeps generation off Medicaid before their time due to unethical nest feathering.
Unconscious (guardianship) dissidents left unbridled (for now) are beginnings of trend toward Wall Street proportion crash of yesteryears predicted to bankrupt Social Security system in reality.
The keys to all privatized titlist integrity being situational paradoxes can be easily found within unified ethics under god in country and yes- can be this simple when sought after.
Another-words when is enough – enough in which lines in sand should be draw?
In conclusion summary: Genesis 3 elucidates our need as nation to evolve into greater consciousness.
Given that human evolution is a forward-moving phenomenon and that we are creatures with consciousness, we can never go back again to the innocence of not knowing otherwise, no matter how hard we may try to do so.
The gate of Eden is forever barred from us by cherubim’s with a flaming sword.
So in many ways we are both blessed and cursed by consciousness.
With it comes the awareness of realities in Good and Evil tyrannies of humanity.
Jung is accredited within translations for the masses, his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with publications presented at the right time just when gnawing’s in dissatisfactions are beginning to be felt relatively saying nothing really new exists under the sun just retitled.
Situational reference materials:
Ethics and the legal profession – second edition
Edited by: Elliot D. Cohen & Michael Davis with Frederick A. Elliston
The complete IDIOT’S Guide to successfully navigate the complex civil court system
Author: Victoria E. Green, J.D.
Further Along the Road Less Traveled.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D in psychology
Not for profit-senior community service educational shares- promoting better awareness’s through effective communications ending Financial exploitation. You do have a voice and a choice.
Story line based upon updated references in real time perspective.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
We thank all editors along with Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms plus Victoria Greens enrichments adding perspective enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based system Injustices preserving community integrity benefiting others out from under territories that lead into Hell on earth.
Freedom does not come free - but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Constructive suffering the life-care way Boomer defined.
If I am willing to talk about pain, it does not mean I am some kind of masochist, on the contrary, I see absolutely no virtue whatsoever in un-constructive tension headaches.
Un-constructive tension headaches rather are something that ought to be gotten rid of.
About over 40 years ago Freud’s theories first filtered down to Intelligentsias and like out of the bible during mosses, privatized Pharisees misinterpreted – as so often happens – having learned guilt feelings have something to do with neurosis resolved that they were going to raise guilt-free employment enabled through select unethical law group enrichment.
What an awful thing to try to do under the law allows – raise specialized unconscionable mercenary profiteers legally sanctioned.
A certain amount of under God existential guilt is required if we hope to remain worldly respected.
Without it greed based leadership impedes evolution having cast all else back into the desert till?
Should national status quo go down the drain due to handfuls of money addicts?
We owe all veterans still with us or not more than this.
Back to fundamentals is solution that tells all - efforts in sacrifice were not in vein as unified nation under god and community covenant.
Leaders may want to refresh themselves within simple concepts of albeit rule before signing legislations.
Is agenda proposal genuine in need or neurotic wants serving otherwise?
Though time is money and money is time- irregardless – officials (primarily) public fund compensated are dually sworn (fiduciary) stewards of the people for the people in community covenant under god.
If one were to take the time to read their Bible which sociology repeats same common denominators (elitist/titlists) cast upon systems that created woes of great depression proportions that toppled empires all primarily were further encouraged utilizing readers in law that specialize within greed misinterprets contrary under God commonly known today as licensed bar Lawyer.
Another-words – never sanction more devils that can be easily put down.
Evidenced minority trends in unsavoriness from Life-care way perspective topically will fundamentally theorize “Fake it to make it” greed addiction offering suggestions in order to stay anonymous.
Again, early jurisdiction recognition from the get go will always will be your best overall offensive/defense, not all are well suited to further dance with devils.
Courage is the mature capacity to go ahead in spite of fears or pains within that do not meet their demands.
As Richard Bach wrote in Illusions more or less – key in and debate all integral limitations of responsibility as investigative opportunity to see if verifiable meets advertisements in claims.
The Vietnam War still serves as best known militant ignorance on a grand scale.
Despite all that is guardianship system known to be contrary, some privatized owners still think they can system Vietnam style bargain their way out of fiduciary defeat while others refuse to see this?
Oases in the Desert
Life-care {guardianship} taxpayer movement benefiting seniors whether anonymous or not (conceptional) grass root conscionable effort will demand legislative reform not specific to probate nor limited within privatized or county government accountability that unsoundly administers placing all undue community burdens back where they belong allowing families to remain happy, joyous, and free under god as constitutionally intended and strict observances within bills of rights and declarations
In- living trusts.
2k and up in consumer vested legal papers (up to date) should reasonably hold system observance and if not why are licensees allowed to issue worthless none corporate protection documents offering no real safeguards that probate does not recognize?
Above is just a little taste of what to expect hides under the sand that untimely negatively impact destinies.
I write holding valid protests; when scenarios become over zealot in complexities corruption up to criminal contentions are never very far behind in which justice is generally swift beginning 12/2014 in living trust declared no probate and malignantly compromised up to unthinkable and then some?
If you had been following throughout the years prior to recent court ordered evidence awareness restrictions - you would know within hold consistent waters as one of integrity forced in family honor to journey further into the dessert and beyond yet still remain knowing no one earthly will ever sing for me.
As did poet T.S. Elliot moderately live within ultimate civilized world I as well enjoyed in sameness up until 2012 P 893 guardianship in which cast me into repeated states of spiritual ward wastelands while attempting to preserve some sort of reasonable existence for my mother.
Since 2012 I have had to deal within a great deal of aridity and despair benefiting my mother repeated incident at a time seeing little patches of green, little hints of vegetation, images of water, yet to this day shadows of unconscionable still lurks under rocks.
