Friday, December 9, 2016

Is intentional stalling in which directly increases overall group gross a form of criminal invoice extortion?

It is not difficult to discover in the act of avarice that the instances of various elements are redundant. 
First of all it’s stealing within what is not normally due while ideas of avarice are implicit. 
We know the motives for avarice vary enormously and so do the motives for extortion which is quite another matter. 
For since in avarice there is a self that submits to extort and would appear to be desirous of doing so, we must seek the motives of this strange submission in which vantages status in order. 
If the reader will picture to himself a probate battlefield scene, in which wounded seniors of avarice are suffering greatly while begging that someone in integrity must fiducially remove them from improper undue misery, they would readily recognize that feelings of the unethical avarice profiteer would differ. 
In many such cases it is quite apparent that element of layering would be stronger than other. 
King Saul’s and Brutus’ beseech their armor bearers to financially slay seniors into Medicaid ahead of ordained times. 
Finally, probably no probate order can be truly consummated unless – in addition to senior having wished to be appointment avarice’d subsequently desired to be placed on Medicaid ahead of their time. Paradoxically, those who do not subscribe nor care level no longer fits into appointments asset extraction expectations are commonly avarice economized while calculatedly attritioned accordingly. Rarely in either case do ordered intended survive past six months of neglect and pharmacology abuse. 
So, now having passed which came as no real surprise - probate commonly has already set up its appointed to remain as either executor of will or trust estate trustee. 
Vantage point in order now presents highly lucrative closed system environment now free of unwanted partners and subsequent expenditures can now not only pay selves schemed exotic fees but redistribution to passaged intended minus expectant gross invoice potentials equivalent to Pawn Broker payouts that can go on for years and in the end at best yield about 1/3 of total sum legally due I which by foundation fundamentals sanctioned racketeering. 
Every boomer beneficiary or legacy recipient in spite of obvious system attacks and in spite of county corruption is expectant to eagerly surrender to its soldiers of fortune accustomed process.
Many attorneys have labored in probate to no avail of their clients who beg them to save what is due. 
The fact that Governors allow ordinary citizen estates to be theoretically inner circled murdered leads the practical- minded individual to think; is justice only luxury of states elitist, highest campaign contributors or both situational apply? 
The illustration just given is only one of many indications that closed systems do indeed murder ordinary citizen personal assets that entail factors of sanctioned privatized avarice requires John Q. Publics to surrender one’s life and happiness. 
A more complete discussion of these elements will come later.
For the present time it is sufficient to make the point that in asset homicides the wish to avarice another may or may not be present to quite a variable degree, plus also the wishes mentioned. 
To summarize, then, privatized asset homicide must be regarded as a peculiar kind of death which entails there elements: The element of dying, the element of killing and the element of being killed. 
Each of these requires separate analysis.
Each is an act for which exist Motives, Unconscious and conscious. 
The latter are usually evident enough; the unconscious motives are now to be our chief consideration. 
Destructive instincts slumber within the heart of narcissistic consortiums. 
Problematic avarice characteristically will forensic: an act of stupid selfishness crossed over fiduciary lines held cowardly narcissistic whose narcissism of the devil himself refused to meet its pain or shadow. 
Experiments by behaviorist psychologists and observations by child-analysts have made it clear and beyond doubt that thwarting or a threat of it arouse intense resentment and protest in youngest babies. 
We need no explanation to show that this is also true of adults. 
The disturbance of prenatal comforts by the violent act of birth is the first of such thwarting’s. 
More concretely apparent are the reactions of the child (18th judicial 2015 p 888) to the approach of a rival and the threat of deprival (18th judicial 2012 p 893) of satisfaction such as nursing. 
Love Is Kinda Crazy With A Spooky Little Girl
Such threats vigorously defended by attack (2015 p 888) promptly bring out (the previously self-absorbed 2012 p 893) aggressive impulses. 
In essence the object of the attack is the destruction of the intruder. 
Connected with it are feelings of resentment toward educational level of “idiot” statured could reality through agency assistance what were fiducially exception’d can bring about and result in consequences experienced through redundancy of infantile. 
Its net result attempted to narcissistically eliminate all of its fiduciary insecurities through unethical motion having petitioned probate to more or less to coddle misapplication having ordered county guardian or bank of choice remissions deprival of entitlement, the object of fear. 
Again, what stupid selfishness fails to critically think is by refusal to extend not meeting its shadow there may be subsequent consequences truly to be feared arising in other quarters. 
Eliminating, driving away, disposing of, annihilating are all euphemistic synonyms of destroying.
Such wishes represent in the more specialized practical language of the civilized adult simply the wish to kill not in its pleasurable, sadistic aspects but in its primitive self-defensive purposes. 
Ordinarily, of course, except in the uncivilized society of Savages, Criminals, and Psychotics, this wish is inhibited.
It is inhibited by numerous factors, external and internal, in which life-care will discuss in detail later. 
The most powerful of neutralizing impulse which likewise springs from its instinctual life are consortium based Avarice. 
