Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Does American Malingering based in Avarice hold no professional shame?

Malingering has quite evidently puzzled, irritated, and distressed clinicians for centuries.
For a long time there was not a clear distinction in the minds of physicians between malingerers and neurotics, and perhaps there are still those who think of neurotics as deliberate fakers.
To the extent that the neurotic person consciously makes use of the secondary gains of his illness, he is of course a malingerer, and to just the extent that he is conscious of this does the neurotic patient deserve to share in the opprobrium that attaches to malingering.
Life-care studies when a guardianship corporation resigns as trustee why they malinger through extensions in retrospect concerning substantial tax refunds of federal class on felony calipers.
Malingering holds psychological distinctions between what is conscious and what is unconscious. 
First off only the morally insane would agree filing for tax extensions bearing substantial refunds while in resignation mode to be ethically proper.
This now presents potential of having recruited bank as partnered successor malingerer.
For in exploiting or capitalizing the secondary gain avarice patients necessarily thwarts and deceives the physicians and others whose interests run counter to their necessity for continuing in illness.
This would account and confirm why a successor only will commit to Hearsay.
While governor and his commission of professional standards have been well document advised, state inactions would suggest Illinois’ seniors when displaced in order are consciously placed in predicaments to fight their own overwhelming white collar avarice battles.
Such now suggests additional malingering of state government perhaps caught in unexpected shadows either as industry sympathizer, unwritten participant, or both? 
This becomes clear if one reads in a detachment and impassive way almost any account of malingering in medical literature.
In comprehensive monograph on the subject, for example, Jones and Llewellyn returned time after time to the moral obliquity of the malingerers - Knavery, rascality, and unscrupulousness. Many pages of their book, as well as many of the articles that appear in medical literature are devoted to the technique of distinguishing deception in disease.
The moral attitudes of condemnation follow naturally form the assumption that the immediate and sole purpose of the simulation is material gain.
The medical scientist is fairly entitled to Judge as to whether or not a given condition such as malingering avarice is injurious to society; he is justified, as example, in quarantining, but to decide as the morality of illness are rarely physician’s function.
The state scientist who becomes disenfranchised with subjects during valid investigation is to that extent no longer scientific, so how then can the average citizen accurately interpret curious attitudes in the way in which financial institutions, senior law Lawyers or privatized guardianship employers discuss such cases? 
The first explanation lies in the widespread fallacy of assuming the conscious motives can be regarded as explanatory in human behavior. In this lost sight are those accustomed to dealing with physiologic functions over which the conscious intention has minimum authority to the analysis of behavior.
Behavior cannot be understood in terms of conscience intention alone; unless one considers the unconscious motives which determine an act one cannot understand the significance of the act to the actor.
Moreover, a second reason exists, intuitive finders in facts grasp one of the unconscious motives of malingering without clearly perceiving it as such; reacts to it emotionally. 
An example would be when a corporation escaped fiduciary responsibility through probate resignation held subsequent objected successor order additionally attempts though conspiracy malingering obtainment of trust money that is reprehensible from the standpoints of society at large.
This now brings us to the lawyer whose shoe pinches because malingering’s now involves law group itself in which administrative head can be held directly accountable for all past, present, and future affairs.
Consortium thus forensic multidimensional levels in Motus were to deceive trust beneficiary to perplex, perhaps overtax his diagnostic acumen of his therapeutic efforts.
What missed the boat here is how mounting concern of the ingenious clinician, puzzled at the reoccurring exacerbations of wounds, gave place to suspicions or a sense of triumph over having exposed the meretriciousness of consortium contrary to order.
Clinician has described though documentaries sometimes sharply worded which clearly indicate intuitiveness that one of the motives was avarice for asset gain while consortiums unconscious wished to fool the clinician and , coincidentally , made bid for due punishments.
What additionally were well established throughout documentaries were militant arrogances that of clinical Narcissistic whose narcissism began evidencing subtly announced - clinician has got to yield; we never will.
Such a competition with the clinician takes this specific form: Consortium may be wise and highly regarded but now you have met your match. I will show you that you cannot own me as accustomed to do what you like nor as pleases.
From this, one can hazard the assumption that 2015 p 888 is continuance of 2012 p 893 in which the original acts of consortium malingering’s aided by probate will once again chiefly serve a provocative aggression against a disadvantaged senior and his property.
Reference: Man against Himself.
Demon Dance
What all of the above talks about can be best summed up as simply practices of the Stupid selfish.
Characteristic of stupid selfishness is totally inability to discern between that which is self-destructive and that which is self-constructive.
So while selfishness is never a simple matter in addition it cannot be accurately perceived through simplistic thought  processes.
