Thursday, December 15, 2016

Welcome to seniors against problematic’s or S.A.P.P.E.D

Seniors against provocative problematic’s – educational development.
Life-care as crusader against Illinois’ inequality in senior citizenry fundamental rights – confronts boomer generations public enemy number one: the probate enabled unethical law group partnered with an unsavory guardianship corporation.
“Consider it pure Joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever we face trials of sanctioned senior injustice, because we know that the testing of our faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that we may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. “James 1:2-4
Our founding protest in objection will premise senior right violates based on the following definitions serve as charter while in demand will be our outreach seeking governmental prevention.
Avarice as defined is passion for acquiring and hoarding riches; Greed.
Sapping is to weaken or destroy gradually and insidiously; enervate; exhaust.
Global expression of faith
Pentecostals get their name from their emphasis on the events that happen on Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2. They believe that the Holy Spirit comes upon believers today as well, and that being “Baptized in the Holy Spirit” is part of the faith experience.
Pentecostals hold a special emphasis on the spiritual gift of Speaking in Tongue as a sign of someone upon whom the Holy Spirit has fallen (“Upon” = epi in the Greek).
Charismatics {which is derived from the word Charisma (Khar’- is – mah) a (Spiritual) endowment, miraculously faculty and /or gift} also believe that the manifestations of the Holy Spirit are alive and well in the Church today.
These are gifts Paul wrote about to the church in Corinth (1 Corinthians 12:4-11 and chapter 14): wisdom, words of knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, speaking in different tongues, and the interpretations of tongues.
Like Pentecostals, charismatics would also believe that a subsequent (although sometimes simultaneous) event occurs where the Holy Spirit comes upon (epi in the Greek) an individual to empower the believer for ministry by releasing the gifts.
They most often will emphasize the gift to speaking in tongues as well; however, unlike most Pentecostals, charismatics do not typically the gifts (i.e. speaking in tongues) must be active in someone’s life for them to be “born again.”
Charismatics will not usually form their own separate denomination; but rather view themselves as a “Force of Renewal” within existing.
It is not uncommon to see dramatic healing’s when praying for people.
Some may fall under the power of the holy spirit, paralyzed may become healed and the blind receive sight, while under God once again recognizes (not to be taken lightly) God will use and work though us powerfully as opportunities to represent Him present themselves.
As potential Team member, against popular anti-Christ opinion, if experiencing these things are new to you, S.A.P.P.E.D asks that you observe with an open Heart.
We have found that team members who enter with an open heart attitude experience the most life-changing experiences not only one can be proud of but last a lifetime as well.
How will members benefit; few go home frustrated that they had to observe another expression or have been in such a different environment.
Experiencing God in a different way than under God would have us believe often broadens our “Lens” and has the potential to draw us into a deeper relationship with Jesus.
Team Covenant
Short-term mission teams are extremely dynamic in nature and are designed to bring team members closer to God while making Christ known throughout the world.
Team members should be able to experience the diversity of the worldwide body of Christ, to expand their vision, and to participate in fruitful ministry that has long lasting impact.
In order for this to occur, we must agree upon how we will act – our attitudes and expectations.
If we do this, the potential is out of this world!
1) Spiritual Growth; I will be open to learn from God’s Sprit in all situations. I will have regular Bible devotion and prayer times with God before the trip and daily on the trip, because I believe that growing individually is essential to growing as a team.
2) Teamwork; I commit myself to be a team member who brings unity. I am willing to sacrifice my own agenda and personal luxuries for the sake of the team. I commit to resolve all intra-team conflicts according to biblical principles. This involves prayer as the first step, personal confrontation in Love as the next step, and the council of a Third Party, namely team leader, as a third and final resort (Mathew 19:15-17).
3) Team preparation/meetings; I commit to participating in all team meeting before, during, and after trip. Team meetings will include team devotions, team prayer, time for communicating details and plans, and time for individual relational development and training. I also commit to preparing for these team meetings – completing self-study homework and assigned reading.
