Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Assisted Living or Assisted Destruction?

Does none response to yearend peace settlement now prove second element of masochism?

Life-care not only reasonably within factual dynamics – responsibly extended, but now studies why any organization leaders ego would silently refuse to end an unwinnable social war.
We come now to the second element of a career suicide, the pleasure pain principle.
We must understand now why consortium’s death bent leadership stance while forensically profiled compass Ill health of the criminal minded.
Sometimes redundancies search of refused fiduciary responsibility – not only common denominate organizations Motus, but fiducially reveal its absurd extreme in narcissistic avarice.
Forensic studies additionally suggest based on bad judgment – redundant double advantage, were primarily required, in order for group to satisfy key leaders’ narcissism having failed primary purpose.
Explanations of why’s now must be examined in the nature of the consciousness.
Many readers know for practical purposes what consciousness is, an intuitive recognition of it; we are aware of it just as we are aware of the Police system in a city where we do not actually see Policemen.
But such knowledge of the conscience is not very scientific, it has now been quite definitely determined that consciousness is an internal, psychological representation of Authority, originally and mainly parental authority but refused in later life with prevalent Ethical, Religious and social standards.
Base foundations commonly compass mindset while stuck in terrible two’s – seldom keeps pace with fiduciary truth in external environments.
The conscience is often a good guide, but can be a bad guide when must be reckoned in and with.
As everyone knows it can be bribed and bought off but it cannot be ignored.
What is not so well known is that a part of conscience in unconscious; there are some things that are felt guilty about without knowing it, like running to probate requesting Gimme Shelter from what was done.
Many captains in industry who think they disregarded the conscience, or who insist that they never suffer from a sense of Guilt, show by their actions that this is untrue.
We are familiar with examples of this, perhaps best illustrated through a story.
A Ministers daughter goes to Greenwich Village in a rebellion against her puritanical upbringing.
By making a strenuous and obviously neurotic effort she manages to Defy Custom, Convention, and Morality; she does so with such Vehemence (2015 p 888) and such unhappiness (Socrates lawyer selection of inner circle bank ordered as successor trustee) that she has become the Standard Type of character Representing (Law group) disillusioned and unsuccessful rebellion against the “Tyranny” of conscience.
The portion of the conscience is believed to be derived from a portion of the Original Aggressive Instinct which instead of being directed inward in which prevents destructive effect upon environment converted into a sort of internal Judge or King.
Suppose a little Tribe (consortium) tried to establish themselves in the unknown; most seniors would be sent out as avarice slaves with the elements in the surrounding county.
A few may remain at home up until guised agenda require probate enforcement’s in undisclosed internal order. If we suppose that some of these policemen are in plain clothes and hence unrecognizable (senior services/licensed social workers) we have a fair simile with which to compare the internal organization of the county mind.
There are certain Laws Governing the activity of the conscience which readers must become familiar with from clinical perspectives in which promote better understanding.
One of them is that the ‘Ego’ must suffer in direct proportion to its externally directed destructiveness.
It is if that part of destructive instinct retained within the Ego had to carry out on within the microcosms of personality and activity precisely comparable to that which the Ego is directing toward the macrocosmos out-side.
If the individual directs an attack of a certain nature upon some person in the environment, the Conscience, or Super-ego, directs and attack of the same nature upon the ego.
This Formula is well known to us in social organization in the form of the ‘Lex talionis’, the initial basis of all Penal Systems.
In the second place the ‘Ego’ has the difficult task of trying to adjust the strong instinctive demands of the personality (avarice) not only to the possibilities afforded by its internal world but to the dictates of (founders) conscience.
Now in this task of trying to adjust the demands of instinct, the demands of conscience, the demands of reality, the ego finds some reality to be invincible, i.e., wishing will not change it; the instincts likewise, are irresistible or at least relatively so.
The conscious can be traded with and hence the ego devices (2015 p 888) all manner of ways in which to Simplify Difficulties of its task (avarice) and to mitigate its own suffering.
Sometimes, however, the demands of conscience are so great and so Inexorable (2012 p 893) that there are no placating them.
The relative power of the conscience in Penance stare, as well as the extent to which it may be bribed, varies greatly in different individuals under different circumstances.
Under God still regards all highly conscience persons in integrity as strong and admirable character.