The aggressions become softened by the admixture of feelings; to hate turns more or less completeness to its love. Intruder turns out not to be such a bad fellow after all, worth trading with or joining hands. 
Readers can think of many examples of this: the Greeks and the Romans, the Saxons and Normans, the American Indians and the Colonists, and scores of personal examples of the avowed enemy become warn friend. 
It does not always happen; if it did life-care blog would not exist against organized senior financial exploitation. 
Sometimes consortium critical thinking having entangled in the unethical while enmeshed in the immoral can never realistically maintain its head above water very long. 
This principle is one pointed out by Freud, namely, that hostility usually leads to the way to the contact of new objects, which the warn covering of love then gradually invests like vegetation progressively blanketing a stony hillside. 
When destructive impulse (the wish to problematically Avarice seniors) however directed become sufficiently neutralized as to disappear behind the evidences of positive constructive resolve , the results are no longer destructive but rather reflect constructive creation, the making of Life rather than the taking away, this is what life-care as Illinois senior protest movement is all about – sufficiently neutralizing privatized ability to unsoundly avarice vulnerable seniors though closed system corruption that coddles corporate or LLC schemes that not only fleece seniors, public assistance, Social Security and the like. 
Reference: Man against Man. 
Criminal minded narcissism can become a plague of National Security concern when left untreated. 
Life-care has previously spoken of the dangers involved in adult Narcissism.
As a thinking disorder they generally are so self- centered that they abuse systems and others in order to accommodate their unsound desires. 
Fundamental to these are inability to learn and come to terms that the world does not simply revolve to accommodate individuals. 
A Potential clinical Narcissistic will commonly forensic its inability to think about people are more than just objects that can be conquered in which fulfill whatever desire the elitist believes to be entitled too. 
Given the tenaciousness of unbridled narcissism while its subtleness can become quite penetrating abroad, “We the People” must continue to Hack Away at them day by day, week after week, month after month, year after year if expectant as nation to achieve benefits standing Vitally Balanced.
Being good against new age popular opinion until congress mandates no longer under God still means being considerate in the great rule of goodness in which all American laws are ethically foundation’d “Do unto others as would you have then do unto you.”
Politico thinking these days reflect to be contrary of observance in document those Nine Men in Washington are always talking about. 
Illinois Forensics compass while exquisitely polite – but not yet Wise, many currently operate under narcissistic assumption vehicle’d by state government that all others not like us are misguided thus require ordered management for their own good. 
So in order for this state to grow out of its blatant narcissism worthy in union it requires demonstrates by Governors through willingness to voluntarily as statesmen step up to the plates of collaboration in which ‘We the People” labor together with Wits as well as Braun end left wing unsoundness. 
Reference: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety. 
Disobedience and defeat 
Judges 1:18 – Whenever the Lord raised up a Judge for them (the people), he was with the Judge and Saved them out of the hands of their Enemies as long as the judge himself lived; for the lord had compassion on them as they groaned under those who “Oppressed” and afflicted them. 
Judges 1:20 – Therefor the Lord was very angry with Israel (having allowed Illinois County under question) and said, “Because this nation has violated the ‘Covenant’ that I laid down for their forefathers and has not listened to me, I will no longer drive out before them any of the nation’s Joshua (western suburb Seniors) left when he died. I will use them to test Israel (State) and see wither they will keep the way of the Lord and walk in it as their forefathers did. 
Reference: Holy Bible – New International Version. 
“Grace only exits where someone is paying the price, not where Error is overlooked.” – Udo Middleman. 
Reflection questions
1. Where does concern for the injustices of seniors fit into your thoughts and life? 
2. What is your general reaction to volunteering time to causes in your community that serve the   oppressed senior having been crass economized without due cause. 
3. What is it like for you to be treated unfairly? What differences can you make? 
Life-care wonders while senior justice is so far out of reach why other boomers are not concerned? 
As generation next up to bat, justice is something that cannot be taken for granted while openly avarice’d. (Micah 6:8) simply states to act justly and to walk humbly under God. 
Verse foundations premise would be “of the people” in unity having fought Oppression with Legal Protection, dangers with safety, poverty with help, and chaos with order. 
Basically as respected force under our savior’s instruction as great physician; we as last stand in body under god are tasked by the Trinity to grieve over senior injustice and oppressions having benefited privatized avarice, courageously, having utilized our experience, gifts and talents, oppose the results of the fallen like our fathers did selflessly for us; protect the family unit and preserve freedom toward “Weller than Well” evolution for generations to come. 
Truth and Holiness are always matters of Substance, Not Appearance!
Issues of Justice “Consistently” of Real and substantive resources: money, time, opportunities, goods and services. 
The Christian life is Not a Game WHERE THE ONE WITH THE MOST TOYS WINS!
We are “Stewards” of what God has given us, God holds us “Responsible” for what we do with what we have. 
Followers of Jesus are to share their resources and Work against the Evil that {ROBES} the nation of God’s care and Love. Lifestyles and Choices that Love and Value People more than Things is the Litmus test of faith Under God. 