4) Positive Attitude; I commit to encourage my teammates and build them up throughout our trips to include states capital in direct address to its Governor.
I will refrain from complaining. I realize that each team member will be looked upon as an example of how persons of faith should act and I will not treat this responsibility lightly!
I promise to adopt a flexible attitude and be supportive, as plans may need to be changed.
I will be a “positive “and not a “Negative” on the team.
I will come with an expectant Heart to enjoy the experience in having benefited a disenfranchised another in which age relatively was only a number in reference.
5) I will seek to be an example of the Love of Jesus to the people we meet throughout our trip(s).
This will include giving testimonies, actively participating in ministry/work opportunities, and exhibiting Christ like behavior (John 4:35 and 1 Corinthians 10:31).
I am willing to be a servant and make myself available in any type of endeavor as needed.
6) Health and Personal Risk; I commit to take full responsibility for my own health during the entire mission experience and I will prepare myself, spiritually, mentally and physically.
I commit to know my own limitations, understanding that I will not be forced to participate in an activity that I feel is out of my physical abilities.
I will take full responsibility for my own personal safety and health.
7) Leadership; I recognize that the team leader is the on placed in authority and I am willing to submit to his/her leadership both when I agree and especially when I disagree with his/her decisions (Hebrews 13:17). I understand that cross-cultural ministry can be a little tricky and that there may be several situations where I do not fully understand what is going on; it is especially during these situations that I will choose to cooperate and submit to my team leader.
8) Guest; I recognize I am an invited guest of our host ministry; therefor I will conduct myself in a way as to honor my host. I will be careful not to offend them by what I wear, do, and/or say.
I will follow Jesus’ instructions: “When you enter a town and are welcomed, eat what is set before you.” (Luke 10:18) I also acknowledge that missions look very different from states point of view in which one of the benefits of any trip can yield greater awareness in how other culture lives out their faith, benefits parent movements’ quest for reform.
9) Relationship; I agree to be sensitive in how I relate to members of the opposite sex, both on the team as well as those whom we are going to work/minster.
I will not pursue relations beyond basic friendships and I am willing to receive Honest Correction from my Team Leader and/or host if my behavior becomes inappropriate.
10) Consequences; I agree that in the event my conduct is considered so unsatisfactory that it jeopardizes the success of the trip and that if mediation during the trip has failed to correct my behavior – I will return home immediately at my own expense.
11) I agree not to use any illegal drugs or consume any alcoholic beverages while on mission trips.
I understand that if I do, I might not only be breaking the law, but might also be jeopardizing my witness and could be a stumbling block for someone (team leaders will provide further parameters/explanations regarding the consumption of alcohol based upon your host’s culture and expectations.
12) I commit to raise the necessary prayer and financial support for the trip. I understand that my payments must be made on the dates set by team leader and that my trip cost in my complete and personal responsibility. If I am unable to raise or pay the finances for my trip, cost, the organization with which I am traveling is NOT responsible for paying the amount due.
Get Ready!
We guarantee that if you are willing to step out of your “comfort zone” and serve others in whatever way is needed – God will use you in ways you could or never imagined.
Get ready to have your faith ignited as the Holy Spirit works through you to impact other People!
I will praise you, O lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples.
For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over earth. Psalm 57: 9-11
Leadership Opportunities
Ministry is the integration of our faith with Action.
It reaches out in Love and Sharing the Truth of the gospel in many ways – ultimately to draw people into their own personal relationship with Jesus.
Preparing for the ministry/work that we’ll be doing benefiting the unduly oppressed senior is one of the most important parts of team training. The more prepared we are, the more effective we will become. Opportunities to minister can arise at any time on a trip – not just at scheduled times.
“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give them the reason for the hope that you have.” 1 Peter 3:15b
Sub leader roles.
·Logistics – payments and meetings remain on schedules.