Reference: Man against Himself.
The “Science” of God
In the End All Things Point to God ….
Life-care has said earlier that organization of blog evolved from a single sentence, a quote attributed to Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.: “I don’t give a Fig for the simplicity this side of complexity, but I would die for the Simplicity on the other side.”
To journey to the other side of complexity, we are challenged to make Radical shift in thought.
We are invited to move way beyond any simplistic understanding in order to consider what strict scientists might call the God Theory.
Walking this other side is to embark on a path into the invisible realm.
We cannot discover the radical Truths of God through a rigid stance of Static certainty.
A cautious yet commanding sense of “Knowing in humility” is required.
Like life, the other side of complexity is not always linear or static.
It is, much like life itself, ultimately a process.
This process involves mystery at its core, but it also encompasses a journey of Change, of healing, and of the Acquisition of Wisdom.
On this journey into the other side we may experience a sense of epiphany – those flashes of insights where many things that seemed quite ‘Complex’ begin to make more sense when viewed from psychospiritual perspectives.
To do so, we can no longer simplistically interpret Life through the Limited Lens of Materialism.
Like all transitions in life, the transition we make toward understanding the other side of complexity are likely to be difficult, even chaotic.
We will encounter paradox, who well Life-care knows of this, and in learning to understand paradox, we will experience psychic pain.
In particular; it is the pain of loss of old ideas and the sense of certainty they provided.
When spiritually fit in integrity: becoming uncomfortable in something ‘avarice’ has schemed up engineered to rattle cages out of complacency become old hat to the seasoned statesmen.
The secret is to remain integrally open minded while courageous on journeys.
One must be biblically prepared in gatherings of resources – emotional, intellectual, and spiritual – to Endure the sense of Loss involved in letting go of the barriers to our ability to think paradoxically, to think with integrity and yes can become this simple in devotion over time.
Simplicities paradox on the other side is only as complex as man makes it in which best suites his immediate purpose.
One way to plow through manufactured balls in confusion, found useful, is to comparatively divide perplexity transparency into traditional three parts next to God; father, son and Holy Spirit.
Once separate inventories completed, place them side by side and embrace paradox in its deepest sense then reference traditional three parts to god and you will then know Jesus’ word in journey that promise to be well on its way toward Weller than Well outcome.
We must note; it’s always a good idea to consult a well versed accountability partner to make sure anti-Christ is not leading while equally important to recognize not all are equipped to deal with demons.
Reference: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Several times during the day… Ask yourself for a moment if you have your Soul in your Hand (note when felt perhaps not) or if some passion or anxiety has robbed you of it……
Best one can, preferably, quietly bring your soul back to the presence of God, subjecting all of your afflictions and desires to the obedience of his Devine Will. (St. Francis de Sales)
Practicing the Presence
Desire: to develop continual openness and awareness of Christ presence living in me.
Definition: Practicing the presence is an invitation to see and experience every moment as a gift of God.
It is to live alive to union with the Trinity.
Practices include.
*Developing a rhythm of living that brings God to mind throughout the day.
*Intentionally recollecting yourself before God as you engage in the activities and duties of life.
*Seeking to see others through God’s Eyes.
*Stopping throughout the day to listen to God.
Note: many politicos demonstrate requiring mandatory refresher courses before signing into legislation.
*Using breath prayers, centering prayer.
God Given Fruit
*Living a new way of being by letting go of ones need to manipulate, compete, and control.
*Living as though present moment has no realistic competition.
*Receiving each moment as sacred.
*Abiding in Christ so that you will ‘See’ those who drain.
*Seeing yourself through God’s eyes rather than the eyes of unethical others.
*Remaining Open and Teachable at all Moments!
*Growing in awareness of under Gods constant need of God.
In letter to Malcolm: chiefly on prayers, C.S. Lewis fundamentally wrote: We may ignore, but nowhere can we evade, the presence of God. The world is crowded with him; he walks everywhere “Incognito” yet we become so preoccupied like addicts in, to do lists – much about nothing and so overwhelmed by the pace of follies that we forget to look for Gods sightings in our day, perhaps telling many it’s time to apply your brakes – you are approaching very dangerous thoroughfares in which to navigate through.
In her book The God hunt, another good source that should be mandated as required reading of all Politicians – is a way that we keep our Souls awake to God – while under God.
God can indeed jump out at all of us, even those who believe privilege in stature hold special hides to be saved, can at any time say, “BOO, HERE I AM. The question will always be – are we paying attention?
