Friday, December 2, 2016

Is New Age Spiritual malignancy the enemy of senior solvency?

It is nothing new that our nation as predator runs on greed while seniors are preferred prey of choice.
Life-care believes that boomer generations best defense against asset predators lies in the courageous application of intelligence.
When advantaging the elderly over control of their assets sign the times; it is better generation knows of  it, understands all of its manifestations that yield destructiveness from standpoints of the domineering principled and once understood, logical processes toward unified senior preservation can be accomplished.
Life-care as grass root movement is an attempt to carry forward in that direction.
Principles under God must hone in on Motus Avarice as a professional sickness that commandeers for a living and judicially secures undue gains.
Try as we may it is very difficult to conceive why a modern civilized state would entrench self with evidences of unbridled avarice lurks around every corner.
Consumption of senior assets under fixed environments appears to be the dynamic heart of America. 
Seniors daily are made to endure attritioned gametes of life from ordered administrators of Piker mentalities.
Administrators demonstrate numbness toward senior fiduciary needs while exploiting thin lines.
It is no wonder frightened seniors look wistfully to medical sciences for protections.
While millions of seniors are more or less warehoused in some shape or form in judicial socialism, their assets start out depleting slowly then rather rapidly succumbed by judicial appointments or trustees.
Their malignant powers stem from misinterpreted laws and forensics compass judicial favoritism redistributes seniors wealth as obsoletes no longer in need.
Time after time over the Years - Rivers of appointed avarice practitioners sweep away homes, family treasures while at the same with no remorse senior souls wither to administrative droughts through unsound attrition and discriminatory oppression are usual verdure of landscapes.
While these spectacular rages of Devils Advocates wreak family destruction upon many a defenseless senior additionally many already profiled by social or senior service workers lay in wait till such time system destructive inroads are Socrates lawyer deployed.
End result is throughout these miseries of no accidents, pursuits of avarice bring death and destruction in sharp, unexpected system flashes.
One would expect that in the face of these overwhelming blows at the hand of a biased system Congress would oppose steadfast destruction in a universal brotherhood of humanity as all eventually arrive.
But this is not the case; whoever studies these behaviors cannot escape the conclusion that we must recon within Socrates lawyers as enemy within the lines.
It becomes increasingly evident that political and professional narcissism cursing our land can only lead to self-destruction of a nation.
The extraordinary propensities of those with no Souls forensic having joined hands with internal forces that redundantly attack within continual existence as accustomed held no national regard in potential consequences that may subsequently occur.
Young Recruits are encouraged by official representatives of elitist left wing politicos whom contribute no taxes to mangle communities into least amount of pleasures as subsidy slaves to select hierarchy.
This is what one would see who surveyed seniors and if looked closer into lives of these individuals locked behind proverbial closed doors it could become even more puzzling but in reality really is not.
Useless wastes at another’s expense theoretically force order cluttering of driveways and already overfilled garages feed the pig of a materialistic economy.
Seniors are forced to live below basic human need necessities as sacrifices for those benefiting from order that do not expend time, trouble, or energy other than what are pitiful in oblivion over self they call life.
One could suppose this lifestyle would perplex a diplomatic visitor from a traditional country and would surely amaze to assume perhaps we all do this; want what we say - all play, little work, big returns and no consequences attached.
Our visitor becomes suddenly or perhaps gradually further disillusioned in absolute truths of those who subscribes naively to the dictum of self-preservation while first law of life is off vital balance.
Visitor becomes even more confused when they discover vast majority do not want to get well nor do solicitous politics want them to get well either.
Visitor discovers sociology is full of toxins introduced by politico imps while congress does nothing to deter.
Such observations have led to the formulation by Sigmund Freud of theories on instinct. 
According to concepts, there exist from the beginning in all of us strong propensities toward destruction and these come to fruition as actual genesis where many circumstances and factors combine to make it possible.
But the question arises: if at the heart in well known why do we struggle with it?
Investigates may logically conclude while minority consortium's may not ultimately succeed majority as whole do not desire to live under avarice.
Another word: why should a consortium wish triumph over majority desire that wants to live?
Freud makes further assumptions that life and destruction instincts let’s call the “Constructive” and “Constrictive” tendencies of personalities are in constant conflict and interaction just are similar forces in physics, chemistry, and biology. To create and destroy, to build up and tear down, these are the anabolism and katabolism of the personality, no less than of the cells and the corpuscles – the two directions in which same energies exert themselves.
What this says to all onlookers is under god no longer recognizes, trusts, nor respects god.
These forces originated in narcissism inward are outflowing’s to its citizenry of the narcissistic minded.
The intimate problems of the self, the ego, come ultimately to be directed outwardly toward other objects. This corresponds with physical growth and personality developments in only loves selves.
Equilibrium's, oftentimes very unstable, are achieved and maintained until disturbed by New Developments in the environment cause a rearrangement with perhaps a quite different outcome than desired.
On this basis we can understand how narcissism naturally escalated into what became problematic conduct in that of a narcissistic up to clinical levels.
The nature that “We the People” pay in evolution postponements based in narcissistic avarice express the resultant of this conflicting factor in which are never good news to community or family units.
On this basic we can understand why our economy drags its feet rather than brilliantly and vibrantly grows.
It is precisely for this reason that the introduction of psychoanalytic technique of investigation must afford “We the People” better understanding of avarices process through the elucidations of its details.
This helps us recognize postponements early on purchased in which violate public trust at a great cost.
It is these premises, these compromises between continual prosperity enjoyed by all or national destruction caused by a handful of stupid selfish that form the subject matter of this blog.
Life-care is an investigation, so to speak, into the high cost of living under judicial coddled consortium avarice. Unlike the mink caught in a trap, these weasels run to probate through misapplication in mental illness and deliberately so to speak take no full responsibility for self-preservative destruction's cast on others while minks accept the responsibility that comes with the territory.  
Reference: Man against Himself.
So, while it is hard for seniors to be jolly in systems plagued in Avarice follies, all who still recognize Christ have a friend under God that cannot be taken away by any mere mortal human being.
Carl Jung ascribed the Root of Human Evil to “The Refusal to meet the Shadow” by “the shadow” Jung meant the part of minds contains those things would rather no own up to that are continually trying to hide form ourselves and others swept under Rugs of Consciousness.
Fact: no politico walks around so unhealthy that they are not at least slightly conscious.
Why do many still view scenarios as new when in reality are very old in static concepts – simple, once doors are opened to modern everything within become new to those never required to live, whiteness nor contend with it benefiting another in need, more the reason why easily influenced adolescents at helm steerage need to be directly under experienced master statesmen’s supervision and guidance.
We already have more than enough Devils advocates than known what to do with let alone put down so why produce more we cannot afford passed to future generations forever cursing 2016 as most immoral bastards of the century? 
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time turned tides.           
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony has returned for more.
An ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is fiducially toward its intended not agendas of others.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: Golden goals neither include becoming walking encyclopedias in fiduciary properness nor self-contained self-sufficient preventative crime labs as trust police babysitters.
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance.
Although that is the way of some worlds does not have to be another's Under God.
We thank Author Karl Menninger, M.D plus providing community library in conjunction with local faith based resource center for sharing intuitiveness as valued resource enables the average Simpleton of educational idiot’s status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities that unethically vantage seniors into Hell’s two tiered biased kitchen of one sided injustice.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values positively passed on that ensure evolution equally enjoys the security in no other can unduly write another’s epitaph nor subsequently invoice encroached capital gains that elude justice - in Jesus Name under God.

1 comment:

  1. Principles under God must hone in on "Motus" Avarice as a professional sickness that commandeers for a living undue gains.
