Sunday, May 22, 2016

Constructive suffering the life-care way Boomer defined.

If I am willing to talk about pain, it does not mean I am some kind of masochist, on the contrary, I see absolutely no virtue whatsoever in un-constructive tension headaches. 

Un-constructive tension headaches rather are something that ought to be gotten rid of. 

About over 40 years ago Freud’s theories first filtered down to Intelligentsias and like out of the bible during mosses, privatized Pharisees misinterpreted – as so often happens – having learned guilt feelings have something to do with neurosis resolved that they were going to raise guilt-free employment enabled through select unethical law group enrichment.

What an awful thing to try to do under the law allows – raise specialized unconscionable mercenary profiteers legally sanctioned. 
A certain amount of under God existential guilt is required if we hope to remain worldly respected. 
Without it greed based leadership impedes evolution having cast all else back into the desert till?

Should national status quo go down the drain due to handfuls of money addicts? 
We owe all veterans still with us or not more than this. 

Back to fundamentals is solution that tells all - efforts in sacrifice were not in vein as unified nation under god and community covenant. 

Leaders may want to refresh themselves within simple concepts of albeit rule before signing legislations.
Is agenda proposal genuine in need or neurotic wants serving otherwise? 
Though time is money and money is time- irregardless – officials (primarily) public fund compensated are dually sworn (fiduciary) stewards of the people for the people in community covenant under god. 

If one were to take the time to read their Bible which sociology repeats same common denominators (elitist/titlists) cast upon systems that created woes of great depression proportions that toppled empires all primarily were further encouraged utilizing readers in law that  specialize within greed misinterprets contrary under God commonly known today as licensed bar Lawyer. 
Another-words – never sanction more devils that can be easily put down. 

Evidenced minority trends in unsavoriness from Life-care way perspective topically will fundamentally theorize “Fake it to make it” greed addiction offering suggestions in order to stay anonymous.  

Again, early jurisdiction recognition from the get go will always will be your best overall offensive/defense, not all are well suited to further dance with devils. 

Courage is the mature capacity to go ahead in spite of fears or pains within that do not meet their demands.
As Richard Bach wrote in Illusions more or less – key in and debate all integral limitations of responsibility as investigative opportunity to see if verifiable meets advertisements in claims. 
The Vietnam War still serves as best known militant ignorance on a grand scale. 
Despite all that is guardianship system known to be contrary, some privatized owners still think they can system Vietnam style bargain their way out of fiduciary defeat while others refuse to see this? 

Oases in the Desert

Life-care {guardianship} taxpayer movement benefiting seniors whether anonymous or not (conceptional) grass root conscionable effort will demand legislative reform not specific to probate nor limited within privatized or county government accountability that unsoundly administers placing all undue community burdens back where they belong allowing families to remain happy, joyous, and free under god as constitutionally intended and strict observances within bills of rights and declarations 
In- living trusts. 
2k and up in consumer vested legal papers (up to date) should reasonably hold system observance and if not why are licensees allowed to issue worthless none corporate protection documents offering no real safeguards that probate does not recognize? 

Above is just a little taste of what to expect hides under the sand that untimely negatively impact destinies.
I write holding valid protests; when scenarios become over zealot in complexities corruption up to criminal contentions are never very far behind in which justice is generally swift beginning 12/2014 in living trust declared no probate and malignantly compromised up to unthinkable and then some? 

If you had been following throughout the years prior to recent court ordered evidence awareness restrictions - you would know within hold consistent waters as one of integrity forced in family honor to journey further into the dessert and beyond yet still remain knowing no one earthly will ever sing for me. 

As did poet T.S. Elliot moderately live within ultimate civilized world I as well enjoyed in sameness up until 2012 P 893 guardianship in which cast me into repeated states of spiritual ward wastelands while attempting to preserve some sort of reasonable existence for my mother. 
Since 2012  I have had to deal within a great deal of aridity and despair  benefiting my mother repeated incident at a time seeing little patches of green, little hints of vegetation, images of water, yet to this day shadows of unconscionable still lurks under rocks. 

The solace here is one can survive toward greater riches when not done for Self-Centered Reasoning’s seeking quick easy fixes. 
The most healing thing I can do rather than try to get rid of accumulated undue inner pain is to sit here willing to share in the hopes no other will be made to endure as example you don’t have sell yourself out in order to live well and allow no other to write your Epitaph. 
The more consciousness one holds- the easier Sin games played become identifiable while manipulations violating rights reveals true devil’s advocate hiding within all along. 
When spiritually graced amazing things happen within – the more pain willing to be taken on the more joy potential you begin to feel and this is truly good news burdens and sorrows do not have final say in what makes journeys ultimately so worthwhile in faith- little engine will eventually get over the hill. 

The only effort ever wasted is the one not done. 

So if you don’t see any additional blog tutorials beginning June 01, 2016 - that means I have been placed on county vacation till? 


Situational reference material:
The complete IDIOT’S Guide to successfully navigate the complex civil court system
Author: Victoria E. Green, J.D.
Further Along the Road Less Traveled. 
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D in psychology

Not for profit-senior community service educational shares- promoting better awareness’s through effective communications ending Financial exploitation. You do have a voice and a choice. 
Story line based upon updated references in real time perspective.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms along with Victoria Greens enrichments enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based system Injustices preserving community integrity while benefiting another out from under territories that lead into Hell on earth. 
Freedom does not come free but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s. 

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