The discipline in practicing the presence if often attached to the seventeenth-century French Monk Brother Lawrence. He longed to maintain on ongoing conversation with God which is believed coincide with many a president Reagan quote no matter what he was doing.
In the practicing of the present he said: I make it my business to rest in His {Christ’s} holy presence which I keep myself in by habitual and secret conversations with God.
Practicing the Presence is a way of living into a deeper awareness of God’s activity in our lives.
Through many “SMALL PAUSES” we begin a habit of turning our heart toward God.
In these act of ‘ATTENTION’ we express our “INTENTION” to live in UNION with Christ.
Before laws are passed and state budgets set; integrals ‘Examen’ under “Lord I am here”, Help me listen before signing off as fiduciary “Of the People”.
Concerns that cross desks become no longer ‘Held Up’ having already turned such over to God.
One may be thinking how could that ever be, simple, personal relationship with God as guidance on daily basis’s (in all affairs) literally is equipped ready to hit the floor running as real time steward/statesmen that did their homework.
Reference: Spiritual Disciplines Handbook – Practices that Transform Us.
What foundationally were reintroduced is while it is important to critically think politicians must also refrain from rendering lobbied meaninglessness that causes deaths to communities or allow formations of conglomerations that avarice general populist for exotic gains.
It is not difficult to discover in the act of avarice that the instances of various elements are redundant.
First off – scenarios’ purpose stealing in what are not normally due while ideas of avarice are implicit.
Again, I believe our late president Ronald Reagan touched upon these points as government’s first duty.
So, natural question in no excuse would be – why do these still exist and what is being done to deter?
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Indeed, life-care as grass root movement (Protests) on behalf of all vantaged Illinois seniors against States unsound concern in which questionably holds county that redundantly forensics enabled conspiracy coercion origin’d in same parties are allowed to continue to engage in fraud Motus in and of trusts as evidenced in 18th probate cases 2012 p 893 closed March 2015 and subsequent 2015 p 888 closed May 2016, Trusts as well as estate still reside to date in major deficits while well presented in document stand no apparent resolution on any horizon except a subtle hello by governor satisfies minimum recognition in traditional standards.
So, while it is hard for seniors to be jolly in a state plagued in Avarice follies one absolute favoring seniors still exists, all who recognize Christ have a friend in God as great physician that cannot be taken away who hears all woes though ordained watchmen of the wall while all else sits in sloth and modern analysis continues to have contributed little to no investigation toward prevention in privatized abuse while not of nursing homes on present much grander scales up to federal class one felonies.
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time when tides need to be turned.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony has returned for more. An ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is fiducially toward its intended not agendas of others.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: Golden goals neither include becoming walking encyclopedias in fiduciary nor self-contained, self-sufficient, preventative crime labs as trust police – babysitters.
Movement is a grass root – not for profit senior community service effort – that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance.
We thank Authors Karl Menninger, M.D – M. Scott Peck M.D And Adele Calhoun plus providing community libraries in conjunction with local ministries faith based resource center for sharing their intuitiveness as valued resource enabling the average Simpleton of educational idiot’s status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities that unethically vantage seniors into Hell’s two tiered biased kitchen in one sided injustice.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values positively passed on that ensure evolution equally enjoys the security in no other can unduly write another’s epitaph nor subsequently invoice encroached capital gains that elude justice – in Jesus Name under God.

Under situational ethics having been document denied by trustee fiduciary benefit in right of council, I am now entitled under technicality to confront all fronts standing contrary in trusts as last standing survivor declared to complete substantial collection effort in god's name.
Amount due questionably withheld could qualify once revealed as conspiracy - class one federal felony, last time I caution!
Beginning January 2017, all offenders will be pursued till eventually all due brought before God, in Jesus name in, under penance stare in which all due will face ultimate final judgement.

1 comment:

  1. The conscious can be traded with and hence the ego devices (2015 p 888) all manner of ways in which to Simplify Difficulties of its task (avarice) and to mitigate its own suffering.
    Sometimes, however, the demands of conscience are so great and so Inexorable (2012 p 893) that there are no placating them.