·Leg work Assignments – follows up and completes all I’s not doted and T’s none crossed.
·Closing Prayer.
It is extremely important to team that individuals remain focused in all mission affairs.
If not already doing so or perhaps areas require self-improvements, seek your teams devotional leader whose reasonability is to let you know which versus studied cohere in teams mission agenda.
By going to god every day on your own in team devotion it not only build better team member but increases fold when unified together or simply all having been on same page.
During any active mission it is import for each team member to mentally note, then journal – when time permits; pertinent exceptions either observed or experienced that can later be gathered by team devotional leaders appropriately distributed as required.
Resource reference: Mission Launch team training.
Picturing the Intentional Journey
S= sight, T=training, E=equipment, P= partners.
Key concepts
1. The journey toward Christ likeness typically involves Seven Stages or dimensions of faith developed in compass; discovering, nurturing, acting, questioning (crossing) renewing, loving.
2. While some elements of all seven stages may be present in experience wherever (S.A.P.P.E.D) is on journey, team tends to have a “Home stage” in which were camped for a reason.
3. Movements through these stages are Linear, fluid and cumulative.
4. As team progresses along the journey it carries the wealth of past stages into gains in discipleship’s.
5. As Team all journey around this circuit (and revisit past stages) numerous times, but at higher levels each time – a bit like climbing a Spiritual Staircase.
6. The stages opposite one another on the spiral share certain characteristics, but differ in terms of the health of self.
7. Progress “Spiritual Growth” on the journey comes from the Grace of God at Work in the “Steps “team takes at each stage.
Source reference: The Intentional Journey Guide.
Courage to multi-dimensional is what life- care’s grass root movement is all about in which S.A.P.P.E.D additionally proposes formation of an Avarice Anonymous charted to maintenance diseases of the American Monetary Addict.
Resolving Fear; the problem with resolving fear is it has two aspects; we shall have to try for all freedoms from fear that is possible to attain. Then we shall need to find both the courage and the grace to deal constructively with whatever fears remain.
Courage and Prudence; when fear persists, we know it for what it was and we become able to handle it, we begin to see each adversity as a God-Given Opportunity to develop the kind of Courage that is born of Humility, rather than bravado. Prudence is a workable middle ground, channel of Clear Sailing between the obstacles of fear on the one side and recklessness on the other. Prudence in practice creates a definite climate, the only climate in which harmony, effectiveness, and consistent spiritual progress as can be achieved.
The way of Strength; we need not apologize to anyone for depending upon the creator. We have good reason to disbelieve those who think spirituality if the way of weakness. For us, it is the way of strength.
The verdict of the ages is that men of faith seldom lack courage. They trust their God.
So we never apologize for our belief in him, instead, we try to let him demonstrate, through us, what He can do.
Fear no Evil; though we of Avarice anonymous find ourselves in a world characterized by destructive fears of never before in history, we see great areas of faith and tremendous aspirations toward Justice and brotherhood. Yet no profit can presume to say whether the world outcome will be Blazing Destruction or the beginning, “UNDER GOD” intention of the brightest era yet known to mankind.
Life-care is quite sure Avarices’ legions comprehend this scene.
In microcosm, founder’s state in the union is indeed entangled in identical condition of Terrifying uncertainty, each in its own way. In no sense pridefully, can any Illinois official claim what was irresponsibly done holds no fear in world’s outcomes, whichever course it may take.
This is because high ranking state officials have enabled privatized elitists to deeply feel and say, We shall fear no evils having lobbied our will, not of the lord God – be done.
Source of strength: When World War II broke out, A.A dependence is a Higher Power has it first major test. A.A.’s entered the service and were scattered all over the world.
Would they be able to take discipline, stand up under Fire, and endure the monotony and misery of War? Would the kind of dependence they had learned in A.A. carry them through?
Well it did, they had fewer alcoholic relapses or emotional binges than A.A.‘s safe at home did.
