Friday, May 6, 2016

Senior demands judicial properness administered under god while further released out from under cult modeled profiteer group.

Rights are being judicially discounted demonstrating bias favoritism while certified medical opinions from legal perspectives remain totally ignored.  

Phenomena’s hold fiduciary liable within criminal proportions requiring judicial whitewash of in-living trust recanted down to special needs trust status exonerating responsibility while eluding justice. 

How can I allege holding propensities; simple - court records do not lie while documentations concur. 

From medical perspective: enabled plaintiff thinking holds titlist neurosis demonstrating problematic willingness to violate another that are discriminative by nature holding intent to further exploit through oppressions denying same rights , opportunities , and accesses to valued resources. 

From criminal perspective: in order for a group to qualify as cult - only three or four components are required within practices. 
Ten group characteristics within that characterize cult activities. 
  1. Idolatry of a single charismatic leader - (Law Group administrator)
  2. A revered inner circle – (privatized care provider founder)
  3. Secrecy of management – (Law Group assigned council) 
  4. Financial evasiveness – (privatized care provider upper manager)  
  5. Dependency – (Respondent or ward)
  6. Conformity –  (Judicial) 
  7. Special language – (law group assigned council)
  8. Dogmatic doctrine – (Law group assigned council) 
  9. Heresy – (privatized care provider upper manager)
  10. God in capacity ( both law group and care provider owner allowance)
Unless one resides in third world endowment; under God in which all laws are primarily based upon never allows doctrines in agenda to supersede community safety and wellbeing. 
As citizen - taxpayer; I am appalled within demonstrates lacking resemblance holding any sense of ethical integrities administered. 
Under civility in community – real community holds high quality of communications among its members. 

It does not reflect preference toward aggregate groups as pseudocommunities.  
System theories lacking clear awareness in social consciousness are never taxpayer funded toward narcissism.
To be Ethical by submission requires civilities that are consciously motivated but must be ethical as well.
Submissions must be Humanistic; which by definition means having the attitude that people are precious and should be treated accordingly.
Humanist’s never inflict - mental crudity of torturous proportions - if people are thought of as precious. 

Traveling under God requires growing in continual consciousness that achieves competence levels that thrusts evolution not further hinders unsavorily. 
To know under God demonstrates consciousness rather than unconsciousness only because the conscious mind refuses to deal with nasty material. 
Under God deals with unpleasant stuff offering gardens of delight connected to god if we are willing to be open to it and become conscious of its wisdom. 

To become aware of New Truths one must be able to consciously recognize it to be true. 
Revelations become conscious daily; the problem within new age minimalists is not having much taste for discerning holding vaults in excuse while system enabled in confidences.
Traveling under God does not create generation of potential criminals to be cast upon the next. 

Traveling under God does not sit on civil disobediences sidelines maintaining anonymous onlooker status adding insult to injury. 
Plagiarists (narcissism) morals are not only creating high potential in Genesis Three but cast shadows as well that populists at large will be made to endure. 
Karl Jung best describes as all eventually become vulnerable seniors- what to expect within what goes around comes back around as none are totally exempt. 

The root of Human Evil is refusal to meet the shadow. 
By the shadow,” Jung meant the part of our mind containing those things that we would rather not own up to, that are continually trying to hide from ourselves and others and sweep under rugs of our consciousness. 

Most when pushed up against the wall by evidences acknowledge shadow. 
By his word “Refusal,” Jung implies something far more active. 
Those who have crossed over the line of humanistic humility for profits is line that separates considered harmless sins into Evil characterized by their absolute refusal to acknowledge their own sinfulness against community at large. 

Central defect is not that practitioners have no consciences - rather which they refuse to bear its Pain. 
Another-words; it is not the sin itself that makes it Evil, but the Refusal to Acknowledge it that makes it Evil while quite conscious in most respects holding specific unwillingness’s  to acknowledge their shadow while maintaining Malignant Ignorance’s within imperiousness  against another. 

Group cults of the evil thrive upon individuals not growing, count on intendeds too remain stuck while spinning their wheels, and to remain in conditions of inefficiency. 
Whenever there are unnecessary illusionary inefficiencies - competence suffers and there goes your nest egg under theologies of Sun Myung Moon. 

Consciousness is natural enemy of group cults holding imperiousness contentions; in order for one to effectively combat way out requires foundations in mental health combined spiritual Growth in which through further growth holding foundation- one becomes even more conscious and competent as well. 

One must admit - There are no lacks in mental ability (demonstrated) nor do competence deficiencies within discernment inability ratifying concern to be able to handle one’s own affairs require public guardianship.

Though quite frank in directness when warranted; I have no problems within calling kettles for what they truly represent in theory or by otherwise. 
If memory serves me correctly - Frankness when justified from medical perspectives do not fall under Mental illness nor does persistency within collecting what is rightfully due under in – living trust  constitute guardianship censorship holding intent to falsely elude justice under guise. 

It is pinioned attorney licenses should be revoked, Business owners should be heavily fined, and unduly persecuted beneficiary In living trust compensated for concurrent pain and suffrages endured stemming from owners passage in 2014 and all related improper trustee and attorney fees recouped. 

I believe having been forced to whiteness atrocities stemming from 2012 committed against own mother as ward in guardianship now trustee by passage - combined with facing same proverbial propensities - would one surmise he’s endured  enough- this is absurd - and deserves life under god ?
Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line edit rewrites based within - Referenced Books: 
People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
Further Along the Road Less Traveled. 
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive wisdom enabling one to fight the good fight against Narcissistic evils and all destructions that come within the territory; in Jesus name.

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