Monday, December 19, 2016

Recapitulation of avarice that are not man’s best friend.

Life-care asks; while Illinois senior’s rights are commonly treated no better than movie Cool Running's - Jamaican bob sled team, should that states Governor be held generationally accountable for states professional conduct?

It has been life-cares purpose to make these points pertinent in valid retrospect.
First, destructiveness cannot all be ascribed to fate and the forces of nature, but must be in part laid at the door of man himself.
Second, destructives appear to include large amounts of paradoxical narcissism's directly contradict the American way of life under God.
Third, best theories that account for presently known states avarice factually can be found in Freud’s hypotheses of death instincts along with ancient biblical Babylon in which both common denominate various stages entrenched in psychological erotica drowned in its own greed.
Forth, avarice's extended contacts commonly extraversion the erotica of original to varying degrees purpose to neutralize seniors rights from total to almost none.
Fifth, forcible interruptions origin’d in avarice followed by irresponsible probate orders of external senior asset investor’s redundantly forensic great difficulties are experienced thereafter by order intendeds in all affairs to include discrimination in out of network tax preparers, oppression of assets toward benefit of council, and attrition of home communications as a valued resource.  
Sixth, when diffusion occurs - destructive tendencies lead and may permanently prevail to supervene in its original intent to commit avarice that vantaged privilege in order stature.
Seventh, that in those instances in which avarice impulses were overtaken partially but not completely neutralized can be attributed to ethics consciousness of shadows made favorable differences that counted.
Eighth, that in instances of avarice militants while redundant morals of God’s word in trinity can still effectively under god neutralize impulses too far precede or exceed when held up to the lights of swords in truths.
Ninth, close scrutiny of deeper avarice motives become life blood for the disadvantaged senior in hypothesis in that they appear regularly to be elements from at least two and possibly three sources.
Tenth, that avarice undoubtedly only becomes complicated by extraneous factors – social attitude personalities developed by distortants reality incidents that are not senior friendly by any definition.
Eleventh, that obvious career suicide cannot be explained by as the result of heredity, but rather symptoms of maladjustment which frequently preceded it or simply destructive tendencies first appeared long before consummations of avarice critical acts. 
Twelfth, having thus examined the operations of destructive and constructive tendencies in formulas we may proceed to examine these instances toward more successful neutralization's represented by avarice's chronic and attenuated forms of destruction in generational community for personal gains.
Reference: Man against Himself.

We now come to Step and Tradition Three in Avarice Anonymous.
Step Three; “Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over the care of God as we understood Him.”
Tradition Three; The only requirement for A. A. – two is the desire to stop committing avarice.
Between the Extremes
“The real question is whether we can learn if anything from our experiences upon which we may grow in the likeness and image of God.
“We know if we Rebel against doing that which is reasonably possible for us, then we will be penalized.
And we will be equally penalized if we presume in ourselves a perfection that simply is not there.
“Apparently, the course of relative humility and progress will have to lie somewhere between these extremes. In our slow progress away from rebellion, true perfection is doubtless several millennia away.
*Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.
*As Bill Sees It – The A.A. Way of Life.

The paradox of Entitlement

Life-care as reform movement has already explored an aspect of “Criminal Thinking” known as the psychology of writing selves in as partnered inheritor. These consortium's primarily believe fundamentally that the elitist is entitled to simultaneously break trusts and during avarice based obtainment's inherent in stature are always due something from nothing is owed them not the other way around.

Some forensic within group on the basis of superiority complex, while others demonstrate just plain old fashioned stupid selfishness, neither characteristically seem to feel they have no fiduciary responsibility in trust other than what was created to serve within.
Common denominate in all members are due “success” even when redundant at the expense of another forensic problematic neurosis of seeing other as less deserving than they often for irrelevant and insignificant reasoning’s in all trust asset affairs. 
There are numerous reasons behind this seemingly pervasive attitude of entailment that even the blind can now clearly see.
Our declaration of independence holds truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
While document constitutes a magnificent and holy vision that accurately captures the essence of human condition, at the very same time one of those nine men in Washington always talked about for his legendary honesty in which host state claims fame - state forensics not only compass to have routinely hypocritically defiled his good name , but redundantly continues to horribly mislead the nation when its senior citizens constitutional rights while blatantly violated extends no official apologies for its licensed professional misconducts resulted miscarriages in justice.
False notions of equality are the mark of pseudocommunities.
Its pretense will always fail to meet intimacy or authenticity of life on life’s terms unless propelled to achieve equality by force; frequent justice department visits speak for themselves in which require no further explanations.