They were just as capable of endurance and valor as any other soldier.
Whether in Alaska or on the Salerno beachhead their dependence upon a Higher Power Worked,
Far from being a weakness, this dependence was their chief source of strength.
God will not desert us: a demonstration of principles inspiringly given to all is what anonymous programs are all about. It’s comforting to know that all anonymous programs have an almost unfailing record in retrospect; this is because members are so aware the God will not desert us and so it should be for the remainder of life. Certainly he does not plan to save us from all troubles and adversities, nor, in the end, does He save us from so-called death – since this is but an opening of the door into a new life, where we shall dwell among his many mansions.
Toughing these things we know have a most confident faith.
Look before you leap: wise men and women righty give a top rating to the virtue of Prudence.
They know without this important attribute little Wisdom is to be had.
Mere “Looking before the Leap” is not enough, if our looking is charged with Fear, Suspicion, or anger, we had better not have looked or acted at all.
We lose the fear of making decisions great and small, as we realize that should are choice prove wrong we can, if we will, learn from the experience. Should our decision be the Right One, we can thank God for giving us the ‘Courage’ and the Grace that caused us so to act.
Result of Prayer; as the doubter tries to process Prayer, he should begin to add up the results.
If he persists, he will almost assuredly find more serenity, more tolerance, Less Fear, and less anger.
He will acquire a ‘Quiet’ courage, the kind that isn’t tension- ridden; he can look at “failure” and ‘successes for what they really are. Problems and calamity will begin to mean his instruction, instead of his destruction. He will feel freer and saner.
The ideas that one may have been hypnotized by ‘Auto suggestions’ become laughable, sense of purpose and of direction will increase, anxieties will commence to fade, physical health improves, wonderful and unaccountable things will start to happen, twisted relations in family and outside as well improve surprisingly in which requires no rocket scientist to figure out being your no longer trying to hide or outrun your own shadow and if you stay in practices of avarice exploiting others that is exactly where you will stay till father time comes and claims its prize in which there are no exceptions.
Source Reference: As Bill Sees It – The A.A. Way of Life (selected writings of A.A.’s co-founder.
Prayer to Saint Michael
Saint Michael the Archangel, Defend us in the day of Battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the divine power of God, thrust into hell Satin and all Evil Spirits who Wander through the World Seeking to Ruin Souls, Amen.
Step One: We admitted we were ‘Powerless’ over “Avarice” that our lives have become unmanageable.
Who cares to admit complete defeat?
Admission of Powerlessness is First Step in Liberation.
Relation of humility to Ethical civility in sobriety of mental obsession plus psychical allergy is why every Avarice anonymous must hit Bottom.
Tradition One: Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends on Avarice anonymous unity.
Without unity, A.A. two dies, individual liberty, yet great unity.
Key to paradox: each A.A. two’s life depends on obedience to spiritual principles.
The group must survive or the individual will not.
Common welfare’s come first how best to live and work together as a group.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time when tides need to be turned.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic Avarice has returned for more.
An ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is fiducially toward its intended not agendas of others.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: Golden goals neither include becoming walking encyclopedias in fiduciary nor self-contained, self-sufficient, preventative crime labs as trust police – babysitters.
Movement is a grass root not for profit senior community service effort that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance.
We thank Authors Eric and Carol Hansen, Dan Mayer and Bill Wilson in conjunction with local ministry and Anonymous program faith based resource centers for sharing valued resources in intuitiveness enabling the average ‘Simpleton’ of educational “idiot’s” status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities that unethically vantage seniors into Hell’s two tiered biased kitchen in one sided injustice.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values positively passed on that ensure evolution equally enjoys the security in no other can unduly write another’s epitaph nor subsequently invoice encroached capital gains that elude justice – in Jesus Name under God.

1 comment:

  1. “Consider it pure Joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever we face trials of sanctioned senior injustice, because we know that the testing of our faith develops perseverance.