Character histories forensically examined will always compass stupid selfishness primarily redundantly attempted to avoid all self-created pains in own doing.
Life-cares preferred word for “constructive” versus unconstructive are respectively “Existential” or neurotic.
Existential suffering is an inherent part of existence that cannot be legitimately avoided – the suffering that is associated with undue loss combined with giving up of personal freedoms. Neurotic suffering on the other hand forensic emotionalists while not inherent in existence became reflex unconstructive in order to avoid due pain of own makings.
It is well known when one thinks simplicity concerning consequences those choices make you.
One of the basic choices made if life is whether to follow the path of Smart selfishness or try to avoid under the law allows through misinterpreted misapplication problems that naturally occur within the paths of stupid selfishness. This now brings up senior defense tactic in how important it is to know what you’re getting yourself involved with before retaining professional law groups or privatized guardian corporations within none friendly senior state. 
The alternative – not to meet the demands of state life on life’s terms means seniors will end up losing more often than not within counties that skirt its problems rather than meeting them head on.
How well Life-care founder and deceased mother know of this to be Truth.
Reference: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Avarice Anonymous recommends host State begins practicing the presence of step and tradition five in which reform started at the top.
Step Five: “Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrong.”
Twelve steps deflate ‘Ego’, five is the difficult but necessary to “Weller than well” and senior peace of mind. Confession is an ancient discipline, without fearless admission of defects few rarely resist avarice.
What do seniors receive form state having performed a conscious step five, the beginnings of true kinship with politicians under god.
Seniors will experience loss of sense in isolation within knowing humility was integrally relearned having gained honesty about themselves required complete honesty and remission of inner circle retaliations.
Tradition Five: “Each group’s first duty has only one primarily purpose - to carry out integral justice and protect its senior citizens having been unethically victimized.
Mission statement: better to do one thing well than many badly.
State life is highly dependent on this principle.
The ability of each authoritative politician to identify themselves with avarice and bring recovery as recognition gift from under god voluntarily shows appreciation in passing on of gifts to its general populists (to include seniors) is states one aim. Remission’d can’t keep blessing unless gives it away!
Free of dependence
Life-care asked itself, why can’t the twelve steps additionally free seniors from this unbearable depression of state avarice?
By the hour founder stared at the St. Francis prayer; it’s better to comfort than be comforted.
Suddenly I realized basic flaw had always been dependence on people and circumstances to supply prestige, security, and confidence. Failing to get these things according to perfectionist dreams and specifications are what defeat into depression.
Reinforced by what grace I could find in prayer, essential was discovered that seniors have to exert every ounce of will and action to cut off these faulty emotional dependencies upon people and circumstances. Then only could one be free to love as Francis had loved.
Reference: As Bill Sees It – The A.A. Way of Life and Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.
Lost In The Rhythm
“Our desire to know more, read more and study more can be another expression of our culture and its acquisition nature. Knowing God, not knowing more is the goal.” – Richard Rohr.
Definition: Devotional reading or hearing of scriptures requires an open, reflective, listening posture alert to the voice of God. This type of reading is aimed more at growing a relationship with God than gathering information about God.
God Given Fruit
  • Dwelling in the text until it begins to live in and master you.
  • Responding to God’s word with your Heart and spirit; not just rational, cognitive and intellectual prowess.
  • Having Scripture guide your dialogue with God.
A growing receptivity and submission to God’s word.
We understand what wind is by feeling it blowing in our face.
We know what snow is like when we make a snowball or watch snowflakes collect on our mittens.
This kind of knowing transcends into ‘Intellect’; it is direct, sensate, and experimental.
Devotional reading, or ‘Lectio divina’, invites us to this kind of knowing. It is the kind of knowing for which Paul prayed when he said,
I pray that you, being rooted and established in Love, may have power, together with the Saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:19-19. Emphasis added).
The first 1,500 years of the church were characterized by the practice of ‘Lectio divina’.
Since many people were illiterate and many that could read didn’t have Bibles, lectio divina offered a way to attend to scripture as it was read in the church, with an Ear to Hearing a word from God.
Some brief and memorable word or phrase became ‘Bread for the Soul’ throughout the week.
Devotional reading is not an exercise in ‘Mentality Critiquing’ or exe-getting the text.
Lectio Divina invites us into God’s presence to ‘Listen’ for his particular; loving word to one at this particular moment in time.
In lectio divina one listen’s to the word as it is read out loud, or you read the text out loud for yourself.
Devotional reading of Scripture is rooted in the ‘Assurance’ that every part of the biblical story – letters, parables, gospels, Prophets, History - is inspired and “And Can Give Voice to God’s Particular Word To Us”.