Common denominate of why fiduciary vital balances continue to elude Weller than well can only equate to state having totally misinterpreted its task in the union.

The concept of human rights is central to the development of any sound system under God.
Bills of rights applaud appending U.S. constitution and generally its interpretations are carried out by states civil courts.
On the other hand state constitutions that allow pseudo-probate concerns to remain unmonitored often claim much more dubious sweeping of rights distorted in claims under declaration of independence as forensics in record of prerequisites 2012 p 893 & subsequent 2015 p 888 enabled avarice to do as it pleases.
S.A.P.P.E.D strongly supports Federal intervention in this highly overlooked area in security concern.

While boomers approach old age, seriousness of it compasses; new age attitude in obsoleteness while viewing seniors as second class citizens no longer deserving in equal rights favor their assets being  treated as expendable when serves social redistribution's unwritten economy.
How well life-cares founder knows of this to be true through redundant professional demonstrates unbecoming in and of any integral profession or institution.

Perhaps in addition no pitfall is more dangerous than the assumption that Boomers are entitled to peace in retirement having reached golden years as our parents experienced.
Although we have the right to desire it, probates current system can forsake it while no real public safeguards are in place when avarice redistributionists subtly demand benefit of families’ wealth.

Reference: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.

“Make room for the Christ, whose smile – like lightning – sets fire to the song of everlasting glory that now sleeps, in your paper Flesh – like Dynamite. – Thomas Merton.
“Genuine Spiritual Disciplines are disciples that intrude into our lives at points where we are in Bondage to something that Garbles, Debases, and Distorts the word God speaks us forth to be.” – M. Robert Mulholland.
Reference: Spiritual Disciplines handbook – Practices that Transform Us.

Indeed, life-care as grass root movement (Protests) on behalf of all vantaged Illinois seniors against States unsound concern in which questionably holds county that redundantly forensics allowances in conspiracy coercion origin’d in same parties hold Motus that continues to walk around freely to do as it pleases.

So, while it is hard for Seniors to be jolly in a state plagued in Avarice follies one absolute favoring seniors still exists; all who recognize Christ have a friend in God of the great physician who hears their woes though ordained watchmen of the wall while all else sits in sloth and modern analysis continues to contribute little to no investigation toward remissions that cease privatized system abuse.

Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time turned tides.

Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony has returned for more. An ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is fiducially toward its intended not agendas of others.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: Golden goals neither include becoming a walking encyclopedia in fiduciary nor self-contained, self-sufficient preventative crime lab as trust police - babysitter.

Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice while Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance.

We thank Doctors Karl Menninger, M.D & M. Scott Peck M.D plus A. A.’s Bill Wilson and Faith minister Adele Calhoun plus providing community library in conjunction with local ministries faith based resource center for sharing intuitiveness enabling the average Simpleton of educational idiot’s status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities that unethically vantage seniors into Hell’s two tiered biased kitchen in one sided injustice.

True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values that can be positively passed on through units that ensure evolution equally enjoys security in knowing no other can unduly write another’s epitaph under god nor subsequently encroach wealth that eludes civil justice.

1 comment:

  1. While boomers approach old age, seriousness of it compasses; new age attitude in obsoleteness while viewing seniors as second class citizens no longer deserving in equal rights favor their assets being treated as expendable when serves social redistributions unwritten economy.
    How well life-cares founder knows of this to be true through redundant professional demonstrates unbecoming in and of any integral profession or institution.