One reminder of ultimate truth in servitude QUALITY under God can be accurately measured when demonstrated reflect Statesmen not public prophetic demands in “GET OVER YOURSELF!”
Spiritual exercises
  • Become more Aware of Justice Issues in your Community through Fact-Finding excursions. 
  • Take a Vietnam Veteran with you as experienced Shepard under extreme Hostile environments. 
  • Research what kinds of needs are represented by varied senior organizations fit excursion. 
  • Go on short-term mission trips; expose yourself to those in great need fallen to injustice. 
  • Begin reading about current senior justice issues; sigh up for weekly internal E mail updates. 
  • Consider your responsibilities not only to god, but under god as US citizen’s Civic duty. 
Start a group that discerns media and newspaper concerns that are open to what God wants. 
In conclusion we can never outgrow the need for profits as “watchmen of the wall” who remind us of “The Great Requirement”, to continually search our hearts and see where agenda’s made first may become part of the problem that make us worse instead of better. 
Reference: Spiritual Disciplines Handbook – Practices that Transform Us. 
Is Avarice a mental disorder or crudity of the criminal minded?
Avarice, according to these, is the simple and logical consequence of having been involved with Ill health’s that reverse financial as an unrequited love. 
What imply dually suggests is while it’s ok some of the time it’s still unethical when redundancy toward one party is concurrently done all the time. 
The analysis of privatized avarice might be simmered down to formula: Greed is an escape from an intolerable narcissism. If the situation be an external, visible one, the avarice is cowardly; if the struggle be an internal, invisible one, the avarice is crazy.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Most common criminal thinking patterns are no so much convoluted as simplistic and one-dimensional. 
Lacks in perspectives about time, generally characterize themselves having lived primarily in the present, without investing in the future or taking into account the consequences of one’s actions.
Those with extreme sense of entitlement are able to justify Violating Other People or their Property without regard to their Rights.
Innumerable illustrations from history records and Bibles could be marshalled to show that for some persons no reality, however terrible, is unbearable.
Like Job and later Jesus neither allowed the World’s values to shape their lives, both embraced their Humanness and staked all remaining on being God’s beloved whether or not any one responded.
A physicians cure: under God ignores national fixation of attachment in comfort identity associated with corporate drives of all spoils must be controlled places more emphasis on importance in achievements must spent the bulk of their time, money and resources in producing mature independent sound Statesperson rather than destructive mechanized robots - criminally origin’d.
Every calendar day somewhere in the United States a subsequent senior is blatantly avarice violated to include disrespect in trust property while States fiducially accountable totally disregard their apparent fiduciary layered probate appointed guardians/trustees plus unethical Socrates Lawyer Barr association members acting as ambassador/officer extension reflective of the integrity of that court- with no regard. 
Indeed, life-care as grass root movement (Protests) on behalf of all vantaged Illinois seniors against States unsound Government in concern in which forensic coercion in conspiracy to defraud Trusts though court sanctified Crass Economics having recorded not only abuses county system for questionable purposes but perjures as well while violating civil rights of class action calipers. 
So, while it is hard for seniors to be jolly in systems plagued in Avarice follies, all who still recognize Christ have a friend under God that cannot be taken away by man and as great physician he hears your woes and though ordained watchmen of the wall you will be defended while all else sits in sloth and modern analysis continues to scratch their heads having contributed little to no investigation toward prevention of senior privatized abuse not of nursing homes. 
Only two reasons can ever exist within topic of unsound avarice either one is not follower of the law under god in violate of community convent or many still view scenarios as new when in reality are very old in static concepts – simply put, once doors are opened to modern everything within become new to those never required to live, whiteness nor contend with it benefitting another in need, more the reason why easily influenced adolescents at helm steerage need to be directly under experienced master statesmen’s supervision and guidance.
We already have more than enough Devils advocates than known what to do with let alone put down so why produce selfishly more than can be afford or worse yet pass the buck having demonstrated stupid selfishness to future generations forever cursing 2016 as the most immoral bastards of the century? 
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time turned tides.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony has returned for more. An ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is fiducially toward its intended not agendas of others.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: Golden goals neither include becoming walking encyclopedias in fiduciary properness nor self-contained self-sufficient preventative crime labs as trust police babysitters.
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications. 
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance. 
We are strong in which we hear all that beg Gimme Shelter.
We thank Authors Karl Menninger, M.D – M. Scott Peck M.D And Adele Calhoun plus providing community libraries in conjunction with local ministries faith based resource center for sharing their intuitiveness as valued resource enabling the average Simpleton of educational idiot’s status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities that unethically vantage seniors into Hell’s two tiered biased kitchen in one sided injustice. 
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values positively passed on that ensure evolution equally enjoys the security in no other can unduly write another’s epitaph nor subsequently invoice encroached capital gains that elude justice - in Jesus Name under God.  

1 comment:

  1. Many attorneys have labored in probate to no avail of their clients who beg them to save what is due.
    The fact that Governors allow ordinary citizen estates to be theoretically inner circled murdered leads the practical- minded individual to think; is justice only luxury of states elitist, highest campaign contributors or both situational apply?