The solace here is one can survive toward greater riches when not done for Self-Centered Reasoning’s seeking quick easy fixes.
The most healing thing I can do rather than try to get rid of accumulated undue inner pain is to sit here willing to share in the hopes no other will be made to endure as example you don’t have sell yourself out in order to live well and allow no other to write your Epitaph.
The more consciousness one holds- the easier Sin games played become identifiable while manipulations violating rights reveals true devil’s advocate hiding within all along.
When spiritually graced amazing things happen within – the more pain willing to be taken on the more joy potential you begin to feel and this is truly good news burdens and sorrows do not have final say in what makes journeys ultimately so worthwhile in faith- little engine will eventually get over the hill.
The only effort ever wasted is the one not done.
So if you don’t see any additional blog tutorials beginning June 01, 2016 - that means I have been placed on county vacation till?
Situational reference material:
The complete IDIOT’S Guide to successfully navigate the complex civil court system
Author: Victoria E. Green, J.D.
Further Along the Road Less Traveled.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D in psychology
Not for profit-senior community service educational shares- promoting better awareness’s through effective communications ending Financial exploitation. You do have a voice and a choice.
Story line based upon updated references in real time perspective.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms along with Victoria Greens enrichments enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based system Injustices preserving community integrity while benefiting another out from under territories that lead into Hell on earth.
Freedom does not come free but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Flight of the Life-care movement Phoenix.
Conflicts of in-living trust estate interests versus Professional –appointee –elect – judgments.
A conflict of interest exists whenever the attorney, or any person represented by attorney, has interest adverse in any way to the advice or course of action which should be available to the present client.
A conflict exists whenever this tension exists – even if the attorney eventually takes the course of action most beneficial to the present client as steward of theoretical client In- living trust.
In our initial grass root effort ethics query probe we publicly initiate argument of group firm judgment within controversy environment properness not specific to 2012 P 893 or to be limited in 2015 P 888.
We contend existence of lacks in definition guidance-best served to lead both trust cases astray to be subsequent within but not limited to - plugged into situational context for profit representation holds divided loyalty.
Guarding the guardian/trustee
Your client a court appointed guardian requests of retained law group holding duel trust fiduciary role annual probate accountings filed to the court though signed under oath document lacks preparation date plus notary seal excusing required trust substantiating exhibits to be proper under conflict of interest professional judgment from ARDC standards?
Publicly for the record within 2012 P 893 in which all primarily based upon specific to while not to be limited within subsequent 2015 P 888 serving as overall illusionary silencer/exoneration of all affairs.
Looking out for number one “fiducially” lye all within “declarations” In-Living trust as ethical stewards that supersede all includes special interests!
For public record: trust malignantly compromised - all primary declarations ignored- inheritance preceding’s suggestively best represent combatant defiance hold prejudiced recognition bias in no validity otherwise unless within and why I write as community (safety )public service.
Under God best translated “Holly Conjunction” conduct or more commonly referred to as Integrity within. It envisions profit can obtained which are ethnical as well within social justice!
Instead of either/or style of Mentation, we push for both/ and thinking.
It does not rid reason, but promotes Reason Plus and Wisdom based within fiduciary love.
Integration does not mean squashing two or more things together into colorless, unisex blob.
The holy conjunction is the conjunction of INTEGRITY in all affairs.
To be ethical under god brings up conflict within licensure responsibleness neither specific to In –Living trust nor duty limited in ambassador/officer of the court in retrospect to ARDC rules within doing justice against retention wishes.
In retrospect (topically) Illinois is (publicly) properness questioned for the record in community concern within precedent of multi retention group firm allowances stemming from representation of Dupage county Senior services as prosecutor to appointed guardianship now passage trustee?
We further publicly question on behalf of tax payers in concern state responsibleness in retrospect holding documented submission in complaint lacks within attorney general’s office concern within potentials from senior public safety standpoints of fraud consortium remaining unmonitored?
We further question 18th judicial suspicioned improperness in taxpayers concern to uphold senior public safety in valid retrospect’s within Dupage county district attorney referrals recommending necessity of investigation.
So far guardian/trustee in excuse holding In-living trust protests in objection; are primarily scarcely based upon familiarities justify retentions which bring up furthered valid suspicions in concern not specific to nor limited within; illegal group monopolization of trust asset hold invalid beneficial contentions that are contrary in retrospect within original owner decreed declarations that are to revert back while sidestepping additional un-amendable dynamics such as none disbursement of trustee received designated life Insurance proceed effective December 2014.
Fundamentally before federal escalate - state consciousness within senior system safeties under Life-Care reform grass root movement are publicly competence questioned in overall concern in administrative ability toward ensuring better tomorrow’s in retrospect which holds only one sworn oath true uphold answer to be under God and community covenants or pseudo otherwise for all boomers to judge further residency by and if not practical – whom, what, and where holds predatorily contentions best distanced preserving free will and right of choice.
Situational brief references embodied in article review material:
Ethics and The Legal Profession – second edition
Edited by Elliot D. Coben & Michael Davis with Frederick A. Elliston
The complete IDIOT’S Guide to successfully navigate the complex civil court system
Author: Victoria E. Green, J.D.
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in as Age of Anxiety.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D in psychology
Not for profit-senior community service educational shares- promoting better awareness’s through effective communications ending Financial exploitation. You do have a voice and a choice.
Story line based upon updated references in real time perspective.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms along with Victoria Green along with edited by enrichments enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based system Injustices preserving community integrity while benefiting another out from under territories that lead into Hell on earth.
Freedom does not come free but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s.
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