*We will also note that the following fundamentals have proven as great additional aide when we aren’t saints – applied (can’t be bothered) while one desired bad enough to maintain as Anonymous program success.* remember, there are always spiritual advisors ready to listen and help as alternative.
Devotional reading was traditionally made up in five moments:
1. Silencio – quite preparation of the Heart, come into God’s presence, slow down, relax, and intentionally release the chaos and noise in your mind to him.
2. Lectio – read the word, read a scripture passage slowly and out load, lingering over the words so that they resonate in our heart, when a word of phrase catches your attention, don’t keep reading, stop and attend to what God is saying to you. Be open to the word, don’t analyze it or Judge it, simply listen and wait.
3. Mediatio – meditate, read the scripture a second time out loud, “Savor” the words, listen for any invitation that God is extending to you in his word. Reflect on the importance of the words that light up to you. Like Mary, who pondered the word in her heart, gently explored the ramifications of God’s invitation.
4. Oratio – respond, pray, read the scripture a third time, now is the moment to enter into a personal dialogue with God. There Is No Right Or Wrong Way To Do This! The important thing is to respond ‘Truthfully’ and “Authentically”. What feelings has the text aroused in you?
Name where you resisted or wanted to push back become aware where you feel invited into a deeper way of being with God. Talk to God about those feelings.
5. CONTEMPLATIO – Contemplate rest and wait in the presence of God, allow some time for the ‘Word’ to sink deeply into your “Soul”.
Yield and surrender yourself to God, before you leave, you might consider a reminder that can help you dwell on or incarnate this word Throughout the Day.
Personally life-care founder has found through the power of Music consciously selected, not only is one basically provided but fulfills all any may ever require.
Reference: Spiritual Disciplines Handbook – Practices That Transform Us.
Chambermaid Swing.
From such evidences a reader can adduce those vulnerable seniors as victims are routinely forced to accept illustrated forms of unethical professional fates in which glorified its own avarice.
Forensic sciences are the tools that will show boomers the ways to constructively remission profiled unsavoriness that redundantly sought undue exotic compensation for its avarice.
A discipline of the body is the window of that soul’s customary indulgence and from these forms of asceticism as fiduciary which destroyed or neglect another are the keys in claim toward entirety that can fulfill beyond any reasonable doubts what was been present all along now requires court supervision, industry expulsion, or criminal punishment.
It’s not hard to understand why average citizens no longer know who to trust and what to believe.
Fact: Truths alone against fashionable opinion still hold staying Power in the new millennium.
Lies, which substitute realities, are commonly built on foundations of sand that cannot withstand formidable storms destined to be easily blown away.
Jesus says the truth begins in small things.
How well life-cares grass root movement founder knows of this to be true.
Indeed, life-care as grass root movement (Protests) on behalf of all vantaged Illinois seniors against States unsound concern in which questionably holds county that redundantly forensics allowances in conspiracy coercion origin’d in same parties hold Motus that continues to walk around freely to do as it pleases.
So, while it is hard for Seniors to be jolly in a state plagued in Avarice follies one absolute favoring seniors still exists; all who recognize Christ have a friend in God of the great physician who hears their woes though ordained watchmen of the wall while all else sits in sloth and modern analysis continues to contribute little to no investigation toward remissions that cease privatized system abuse.
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time turned tides.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony has returned for more. An ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is fiducially toward its intended not agendas of others.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: Golden goals neither include becoming a walking encyclopedia in fiduciary nor self-contained, self-sufficient preventative crime lab as trust police - babysitter.
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice while Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance.
These white collar criminals are definitely out of their minds if they think they will get away with my dime.
We thank Doctors Karl Menninger, M.D & M. Scott Peck M.D plus A. A.’s Bill Wilson and Faith minister Adele Calhoun plus providing community library in conjunction with local ministries faith based resource center for sharing intuitiveness enabling the average Simpleton of educational idiot’s status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities that unethically vantage seniors into Hell’s two tiered biased kitchen in one sided injustice.
Love is converting.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values that can be positively passed on through units that ensure evolution equally enjoys security in knowing no other can unduly write another’s epitaph under god nor subsequently encroach wealth that eludes civil justice.

1 comment:

  1. Forensic sciences are the tools that will show boomers the ways to constructively remission profiled unsavoriness that redundantly sought undue exotic compensation for its avarice.

    A discipline of the body is the window of that soul’s customary indulgence and from these forms of asceticism as fiduciary which destroyed or neglect another are the keys in claim toward entirety that can fulfill beyond any reasonable doubts what was been present all along now requires court supervision, industry expulsion, or criminal punishment.
