Thus, Life-care act will work because it is a program of spiritual conversion, teaching approaching retirees why they must go forward through privatized asset obtainment- namely, toward god.
And concept stage will work against pilferage because it is a psychological program, teaching people a great deal about how to go forward through this desert of deceit and deception in profits name and slated to do so through proverbs and sponsors.
One cannot defeat devils until one has studied their ways.
There is a Third reason : Life-care act will work because it teaches seniors that they do not have to go forward through this desert alone, like social security as renewable community program.
For the past several years while working probates controversial desert attempting to preserve wellbeing of another, I was required to walk to a different drummer in order to achieve any resemblance of resolve under god, Life-care act is all about that effort.
Act points out that generational wellbeing develops naturally through community foundations within.
Group identifies privatized crisis dissidents that indiscriminately demonstrate system civil disobedience abroad against seniors of means utilizing controversial system justice that jeopardizes safety while compromising wellbeing.
Illinois county probate system literally allows titlist dissentients to write own left field versions of what civility under community are to resemble from profiteer perspective standpoints utilizing excuse of the law allows. Under the law allows hold contentions in which not all applications are intended allowed.
If this is not of crisis proportion- than I do not know what is.
Medical and Social thievery is by product of unsavory law groups that will go to any length in misinterpretation for money in which appointed justice system main function is to police rather than further enable bad behaviors.
I believe if one read their bible tombs of similarities are Pharisee scenarios are described as well as what happens when left unchecked in which idolatry backed in misinterpretations took empires down.
Life-care act brings together proverbial strangers left in system - medicals waiting room because lives as known unduly lie on their critical list awaiting judicial sanctioned passage of gold rush proportions.
Best first line defense- pinioned through experience; identify unsavoriness early on (normally social worker is best identifier of existence in devil’s advocate consortium) then implement escape plan out from under jurisdictions tentacles.
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Meeting Crises Early |
The new millennium has created Frankenstein proportion pseudo communities that hold very strange attitudes toward pain-avoidance mental health.
New millennialist theologians think what characterizes the mentally healthy is an absence of crisis.
This is not what characterizes Mental Health!
What characterizes true mental health resides within Prior generations Centurion character-able to meet our crises early on.
We are in crisis of judicial menopause; their period has stopped, while tending to fall apart.
Curiously this does not happen to all counties in jurisdictions and well tell you why.
A mentally healthy county does not face a big menopausal crisis because they handled many small crises along the way.
Governing wakes up daily- looks in mirror identifying beginnings of crow’s feet - within all corners of eye jurisdictions.
Then when authoritative are unsure they apt to think to self, “You know, I’m not sure that appointed talent is going to come around after all.” My as well as mothers case evidence never came around.
Then somewhere down the line it becomes apparent more must be focused upon other than enabling children’s bad behavior.
When authoritative reaches point when their period stops, they sail right through it hot flashes and all because psychologically they met their menopause years before.
The official that gets into trouble is the one who longs on to Fantasy Island and does not develop interests outside inner circle home.
When time the great equalizes stops period no amount of whitewashes can hide wrinkles any longer leaving constituent in empty nest but empty life as well while further falling apart.
We do not desire to stereotype all judicial to be reflective in midlife crisis menopause as common to all. Reference pertains toward socialists that free will fly contrary under god while feathering nests.
Point in case reference study characterizes that Mental Health is not measured by and how well crisis are avoided rather how early authoritative can meet crises and get on to the next one – and perhaps how many crises can be crammed into lifetime.
A far more devastating psychological disorder of high percentages which afflicts is failure to live with sufficient sense of Drama and to wake up to the critical nature of that effects daily life.
Life-Care act wakes up all living dead for selves only.
Herein- lies one of the virtues in attainment - under God.
Other people simply have up’s and downs in lives whereas we under God folk get to have “Spiritual crises.” It is must more dignified to have a spiritual crisis than a depression.
In fact it is quite possible for one to get over their depression more quickly if they recognize it to be a spiritual crisis, which very often it is.
Our major cultural failure lies within glorification to look the other way rather than deeply believing we need to start dignifying crises, including certain types of depressions associated within of all types of existential suffering. It is only through such suffering and crisis that we can hope to grow.
Life-care act confronts
privatized mental disorders
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Incurable disease in addiction.
IT brings people together to conclude, very probably, God deliberately created disorder of privatized symbolic addiction in order to create white collar addicts that eventually will be cast out by own in order that these addicts might create symbolic AA, and thereby spearhead community movement which is going to be the salvation not only of symbolic privatized addict, but of us all.
Grass root community building in not only beginning of self-help movements and beginnings of integration of science and spirituality, but also the beginning of needed community movement.
We blog because it is necessary, we empathize within all who are intimidated from coming forward. Rest assured- you’re not alone or left behind forgotten - Gods Marines are coming and will liberate all who remain faithful under god and still believe in country under forefathers dreams for us all.
Reference: Further Along the Road Less Traveled.
Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications.
Story line based upon updated edits of reference perspective: Author Dr. M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based narcissistic evils and all destructiveness within that lead into territories in Hell.
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